Chapter 29: Taemoon

My Twelve Knights in Shining Armour

”Julia! Dinner’s ready!”

A few seconds passed and you didn’t show up in the kitchen. Neither did the aliens hear you leave your room.

“Can’t she hurry? I’m hungry~” Sehun whined.
“Then go get her.” Kris gave Sehun a look. The maknae sighed in return, getting up as if it was completely inhumane of Kris to even dare tell him to get out of his seat and move.

Another round of seconds, maybe even a minute or two, passed until Sehun came walking back in to the kitchen with furrowed eyebrows.

“She’s not there.” He stated thoughtfully.

“What?” Lay widened his eyes together with some of the others.

“Did you really check? Maybe she’s in the bathroom.” Luhan suggested calmly.

Sehun turned and left the kitchen again. Soon he came back with a shrug. “Nope, she’s not there.”

“She left?” Luhan stood up from the table, suddenly not the slightest bit calm anymore.

“Maybe she went out with that Taehoon dude after all…?” Kai mumbled. 

“She wouldn’t…” Suho shook his head slowly, denying the possibility that you would disobey them when it came to something like that.

“Well you would. Apparently.” Kris gave Suho a look. Suho blushed slightly and looked down at his hands, ashamed since he clearly understood what Kris meant.

“Hello, stop with that. We have more important things to worry about aka – JULIA!” Xiumin reminded them, waiving his hands as he got up from the table as well.

Kris brought his hand up to massage his forehead slightly as he let out a sigh. “She’s probably fine. I suppose she just went out with that guy.” He stated, still calm.

“Shouldn’t we go check if she’s alright anyways? We don’t know anything about this boy she’s out with. He could be dangerous. Do you really want to take a risk like that Duizhang?” Kai questioned, suddenly sounding somewhat rational.

Kris looked tired. Could just one week pass without-

“I’ll go there myself if I need to. I just want to check up on her.” Kai said calmly but it was clear he had made up his mind and whether Kris would approve or not didn’t really matter.

“Fine. Luhan, go with him.” Kris cleared. 

“Great.” Kai nodded and he and Luhan hurried out of the kitchen.

“We’ll save you some food!” Kyungsoo called out just before the door to the apartment shut close.


Everything was dark. It was quiet as well. You didn’t even know if you were scared anymore. Maybe your pulse was tired and needed a break from going 100 m/h the past… what? Half an hour? 10 minutes? 2 minutes?

You had no idea how long time had passed but it had been quiet for quite a while now. Ever since the strong arms that had carried you – to what you assumed was inside – and put you down – to your own surprise, actually gently – everything had been still. A little too still.

Suddenly, you felt very aware that you could hear someone breathing near you. For a second you questioned if it was your own breathing but before you could declare whether that was the case or not, someone, possibly the owner of the breathing, spoke up. 

“So your name’s Julia?”

You didn’t answer. It was quiet for a few seconds until the piece of fabric that had been tied around your eyes to hinder your eyesight was loosened. You blinked a few times before you could properly take in your surroundings. At last, you steadied your eyes on a skinny guy with dark hair and eyes focused on you. He looked intimidating but at the same time not.

“I suppose you know who we are?” A deep voice came from behind you and soon another guy with dark hair, a little shorter in height than the first, appeared from behind of you.

You shook your head slightly, feeling your fear come creeping again. “I-I don’t know that.”

The two males glanced at each other. “Your EXO aliens haven’t told you?” the one with the deep voice asked, walking closer.

You widened your eyes. How did these guys know about the EXO aliens? “Are… You alien hunters?” you asked, scared to meet eyes with your kidnappers.

The skinny guy laughed making him look extremely kind. He walked up to you and sat down in front of you. “No… There’s no such thing as ‘Alien hunters’.” He smiled and you slowly felt he was your favorite of the two kidnappers.

“Oh, leader’s here.” The other guy suddenly let out and the skinny guy right in front of you looked behind you before standing up.

“Hello Julia.” An even deeper voice, one you recognized as the one that had said ‘Nice singing’ right before you got attacked, was heard and soon four more guys were standing in front of you.

You took the image in. Were they some kind of gang…?

“I understand you’re wondering why you’re here?” a tall, young looking boy with a squeaky voice said, with somewhat of a smile on his face. 

You nodded. A part of you had a hard time being scared of these guys. Some of them didn’t look a day older than you and none of them had a look that really screamed ‘Evil kidnapper’.

“Well, I’m Zelo and-“ the young looking boy was cut off as the first guy with a deep voice elbowed him in the side. “Don’t reveal who you are. We don’t know who she is.”

“I thought she’s named Julia?” the shortest of them suddenly looked very confused.

Another guy face palmed himself. “She is, you dumb .”

“Stop it.” The leader guy put out his hand and got the others to quiet down.

“How many EXO aliens are there here with you?” he asked as he folded his arms over his chest, making them look muscular enough to beat you to unconsciousness if you tried anything ‘funny’.

“None…?” You said, feeling extremely unsure of what you should reveal and not.

The guy who had face palmed himself rolled his eyes. “We don’t mean here, here. Hear, as in, in the city.”

You looked unsure at him. “Ehh… There’s 12.” You said slowly, trying to make your wrist, who were locked up with tape behind your back, comfortable.

The big leader guy noticed your discomfort. “Jongup, let her wrists loose. I hardly think she’ll try to run.”

As the short, confused looking one nodded and walked over the two deep voiced guys started whispering to each other. The only thing you could pick up on was ‘That’s way more than we thought.’

“You need ice?” Jongup asked you with a slightly worried expression on his face as he saw you examine your wrists. You looked at him, surprised. Was he trying to be nice or something? Then you shook your head. “No, I’m fine. 

“Tell me Julia…” Leader guy started as Jongup walked back to the others. “…Why are all these EXO aliens here?” leader guy asked you.

“Why should I tell you?” you asked, immediately regretting it slipping out of your mouth. It sounded as if you were trying to fight back and be a troublesome kidnap victim when you wanted nothing more than get out of here as un-dramatically as possible.

Leader guy chuckled. “I suppose you do deserve an explanation. Especially since you were so helpful just dropping by our little household so we didn’t have to go through all the trouble of getting you away from your aliens and then kidnap you.” He smiled at you and you felt very uncomfortable. He had a kind, goofy smile, but you knew that these guys could not be trusted.

“You see, Julia, we’re also aliens.” Leader guy gestured to himself and the other five. “However, we’re not from EXO, like the aliens that you know. We come from Mato, another planet. Now, are you telling me the EXO aliens haven’t mentioned us at all?”

You shook your head. “They haven’t said anything about Mato…” you mumbled.

“What about B.A.P? Have they said anything about that?” the skinny guy who had declared that they weren’t aliens hunters, asked.

“No-“ you cut yourself off as you suddenly remembered the conversation you had had with Kris barely a week ago in the car on the way back from the airport.

“A part of me almost wanted him to be kidnapped by B.A.P aliens rather than having to see him break the rules for the first time.”

“I think they did.” Deep voice who wasn’t leader smiled slightly at your hesitation.

“Yeah, once. You’re kidnappers, aren’t you?” You stated/asked, trying to sound somewhat brave.

They all chuckled. “Well, it’s not all we do. Himchan and I were warriors back on Mato so we’ve experienced our fair chair of kidnapping and torturing and such but you’re the first person these four has ever kidnapped. Feel honored.”

You wanted to roll your eyes but decided it was probably wiser not to.


“Where is that stupid place?!” Luhan exclaimed as he and Kai tried to drive through the crowded streets of New York at the same time as they tried to find the place where you were.

“Why can’t anyone have the power to locate Julia?!” Kai exclaimed, starting to grow annoyed and also very, very worried. 

Luhan sighed. “Why don’t we just locate all dance places close to our apartment and then start with the closest one and go from there?” he stated as they pulled up at an empty parking spot and stopped.

Kai pulled out his alien version of a phone and did as Luhan had suggested.

“Come on, there’s a place not far from here.” Kai declared after a few seconds of searching. Luhan started driving as Kai located them to the right place.


They were just about to leave the third place after not finding you there either when Kai accidently spotted a tall, good looking guy, standing by himself on the side of the building they had just stepped out of, looking like someone had stolen his lollipop.    

“Hey, Luhan.” Kai reached out to knock his fellow alien on his elbow. Kai pointed out the guy to Luhan who gave Kai a look. “You think that’s the Taemoon dude?”

“Maybe. He’s obviously her taste.” Kai tilted his head slightly, examining the male that supposedly was ‘Taemoon’. 

“How do you know that?” Luhan asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

“Because he looks like me.” Kai smirked before walking over to ‘Taemoon’.

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Chapter 45: This is the second time i read this (≧∇≦)/ honestly i cant even remember when was the first time i read this lmao must be years ago when im around 15 or 16? (ಥ_ಥ) anyway thanks for the fanfic author-nim ♡(◡‿◡✿) i want to upvote this fanfic but ohh well i already did it years ago so im just going to leave a comment here this time hehehe ˊ▽ˋ
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 45: Yay for happy ending ^3^♥
Hashtagkpop #3
Chapter 45: had a project due and exams soon but i dont regret spending the day reading this
somehow_sunflowers #4
Chapter 21: "The aliens from Matoki -called B.A.P.-..." "Matoki was well known for its warriors." AWWWWW I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE >^>
Chapter 45: Ohmygod i read this in a day and damn its amazeballs!!!1!1!!1!1!1!
Im so glad i came across this fic
Chapter 45: This was beautiful
PieLife #7
Chapter 45: Aww I absolutely love this story ^.^ Fantastic Job :)
Chapter 37: Ouh gaawwddddd...
One down, 11 more to go.. ?? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 13: Xiumin.. He got kidnapped??
I can't believe it.. ㅡ.ㅡ"
He's the oldest hyung, so I thought..??
Oh, nevermind! Xiumin-Oppa!
Just freeze whoever kidnapped you!