Chapter 3: First ice cream on Earth

My Twelve Knights in Shining Armour

“Hey wait up!” You turn around as you suddenly hear running steps behind you. “Hi there…” Xiumin smiles as he slows down and walks next to you.

“Hi…” you mumble, wishing you could have been alone right now. You needed some time to process this.       

“So where are you going?” Xiumin asks as he puts his hands in the back pockets of his white jeans.

“Oh, I’m just going to buy ice cream.” You shrug.

“ICE cream?” Xiumin asks as his eyes widen.

“Yeah…” you furrow your eyebrows. “What’s with that?”

“Oh nothing… I’m just a big fan of ice you know.”

“Then… would you like an ice cream?” you ask and nod towards the little ice cream truck that is permanently parked a three minute walk from your apartment since 2004, when its engine broke and the owner, Mr. Jones, couldn’t afford to fix it, so the ice cream rounds around the block had to stop. Luckily however, the truck was still available, just that now you had to walk to it, instead of it coming to you with delicious ice cream.    

“Oh sure!” Xiumin exclaims, excited to taste whatever involves the word ‘ice’. 

“Ah, Julia!” Mr. Jones smiles as he sees you walking over with Xiumin.

“Good evening Mr. Jones.” You nod your head as you stop to look at the list of flavors.

“I was just about to close but I had a feeling you’d want some ice cream and, I was right.” Mr. Jones smiles before he looks over at Xiumin. “And who is this fine gentleman? Your hot date?” Mr. Jones asks with a smirk.        

You blush slightly. “No, no. He’s just a  –soul mate- friend.” You state with a smile directed towards Mr. Jones. 

“Okay, if you say so…” Mr. Jones mumble. 

“I’d like a bowl of mango and mint.” You say and reach Mr. Jones a five dollar bill. “Oh, what about you?” you ask Xiumin as Mr. Jones starts to fix your ice cream.    

“Uhm…” Xiumin eyes the flavors but can’t understand what they mean. Blueberry… Sounds interesting enough. “I’ll have that.” He points at the picture of purple ice cream and Mr. Jones start to fix Xiumin’s ice cream as well.     

“Here you go.” Mr. Jones reaches you and Xiumin your ice creams before you walk over to the closest table as Mr. Jones starts to close the truck for today.    

“What the heck is this…?” Xiumin eyes the ice cream from all possible angles making you chuckle.

“It’s ice cream, I already told you.” You say with a shake of your head before you pick up the small, green plastic spoon and dig in to your ice cream feast. 

“Is it just to eat it?” Xiumin asks suspiciously and watch you as you eat.  

You nod. “Yeah, haven’t you ever eaten ice cream before?” you ask. 

“No, I don’t think it exists on our planet.” Xiumin shakes his head.

“Oh, I understand you came here then.” You state as you keep eating.

Xiumin carefully pick up his pink spoon and slowly tastes his very first piece of ice cream. The second the cold, blueberry flavor hits his mouth, he widen his eyes. “THIS IS THE BEST THING I’VE EVER TASTED!” he exclaims so that the rest of the ice cream he had in his mouth comes flying all over your face.  

“That’s great…” You mumble and pick up the napkin you got with the ice cream and wipe your face.

“Sorry.” Xiumin says but doesn’t look the slightest big apologetic.

The two of you sit quiet for a few minutes until you disappointedly state that your ice cream is melting way too much for your liking.    

“It always melts before I have the time to finish it.” You mumble sadly mostly to yourself, but Xiumin hears it and raises his eyebrows at you as he finishes the last of his own ice cream.    

“You want me to fix that for you?” he asks but doesn’t wait for an answer before he reaches his hand towards your ice cream and immediately makes it freeze back to the state is it was in when you first received it from Mr. Jones. 

You stared at the ice cream as Xiumin leans back with a satisfied smirk.  

“You…All have powers?” you ask, slowly picking up your spoon again, afraid to taste the ice cream in case it’d be poisoned or something.    

“Of course! You didn’t think Chanyeol, Suho, Chen and Luhan were the only once with them, did you?” Xiumin asks with a slight snort as he plays around with his spoon. 

“No…” you mumble as you continue eating. But I was kind of hoping… “What powers do all the others have?” you ask.    

“Well, Kris – you know the tallest one – he, can fly, Lay can heal stuff, Baekhyun has the power of light, Kai can teleport, Kyungsoo has the power of earth, Sehun the power of wind and Tao the power of time.” Xiumin explains.     

“Oh…” Is your only respond. What is really going on? I must be dreaming… you tell yourself inwardly.

Once you finish your ice cream, you and Xiumin decide to head back home. When you arrive back at the apartment, you look around the living room where it looks as if a bomb has exploded.  

Chen is running around the room with a light cream – probably some kind of facial mask – all over his face, while chasing Tao. “Don’t you dare touch my avocado face mask ever again!” he screams while Tao just giggles, freezing Chen whenever he gets too close to catching him.

Kyungsoo and Kai are trying to put sheets on the mattresses that they’ve put on the floor, Kyungsoo far more successful than Kai, who with a frustrated grunt gives up.

Kris is trying to pry Baekhyun of the guest bed saying something like “I’m the leader, of course I get the bed!” “Then just share it with me hyung!” Is Baekhyun’s answer as he tries to hold on to the pillows. 

Chanyeol is jumping up and down in the couch while Suho tries to get him to calm down. Lay is awkwardly standing next to him, doing his best to help. 

Kai has now walked over to the tent that actually stands properly next to the TV and starts shaking it which makes the giggles coming from inside stop. Luhan pulls it open and looks at Kai with furrowed eyebrows. “We’re trying to sleep in here!” he exclaims.

“Yeah, I can hear that.” Kai sneers with arms crossed. Sehun also comes crawling out of the tent but notices you before he can sneer right back at Kai.   

“She-she’s back.” He says which makes everything in the entire room stop and everyone’s quiet – except for Chanyeol who’s still jumping on your couch with a wild expression on his face.  

“I’m just going to go take a shower. When I get back I expect this room to look the way it looked when I left it.” You state calmly as you start walking across the room. 

“Sure, but do you mean the way it was when you leave now or the way it was when you le-“ Lay quickly stops talking when you snatch your head to look at him with angry eyes.

“Don’t worry, we’ll fix it.” Suho says with a smile as you go in to your room and grab your pajamas before heading towards the bathroom, where you notice the entire sink is filled with avocado face cream.    


“ I WILL sleep in the bed.” Kris states with crossed arms and stares at his fellow aliens with hard eyes.

“Why? Just because you’re the leader?” Kai asks. “Does that really make you golden?”   

“She said two of us can sleep on the bed so at least you can’t get it alone Kris.” Suho states.

“Well I’m not sharing bed with anyone.” Kris says sharply. 

“What about me?” Tao appears next to Kris as Chen has finally given up on chasing him around the room. “I need somewhere to sleep and my back can’t take a mattress on the floor.”   

“So, are you trying to suggest I’ll let you have the bed?” Kris asks with a raised eyebrow. 

“No, I’m just saying you could be a good hyung and let me share it with you.” Tao says with a slight pout.

“Forget it-“ Kris cuts himself of as Tao lifts his hand and forms it into a fist before putting it next to his own cheek, making a cute expression. Kris is quiet for a second.

“Okay, lil’ Panda here is sharing the bed with me.” Kris declares and leaves to pick up the bag to the tent.   

“Yes!” Tao pumps his fist as Kai grunts over losing the bed.

In the end, Kris and Tao shares the bed in the guest room, Luhan and Sehun shares one of the tents, Kai takes the couch, while Lay, Suho, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun takes the mattresses.

“And where the heck am I supposed to sleep?” Chen asks as Suho is done helping him wash the avocado face cream of.   

“There’s still a tent left.” Kyungsoo declares as he wipes of the last of the foot prints from Chanyeol’s feet from the couch.  

“You want me to sleep in a tent?” Chen asks with raised eyebrows.   

“Well if the floor looks better to you than go ahead.” Baekhyun states as he fixes the blanket on his mattress.  

“Fine, the tent is mine.” Chen says and walks over to the tent that Luhan and Sehun isn’t tickling each other in with lovingly giggles. 

He pulls down the zip but gets surprised as Xiumin’s face appears inside the tent. 

“Oh hello! You’ll be my tent mate?” He asks Chen with an excited smile.

“Urghh… I guess so…” Chen mutters, asking himself what he’s doing here, for the eight time that hour as he crawls inside the tent, taking the sleeping place next to Xiumin.    

As you’re done with your shower and arrive outside of the bathroom everything is back to how it normally is, except for the fact there are sleeping aliens spread out across your apartment.

You have to carefully step over Kyungsoo’s sleeping body as he has put his mattress right on the only space that exists between the couch and the door to your room. 

You open the door to your room and stepping inside, you realize someone is for sure in your bed.

The long dark creature is very visible even though the room is dark. You sigh when you realize it’s that same boy that you specifically told of from sleeping in your room that lays there.  

Chanyeol was his name, right? You also recall him as the one that was jumping on your couch when you got home.   

“Aish, I can’t wake him up now…” you say as you watch his cute and peaceful face on your extra pillow.  

You decide to let him sleep there, just for tonight, and you lift the duvet that he’s lying on top of, to sneak under it on the side of the bed that he isn’t taking up.  

You carefully slip down under the covers and realize that it actually feels quite secure to have someone next to you in bed.   

You shut your eyes with a smile on your lips. You’re just about to fall asleep when you all of a sudden hear a very audible snore next to you, and it’s followed by another one, and another one.

“Ahhhgggh…” you murmur and pull your pillow over your head. So typical – he’s a snorer.     


Double update! Yeeey!! :D :D :D

Some EXO gifs for you all!

Omogosh, look at Tao...



He looks.. a bit... you know...



lol their faces


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Chapter 45: This is the second time i read this (≧∇≦)/ honestly i cant even remember when was the first time i read this lmao must be years ago when im around 15 or 16? (ಥ_ಥ) anyway thanks for the fanfic author-nim ♡(◡‿◡✿) i want to upvote this fanfic but ohh well i already did it years ago so im just going to leave a comment here this time hehehe ˊ▽ˋ
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 45: Yay for happy ending ^3^♥
Hashtagkpop #3
Chapter 45: had a project due and exams soon but i dont regret spending the day reading this
somehow_sunflowers #4
Chapter 21: "The aliens from Matoki -called B.A.P.-..." "Matoki was well known for its warriors." AWWWWW I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE >^>
Chapter 45: Ohmygod i read this in a day and damn its amazeballs!!!1!1!!1!1!1!
Im so glad i came across this fic
Chapter 45: This was beautiful
PieLife #7
Chapter 45: Aww I absolutely love this story ^.^ Fantastic Job :)
Chapter 37: Ouh gaawwddddd...
One down, 11 more to go.. ?? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 13: Xiumin.. He got kidnapped??
I can't believe it.. ㅡ.ㅡ"
He's the oldest hyung, so I thought..??
Oh, nevermind! Xiumin-Oppa!
Just freeze whoever kidnapped you!