Chapter 15: Up in the air

My Twelve Knights in Shining Armour

Kris stood there quiet for a while with a thoughtful expression on his face.   

“What does this mean Duizhang?” Lay asked. Kris didn’t answer. All the aliens stayed quiet for a while but right before you returned –without the toaster that you hadn’t found- Kris opened his mouth. “I don’t think we have anything to worry about. The Bosses would have let us know if there was any kind of threat towards us here.” He said simply but it did manage to calm some of the other aliens, even if Kris wasn’t 100% sure of his own words.  

The Sunday went by and Kris had a lot of things on his mind as he sat on the chair by the desk in the guestroom. Once again Tao sat on the bed, this time with Lay next to him.    

“What is it Duizhang?” Tao asked, watching at the leader that had already become somewhat of a role model to him.

“I’m just thinking…” Kris said, as he stared out into the middle of nowhere, while thoughtfully biting the tip of his thumb.       

Tao glanced over at Lay and they exchanged looks. “Wha-what are you thinking about, Duizhang?” Lay asked. He was still a little nervous around the leader but if Kris would be honest, he liked that shy little dimple boy the most, well, besides Tao – his roommate.   

Kris looked over at Lay and sighed. “Ah, it’s just a lot.” He confessed and loosened up his tensed body posture.

“Well… Is there something we can help you with, Duizhang? To help and relieve your heart?” Tao asked.  

Kris studied the younger boy quietly for a couple of seconds before he decided to give it a shot. He was of course going to keep quiet about his worries that there were as a matter of facts other aliens – that weren’t from EXO – somewhere near, or that only one of them would get to stay with Julia in the end.   

“I really don’t know how to approach Julia.” Kris confessed, slightly embarrassed about going to the aliens he was the leader of for help.      

“Ah…” Tao said as if he had waited for that sentence to come from Kris.

“I don’t think I’m any help on that point Duizhang. I don’t even know how to approach her.” Lay sighed with defeated shoulders.

“But I can help you!” Tao exclaimed. “I’m her favorite.” He smiled brightly.

“Really? Has she said that?” Kris asked Tao with raised eyebrows.

Tao’s happy face sunk. “No… But isn’t it obvious?” he asked, looking between Kris and Lay. Kris knew he almost had to agree on that one. Maybe Tao wasn’t your FAVORITE, but he definitively belonged to the top.

“So... What do you suggest that I do?” Kris asked, instead of answering Tao’s question.

Tao let out a “Hmmm…” as he looked towards the ceiling with his thinking face. Kris waited with his eyebrows raised.     

“I know!” Tao exclaimed suddenly and snapped his fingers. He managed to startle poor Lay who jumped, but Kris was unfazed as he just straightened up. “You should take her with you out on a flight!” Tao exclaimed.


“Yeah, show of your power to her. I mean, who out of the other aliens here has a power that could possibly match yours?” Tao asked, flattering Kris in the process.

“But Duizhang… Wouldn’t that be using your power in a thoughtless manner?” Lay asked.

“No, not if nobody sees them.” Tao defended his idea.

“But, no other human saw when Kai tried to teleported into Julia’s shower either, and that was still wrong.” Lay said quietly.   

“But that was because it was against Julia’s will, right Duizhang?” Tao turned to Kris who nodded as he thought through Tao’s idea. “I think you should do it Duizhang. What do you have to loose on it?” Tao asked with a slight smile, encouraging the leader.         

“Okay, let’s do it!” Kris exclaimed as he stood up.

“Are you sure about this Duizha-“ Lay started but Tao cut him off. “Of course! Don’t question Duizhang’s decision.” He said before turning to Kris with a bright smile. Kris nodded. “Come on.”  


“Why do you want to go up to the roof?” You asked as Tao tugged on your wrist while you tried to enjoy a drama on TV.

“Because I’ve never been up there before and I want to see it.” Tao whined, grumpy that he couldn’t seem to get his will though to help Kris with his plan.

“It’s just a normal roof, nothing to see.” You muttered and pulled your wrist away from Tao’s grip and focused on the drama.

“But please~ I really want to go up there.” Tao begged. You turned to look at his pleading face. You sighed and got up from the couch. “Fine. I don’t understand why you want to go up there so badly but whatever.”

“Yes! Thank you Julia.” Tao hugged your right arm quickly before pulling you towards the door that lead out of the apartment.    

“Oh! I want to come too!” Sehun exclaimed as he looked up from the Game Boy you had found when you looked for the toaster.   

“NO!” Tao screamed before quickly dragging you out of the apartment.

“Tao, why couldn’t Sehun come?” You asked as Tao kept dragging you up the stairs.   

“I… Want to see the roof alone with you.” Tao lied. He was bad at lying and you questioned his answer.

At last you arrived at the door that lead to the roof and you opened it. As you stepped outside with Tao right behind you, the wind gripped you and made your hair fly. You pulled your hoodie closer around your body with a displeased expression on your face. “Here it is. Are you done no?” You muttered. Cold weather could really tick you off.

“Yep.” Tao said and you turned to look at him, surprised that he actually agreed to leave already. “But you’re not.” He said before quickly backing out though the door and shutting it.        

The door that lead back into the warm and safe building couldn’t be opened from the outside but even though you knew this, you gripped the handle and started pulling it while hitting the door. 

“TAO!” You screamed, half panicked, half angry. “Open up or I’ll kill you!” you screamed and as you heard him snicker from the other side of the door you though he’d open it up, but he didn’t.   

“ARRRGH!” you let out a frustrated scream as you leaned your back against the door. Why had Tao done this? First you though he was just joking but as the seconds passed without him opening the door, you started to get other ideas.

Were the aliens all actually evil and had just waited for the perfect moment to lock you away? Or was just Tao evil? Then why had he saved you from those creepy guys that time?   

All of a sudden you felt scared and lonely, two of the feelings you hated the most.  

Kris landed on the roof and quickly spotted you over by the door with a miserable expression on your face. He walked towards you and soon you heard the footsteps and looked up.    

When you saw Kris, you first felt relieved but then scared because of your idea that all the aliens actually were evil and out to get you. You tried to press yourself closer to the door with a scared expression on your face a Kris came closer.   

“Hi there.” Kris said with a slight smile. This was like the first time you had ever seen him smile and for some reason it scared you because of the ideas that had started building up in your mind. 

You stared at Kris with wide eyes witch made his smile fade. “What is wrong?” he asked you. You didn’t answer, afraid of… well anything.      

As you stayed quiet Kris decided to try and go through with his plan anyhow, now that he had gotten this far. He reached his arm out and pulled you up. You just stared up at him with a horrified expression. Kris didn’t say anything as he turned his back slightly towards you before pulling you up on his back in one swift motion.    

You gripped on tightly around his shoulders as a reflex as Kris held on to you by your legs. “Are you ready?” he asked.

You didn’t answer since you didn’t know what you were supposed to be ready for. Kris took your silence as a ‘yes’ and turned his eyes towards the sky as he shot of up in the air.     

You tightened your grip and shut your eyes as you realized you were in the middle of the air. You were…flying. You let out a scared cry as you shut your eyes even harder. Kris flied in half fast speed over the city. He had already been out and found the perfect paths to avoid getting caught by any humans. He enjoyed flying. It was one of the absolute rarest powers among EXO aliens and if you were born with it, it simply meant that you would do only great things. Kris couldn’t keep the smile of his face as the two of you sailed through the sky.   

He assumed you were just as happy – if not even more since this was your first time flying- as him about being up in the sky but soon he realized you kept letting out small whimpers and that you still had your eyes squeezed close.

“Hey, what is wrong?” he asked you and you carefully opened one of your eyes. When you saw that you were still incredibly high up in the air you quickly shut it close again. “What is it?” Kris asked again. 

“I-I’m afraid of heights.” You whimpered.

Afraid of heights… Aish! Kris realized he probably just lowered his chances of getting liked by you now instead of the other way around. “I’m so sorry Julia. We’ll fly back right away.” 

Some where there, you seemed to realize that Kris didn’t seem to want to kill you or anything like that and you slowly opened your eyes and looked down at the passing scenery. Kris was flying slower now as if to not scare you even more than he already had and you slowly started to relax. You loosened your grip around his shoulders just a little bit and watched the beautiful city down below in awe.

As you landed back on the roof to your house, Kris quickly put you down on the ground and turned to you. “I’m so sorry Julia! I didn’t know you are scared of heights.” He hung his head in shame. You smiled up at him. “Don’t worry. It got fun…” you said. “I was just really not prepared for it.” You said. Kris looked up at you again. “Now how do we get back inside?” you asked, glancing towards the door. 

Despite Kris’ careful plan of making sure you didn’t get caught by any humans worked, there were some other creatures that had spotted you.

“So there are really aliens from EXO here, huh.” Youngjae stated as he a coin.

“Aish, I hate those.” Daehyun muttered. “They never leave us alone. I thought this city was our territory.”

“So what? A little alien from EXO won’t be a problem for us.” Himchan said calmly as he sipped some soda right out of the can.

“But the problem is that there’s not just one.” Youngguk started and his fellow aliens turned to look at him. “There’s at least three. There were two at the bar yesterday and it was a new one flying now.” He explained.

“So…Is it a problem for us?” Zelo asked his leader with a raised eyebrow.

“It might just be…” Youngguk mumbled.         



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Chapter 45: This is the second time i read this (≧∇≦)/ honestly i cant even remember when was the first time i read this lmao must be years ago when im around 15 or 16? (ಥ_ಥ) anyway thanks for the fanfic author-nim ♡(◡‿◡✿) i want to upvote this fanfic but ohh well i already did it years ago so im just going to leave a comment here this time hehehe ˊ▽ˋ
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 45: Yay for happy ending ^3^♥
Hashtagkpop #3
Chapter 45: had a project due and exams soon but i dont regret spending the day reading this
somehow_sunflowers #4
Chapter 21: "The aliens from Matoki -called B.A.P.-..." "Matoki was well known for its warriors." AWWWWW I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE >^>
Chapter 45: Ohmygod i read this in a day and damn its amazeballs!!!1!1!!1!1!1!
Im so glad i came across this fic
Chapter 45: This was beautiful
PieLife #7
Chapter 45: Aww I absolutely love this story ^.^ Fantastic Job :)
Chapter 37: Ouh gaawwddddd...
One down, 11 more to go.. ?? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 13: Xiumin.. He got kidnapped??
I can't believe it.. ㅡ.ㅡ"
He's the oldest hyung, so I thought..??
Oh, nevermind! Xiumin-Oppa!
Just freeze whoever kidnapped you!