Chapter 16: Healing

My Twelve Knights in Shining Armour

The second you stepped inside your apartment the next day when you were back from school, you were met by Sehun and his pouting.

“Julia, I’m hungry.” He whined with his lower lip slightly out. You looked towards the kitchen. “Well, isn’t Kyungsoo going to cook?” you asked as you took of your shoes.

“He burnt the kitchen.” Sehun stated. “WHAT!?” you screamed with round eyes.

“It was not me! Blame fire boy!” you heard Kyungsoo yell right before he stuck his head out of the kitchen. 

“Oh my God, how bad is it?!” you exclaimed worriedly as you hurried inside the kitchen.

“It’s not too bad, Aquaman was there before it was too late.” Tao said next to you.

“What? Aquaman was here?” you asked with wide eyes until you realized they were talking about Suho. You stared at the stove that had gone black and so had the light-yellow brick wall above it.

“Aish, I can’t believe this.” You face palmed yourself. You were already tired after the long day in school with annoying teachers and annoying assignment and annoying classmates. 

“It’s okay Julia, we’ll fix it.” Xiumin comforted you with a pat on your shoulder. You eyed him. “Promise?” you asked. Before he could answer you asked next question. “How?” you narrowed your eyes. 

“Don’t worry, we’ll take care of it.” Xiumin promised and you decided it was the most comfortable to just believe him for now.

“But we need to eat.” You heard someone squeak from next to you and you turned your head to see Sehun.

“Yeah I know.” You sighed, trying to come up with an idea. “Should we just eat takeout?”

“What’s that?” Luhan asked.

“It’s finished food that we just go and pick up at some restaurant.” You explained tiredly.

“Yeah, let’s do that. Sounds good.” Suho nodded.

“I can go get it.” Xiumin offered. You glared at him. “You? So that I have to run around town and look for you again?” you asked and Xiumin looked down in slight shame. “No thanks, I’ll go get it myself.” You said, walking over to the fridge and eyed the different cards from takeout restaurants in the neighborhood.   

“Don’t you need help to carry it though?” Chen asked. You looked at him as you picked out a card for a good yet cheap Chinese restaurant. “Yeah, yeah fine.” You mumbled as you started to dial the number on your cell.     

“Then who will go? I want to!” Chanyeol exclaimed. “I think you’ve done enough helping today.” You stated with a mutter as you nodded towards the stove and Chanyeol grew quiet. 

While you ordered over the phone, the aliens played a weird game of rock, paper, scissor and in the end, Baekhyun and Lay went with you to the restaurant.   


“Hi, we ordered the 12 dish special.” you greeted the young, beautiful lady behind the counter who nodded and smiled as she clicked something in on the screen in front of her.  

While waiting for the food, you sat down on one of the chairs closest to the counter and looked through some old gossip magazine. Lay came and sat down next to you and after a couple of minutes you noticed that Baekhyun didn’t join you. You looked up and saw him still standing by the counter, talking to the girl behind it.    

You listened to their conversation.  

“I really like your glasses.” Baekhyun said and made the girl blush slightly. “They make your beautiful eyes look even more beautiful.” Baekhyun continued with a slight smirk.

You gaped at his words. He was here to be YOUR soul mate, yet he never said those things to you.  

“Close your mouth.” Lay whispered to you and so you did. Soon your food was done and you got up to pay.

“Thank you so much and welcome back.” The girl smiled at you once you had paid. “Oh I hope we’ll be back.” Baekhyun gave her one last smile before you practically pushed him out of the restaurant.

“What?” He asked once you were outside.   

“Oh nothing, I just thought we should hurry back before the food got cold.” you lied without looking at him. You heard Lay snicker slightly next to you but ignored him. 

“Julia… You don’t happen to be jealous…?” Baekhyun asked, trying to catch your eyes. “No.” you answered simply. I wasn’t.    

“Okay so, do you want me to carry that bag for you?” He asked and reached for one of the bags you were carrying. “No, go ask your girlfriend if she needs help carrying anything instead.” you muttered as you held the bag out of reaching distance for Baekhyun.     

Both Lay and Baekhyun snickered. “Don’t be jealous~” Baekhyun sang as he tried to walk closer to you. “I’m NOT jealous. I just don’t understand why you were flirting with that girl when you’re here on Earth on a mission. And that mission is to be MY soul mate.” You said, realizing how silly you sounded.   

“Don’t worry Julia. You know I only have eyes for you.” Baekhyun reached out and ruffled your hair but you pushed his hand off.     

As you and Baekhyun ‘argued’ Lay thought he heard someone cry. “Wait.” He said and made both you and Baekhyun not just stop talking but also stop walking. 

“What is it?” You furrowed your eyebrows. “Can’t you hear?” Lay asked.

“Is someone crying?” Baekhyun asked. You still couldn’t hear anything and the three of you walked closer and as you turned a corner you saw a little boy, probably just about 7 years old, sitting by the sidewalk with some kind of furry lump in front of him. Now on a closer distance, even you, who only had a human’s ears after all, could hear the boy crying. 

You walked even closer and soon, you saw that the furry lump on the ground was a medium small dog, lying lifeless in front of the little boy. The boy looked up at the three of you with tears blurring his vision.      

“What has happened?” You asked, immediately worried as you kneeled down and put away the bags of food. 

“He*cry*he got hit *cry* by a car.” The little boy sniffled. “Oh my…” was all you were able to say. “Where’s your parents?” you asked.   

“They’re not home.” The boy cried. “Mickey! Mickey!” he called and shook the lifeless dog. You looked at him with pity and felt your own tears starting to fall. The little boy began crying for real and bent down as he buried his face in the dog’s fur.    

“What should we do?” you asked Baekhyun and Lay. You couldn’t just leave the boy or the dog here, but the dog was most definitely dead, there was no point in taking him to a vet.

“I can save him…” Lay whispered in your ear. You turned to look at him. “What…?” “I can heal the dog.” Lay whispered. You stared at him at first, but then you realized he was probably telling the truth. He was an alien after all and everyone had powers, you had just forgotten what Lay’s was. 

“If you distract the boy so he doesn’t see me using the power, I can fix this.” Lay said quietly. “Oh, okay…” you said.

You stood up and walked around the dog that was bleeding from one of his legs. You bent down to the boy and lifted him up. “Don’t cry.” you said but of course it didn’t help. You tried to turn around so that the boy wouldn’t see the dog. Baekhyun walked up to you and stood in the way and covered the dog from the little boy’s vision. “My friend is very good with animals. He’s trying to help your dog right now but if it’s gonna work, you have to stay still right here.” Baekhyun said with comforting eyes. The little boy nodded and stayed still in your arms. He was starting to grow heavy as you glanced over at Lay.        

Lay was sitting down on the ground, his hands spread out a few centimeters above the dead dog. You honestly doubted he’d be able to heal it – it was dead – but you had seen the most amazing things that you’d never believe since you got your 12 new roommates.   

Lay had a focused face on and it almost looked as if he was in pain. The little boy cried in to your jacket as Baekhyun the back of his head.    

After probably 3 whole minutes you heard the most amazing sound. The little dog let out a slight whimper and the boy turned to it with an amazed face.     

You let him down on to the ground and he ran over to the dog. “Mickey!” he called it again but this time with happiness instead of sadness. You looked over at Lay who still was sitting on the ground. You and Baekhyun walked over to him. “Are you okay?” Baekhyun asked Lay as he helped him up. “Yeah.” Lay mumbled and got up.   

“Thank you so much! I though he was dead but you saved him! Thank you so much!” the boy ran up to Lay with the dog – who was named Mickey – next to him. The boy hugged Lay who looked surprised but hugged him back. 

You watched Mickey and his little owner as they ran back up to one of the closest houses and walked inside it. 

You picked up the bags of Chinese food you had put on the ground and the three of you continued your walk home.


Not really an exciting chapter, I know, but it’ll be better for next chapter. Maybe B.A.P will be in here then…? ;)

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Chapter 45: This is the second time i read this (≧∇≦)/ honestly i cant even remember when was the first time i read this lmao must be years ago when im around 15 or 16? (ಥ_ಥ) anyway thanks for the fanfic author-nim ♡(◡‿◡✿) i want to upvote this fanfic but ohh well i already did it years ago so im just going to leave a comment here this time hehehe ˊ▽ˋ
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 45: Yay for happy ending ^3^♥
Hashtagkpop #3
Chapter 45: had a project due and exams soon but i dont regret spending the day reading this
somehow_sunflowers #4
Chapter 21: "The aliens from Matoki -called B.A.P.-..." "Matoki was well known for its warriors." AWWWWW I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE >^>
Chapter 45: Ohmygod i read this in a day and damn its amazeballs!!!1!1!!1!1!1!
Im so glad i came across this fic
Chapter 45: This was beautiful
PieLife #7
Chapter 45: Aww I absolutely love this story ^.^ Fantastic Job :)
Chapter 37: Ouh gaawwddddd...
One down, 11 more to go.. ?? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 13: Xiumin.. He got kidnapped??
I can't believe it.. ㅡ.ㅡ"
He's the oldest hyung, so I thought..??
Oh, nevermind! Xiumin-Oppa!
Just freeze whoever kidnapped you!