Chapter 21: Could you pass the salt, please

My Twelve Knights in Shining Armour

Weeks passed and every day, you grew a little closer to each alien. You had even started to forget how things used to be before they were in your life.
All the aliens seemed to enjoy being on Earth – even Kai had gotten used to it. Even though you loved having them around, they all managed to make you crazy sometimes.

“Gosh, I’m so hungry!” You exclaimed as you sat down at the table for dinner. It had been a long day at school and you hadn’t exactly gone to bed early last night. You had battled it out against Baekhyun in Buzz! until Suho and Lay had pretty much forced you to go to bed, reminding you that your first class started 8:00 am the next morning.   

“How lucky that I exist then.” Kyungsoo smiled as he placed a huge bowl of spaghetti on the table.

“Hey, I helped!” Xiumin exclaimed next to him as he put the ketchup down.

“I’m very thankful for both of you, now let’s eat!” you hurried to say before digging in, not waiting for anyone to say you could.

In the beginning, you used to think about how you acted and how you ate in front of the aliens since they were as a matter affect boys and your soul mates at that. But now, you were both comfortable around these aliens and very hungry!

“Ah, Luhan, could you pass the salt?” You asked as you realized the spice that you felt is missing in the food wasn’t on the table and the fastest way to get it, was asking Mr. Telekinesis to get it for you.

“Why can’t you just get it yourself?” Luhan asked from his spot next to you, chewing on a meatball he had stuck his fork through.    

“Because I can’t remember the last time I was able to move things with my mind.” you said sarcastically with some spaghetti hanging from my mouth. 

“Well can’t you just get up and go get it? How fat do you think you’ll get if I keep getting you things so that you can just sit still all the time?” Luhan asked, looking at you.  

“Yah! Are you trying to tell me I’m fat?!” You asked him.

“No! I’m just saying you’ll get fat if you don’t start getting things yourself!” Luhan raised his voice at you. Before you got any chance to scream back at him, Suho stopped you.     

“There, there. Stop screaming now.” He said calmly. “This is certainly not something to start fighting about, you two are friends, right?” he continued.

“Well, technically, we’re even soul mates but I’m sure a good soul mate would get me the salt.” you muttered as you angrily started poking your pasta again. You heard Luhan’s chair screech against the floor as he got up and within seconds he returned, slamming the package of salt in the table, right in front of you. He didn’t say a word as he sat down again, not meeting your eyes as you carefully looked at him.

“Thank you.” you squeaked as you quickly grabbed the salt and salted your food. “I just don’t see why you didn’t get it with your power.” You mumbled, making Luhan slam his fork down on his plate. “Well maybe I don’t feel like being your partner on Biggest Looser when you end up there.”

“Okay!” Suho hurriedly exclaimed once again before you had the chance to snap back at Luhan. “How was your day in school Julia?” he asked.     

You almost never fought with the aliens. This argument between Luhan was an incredibly rare thing. In general you got along with them all, constantly trying to remind yourself how thankful you were over having them instead of being alone, despite the fact that the apartment of course had gotten a lot more crowded lately.        

“Whose turn is it to clean the dishes today?” Sehun asked once everyone had cleared their plates. It was not too long ago that Kyungsoo had started to whine about how he not just always cooked, but also had to clean all the dishes afterwards. It was then that you had come up with the new rule that if you cooked or set the table, you didn’t have to clean up afterwards. This had quickly led to chaos and just last week Suho and Baekhyun had figured out a schedule so that everyone knew when it was their turn to dish. Of course Kyungsoo was completely free from that schedule, since he was always the cook.    

“It’s mine.” Suho said as he got up and started to collect plates. You leaned back in your chair, relaxing over the fact that it wasn’t your turn today. You knew for a fact that Luhan was Suho’s partner.
Luhan got up as well and started with collecting your plate and putting it on top of his. He met your eyes while doing so and the two of you exchanged looks that you both knew said that there were no harsh feelings.

“Come on Julia, let’s go watch Criminal Minds.” Chen said as he left the kitchen, walking over and turning on the TV.   

“Oh, that’s right. It’s Criminal Minds day today.” You smiled and got up. “Yah twin Towers!” You called Kris and Chanyeol by the couple name Baekhyun had muttered out one day when he as usual felt left behind when Chanyeol hung out with Kris. “Aren’t you guys gonna watch the show?”

“Of course. It’s not Criminal Minds day unless you watch it.” Kris smiled vaguely at you as he gave the last plates to Suho before putting his arm around Chanyeol’s shoulders and pulled him along into the living room.   

“Don’t call us that. I know what happened to those towers.” Chanyeol muttered as he sat down in the couch next to Kris.
“I hardly think any airplanes will fly into you guys.” You reached over and patted his head comfortingly. 

“I’m sure those towers didn’t think so either.” Chanyeol mumbled as the intro to Criminal Minds started playing and Chen hushed him.

When the first commercial break started, you got up to go get a cup of tea. As you entered the kitchen you stopped and stared.

Luhan was standing by the sink with a smile on his lips, one of his fingers pointed slightly upwards, controlling a plate that was floating mid-air. Suho stood next to him, chuckling as he used his power to poor water over the plate. Luhan then lifted the bottle of dish soap with the magic from his other hand and splashed it over the plate, letting Suho once again poor water over it.

“What are you guys doing?!” You exclaimed.

Suho and Luhan both quickly turned around which caused Luhan to drop the plate and all three of you winced at the sound of the plate breaking.

“Suho…” you started, narrowing your eyes at the alien you considered being the most responsible one next to Kris. Suho gulped, looking very nervous. “May I guess this would be considered irresponsible using of powers?” you asked.   

“Possibly…” Suho said with a shaky voice. “…But no other human than you saw it.” He continued carefully.

“Are you gonna tell Kris?” Luhan asked worriedly.

“Are you kidding me? Then he’ll ruin all the fun.” You smiled before hurrying over and watching them return to their interesting new way of dishing.  


A few hours later, Kris was in the room he shared with Tao, but the younger one was in the living room playing Twister with the others and of course kicking everyone’s butts.

The reason why Kris wasn’t outside with the rest, watching everyone loose towards Tao who despite Kris’s growing relation to Chanyeol, still was his favorite among the aliens, was that he was waiting for a certain call.       

Soon his phone – that looked quite different from the phones humans used here on Earth – called and he picked up.

“Good evening Boss.” Kris greeted with a serious expression on his face.

“Good evening Kris. “ He was greeted back by Boss #1’s friendly yet intimidating voice. “Is everything going alright?”   

Even though Kris was very much aware of the fact that that specific question would come up – it was the main reason for the whole phone call that happened weekly – he wasn’t sure of what to answer.

Even though it was something he most of the time was able to put in the back of his head, there was always this big problem eating him up.

A few weeks ago, that time that he had been to the mall with you, Tao, Chen, Baekhyun and Sehun he had for sure exchanged eye contact with an alien from Matoki. Matoki was another planet that the earthlings would never find out about. The aliens from Matoki – called B.A.P – didn’t really have anything to do with how things worked on Earth, but was still gravely important to the Universe. Despite this, EXO and Matoki had been enemies for as long as history goes back.   

The wars that had been fought between the two planets were almost countless, but they had been in ‘‘peace’’ for a long time now.   

The B.A.P aliens were pretty much banned from Earth, but every now and then there had been aliens from Matoki found on Earth and had always been the cause of another war, small or big. Once a war started, it usually caused it to just grow bigger and bigger.   

Kris knew for sure, that if he told the main bosses from EXO about the Matoki aliens he knew was on Earth, the outcome would most likely be a war. Kris wasn’t much of a fighter. Of course he could defend himself and hopefully be useful for his planet as well, but he just didn’t like wars or to fight and he knew he would be called to be a part of the aliens who would defend EXO if a war was to break out.
Tao and Xiumin were also sure warriors and maybe someone else of the aliens that were your soul mates as well. Someone like Lay, with the power of healing was always needed in war, but despite saving many lives, they usually didn’t make it out of the wars alive themselves, considering the amount of strength it took to heal.     

And no, it wasn’t that much about not wanting to fight that made Kris hesitant to reveal what he knew to the bosses. It was rather about him not wanting to leave you. And who knew if he’d ever even come back? Out of all the wars that had occurred between the two planets, very few had been won by EXO. Matoki was well known for its warriors.  

On the other hand, if Kris didn’t tell the bosses about the B.A.P aliens he had seen, the chance that the bosses would find out about it in some other way still existed and if that happened, Kris would be sent back and would never be allowed to return to Earth – and never meet you again – for sure.

This was the problem that had been chewing on Kris’s brain for the last weeks and still to this day he couldn’t muster up the courage to decide what to do. Actually, he couldn’t muster up the courage to do the right thing.     

“Fine. Everything here is just fine.” He answered Boss # 1 at last.

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Chapter 45: This is the second time i read this (≧∇≦)/ honestly i cant even remember when was the first time i read this lmao must be years ago when im around 15 or 16? (ಥ_ಥ) anyway thanks for the fanfic author-nim ♡(◡‿◡✿) i want to upvote this fanfic but ohh well i already did it years ago so im just going to leave a comment here this time hehehe ˊ▽ˋ
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 45: Yay for happy ending ^3^♥
Hashtagkpop #3
Chapter 45: had a project due and exams soon but i dont regret spending the day reading this
somehow_sunflowers #4
Chapter 21: "The aliens from Matoki -called B.A.P.-..." "Matoki was well known for its warriors." AWWWWW I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE >^>
Chapter 45: Ohmygod i read this in a day and damn its amazeballs!!!1!1!!1!1!1!
Im so glad i came across this fic
Chapter 45: This was beautiful
PieLife #7
Chapter 45: Aww I absolutely love this story ^.^ Fantastic Job :)
Chapter 37: Ouh gaawwddddd...
One down, 11 more to go.. ?? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 13: Xiumin.. He got kidnapped??
I can't believe it.. ㅡ.ㅡ"
He's the oldest hyung, so I thought..??
Oh, nevermind! Xiumin-Oppa!
Just freeze whoever kidnapped you!