Chapter 12: Dramaaa...

My Twelve Knights in Shining Armour

After a lot of convincing from their side, all 12 aliens went with you to the supermarket to buy snacks for the evening. Bags of chips and nuts as well as big bottles of soda were thrown in to the baskets Baekhyun, Kai and Tao were carrying. Even though the group earned some weird looks from other shoppers you couldn’t but feel amused as Chanyeol and Kyungsoo scrunched up their faces when they smelled different kinds of cheese.   

You were not far away from the cash registers when you as you walked, all of a sudden looked up and stopped, face to face with Sooyoung who was there grocery shopping with her boyfriend, Edwin. 

“Julia…?” she asked, but looked at the 12 – someone of them shaking a package of quinoa as maracas – boys behind you. “Who are all these people…?” Sooyoung asked, looking confused.  

You felt like you literally couldn’t breathe, as if something had clogged up your throat, as you tried to think of a fast lie.

“Because… My brother’s here on a visit.” You recalled the lie you had used the other day to get rid of her and Yoona when they wanted to come with you to your place. You turned your head and reached out for the first best alien – Lay.

“This is my brother.” You said with smile towards Sooyoung and Edwin as you prayed Lay would at least somewhat catch on, but as predicted, he just looked extremely confused.

“Oh… And who are all the other people?” Sooyoung asked after eyeing Lay slightly.

You turned your head and looked back at the other aliens who were all looking at either you, Sooyoung or Edwin – except for Chanyeol, who was still shaking that stupid package of quinoa with the excited smile of a 2-year old, before Kris annoyingly pulled the package away from Chanyeol, making the younger one straight up and focus his attention on you. 

“These… Are just some other relatives.” You lied. “This…” you pointed at Sehun. “…is our cousin and his brother Luhan.” You hurriedly introduced the rest of your ‘cousins’.

“Wow… So is your family having some kind of reunion?” Sooyoung asked, looking slightly doubtful, considering you had never mentioned having almost a dozen of cousins.

“Yea-Yeah! We’re having a reunion and our parents…They ordered us to get some snacks.” You lied with an insecure smile on your lips as Tao slightly reached his basket full of snacks out as if to show Sooyoung and Edwin.

“Oh…that’s great…” Sooyoung said with a forced smile, looking at Tao with a scared expression. You had to admit, when Tao didn’t smile, he could look like quite the assassin. 

“I-I would have invited you…To the family dinner, but you know…Sadly, you’re not family.” You said, wishing you could just shut up and disappear.    

“Oh yeah! Totally get that.” Sooyoung waived her hand dismissively as she gave Kris a scared glance. You realized also Kris could look a bit scary. Sooyoung should really focus her eyes on Luhan or Baekhyun.

“By the way, here’s your ball.” You reached for the ball Xiumin had tugged under his arm and gave it to Sooyoung.

“Thank you…” Sooyoung said slowly, looking at the ball in her hand.

“No, thank YOU.” Xiumin smiled and you glared at him to shut him up.  

“And I suppose you aren’t sick anymore?” Sooyoung suddenly looked at Lay, who looked startled.  

You face palmed yourself. “Whaat…?” Lay asked. “Yeah! He’s feeling better, just a sore throat.” You lied. Before Sooyoung had any chance to comment on that you hurriedly said: “Very well, we better go. Don’t want to keep grandma waiting.” you lied.  

You quickly flashed a smile at Edwin who hadn’t understood a word of the conversation since it was all in Korean and he was at least 99% not Korean, before hurriedly walking towards the cash registers with your ‘brother’ and 11 ‘cousins’.  

“I thought both her grandmas were dead…” you overheard Sooyoung say to Edwin.


You had unbearably gotten back inside your apartment before the bags of peanuts and taco flavored    chips were ripped open and soon all 12 of the aliens had their faces stuffed and their fingertips were salty.

“Hey! I want some too!” You attacked Luhan who held a bag of cheerios and dug your hands in to it to grab some snacks before they were all eaten.        


In some magical way, all of you managed to fit in the living room with view of the TV. You, Kris, Baekhyun, Chen and Kai were tightly squeezed in the couch, while Xiumin, Luhan and Sehun were all sitting in their tents. Chanyeol was lying on the floor, while Suho, Lay, Kyungsoo and Tao had taken chairs from the kitchen to sit on as you all were watching your favorite drama ‘Reply 1997’.        

“Hoya is so hot…” You practically drooled as one of your favorite members of Infinite was appearing on the screen.

“Tsssk… What’s so special about that guy?” Chen asked with a bored expression.           

“What is not special about the fabulous Lee Howon?” You asked without taking your eyes of the screen. “Tell me something he can’t do. He can rap, sing dance AND act. Plus, he’s amazing at sports.” You smiled dreamily.

“I thought we all cleared that we’re pretty darn awesome at sports today as well.” Kai said with an annoyed glare at the TV. 

You just ignored him, knowing he’d never understand your love for Infinite. Once the episode ended some boring action drama came on which the aliens seemed excited to watch, so you decided to go shower.   


You were singing – false on purpose- ‘The Chaser’ in the shower as you shampooed your hair.

Geunyoreul jikyora
Naritji mothage
Nae nimi gyesin got
Kkeutkkaji garyonda

Some of the aliens were far too enchanted in the drama to even hear your singing but Chen was frowning. “Oh lord, I need to teach that girl how to sing…”  

Kai nodded slightly before yawning of boredom. Planet earth was so boring to him. Nothing really exciting had happened and he was still a bit mad about missing out on that fight where Tao had gotten injured. He would have wanted to kick those guys so badly.  

As you gave a try on Woohyun’s part of the song, Kai cringed with a slight chuckle. Even I can sing better than her. He thought to himself. Yawning again, an idea suddenly hit him.

I could always give it a try… he smirked to himself.


Geunyoreul jikyora
Naritji mothage
Nae nimi gyesin got
Kkeutkkaji garyonda

You practically scream-sang as you washed your hair. You had your eyes tightly shut as you started using the showerhead as your mike.

Suddenly you heard a weird sound outside of the shower which made you stop your singing as you opened your eyes.

You could almost swear you could see a shadow on the other side of the light blue shower curtain.   

“Damn it.” You heard someone curse and in one swift motion you pulled down your yellow towel that was hanging on the string that was holding up the shower curtain, and wrapped it around your body. Pulling the curtain aside you saw Kai snapping his head around and meeting eyes with you. 

“KAI!!!!!” you screamed out of fury.

Before you knew it, the other aliens had scrambled inside the bathroom.

“What are you doing here?” Chanyeol asked Kai with furrowed eyebrows.

“I…” Kai started.

“EVERYONE! GET OUT OF MY BATHROOM!!” you screamed. They all quickly left – with Kai – and you changed into your pajama as fast as you could.

When you walked out to the living room, Kai was sitting on the couch with the other aliens standing around him, most of them looking pretty damn pissed.

“Okay so WHAT were you doing in the bathroom while I was showering?” You crossed your arms over your chest as you glared at Kai. 

“Yeah Kai, why don’t you tell us?” Chanyeol asked with an angry mutter.

“I… I tried to teleport in to your shower…” He said but didn’t look too sorry.

“You WHAT!?” you had not quite expected that explanation and you were very happy Kai hadn’t succeeded with his attempt.    

“YOU WHAT!?” both Kris and Chanyeol exclaimed as well and Baekhyun and Kyungsoo quickly grabbed Chanyeol and pulled him slightly further away from the couch Kai was sitting on.

You didn’t have any chance to lecture Kai yourself before Kris started screaming at him.

“I can’t believe you did that!! You’re using your power for the wrong reasons! You’re a shame for planet EXO!”

In difference from Sehun, Kai wasn’t afraid to scream right back at Kris though. “Don’t tell me I’m a shame for EXO! I never asked to come here! I had no choice! Those stupid bosses that are so ing biased towards you made me come here!” Kai got up from the couch and screamed right back in Kris’ face.  

You were definitely surprised by Kai’s sudden outburst – it was something you would have expected from Kris, but not from Kai. He had been one of the aliens to talk the least ever since they arrived in your apartment.

Kris seemed almost as shocked as you about Kai talking – or screaming – back at him. “How DARE you say that about the bosses!? If it wasn’t for them you wouldn’t be worth anything!” Kris spat. 

That actually looked like it hurt Kai because he didn’t reply immediately. “I don’t care! I’d rather be worth nothing then stay here with you! You’re a lousy leader! Suho should have gotten that job but you just got it because you’re related to those stupid bosses! Anyone of us would have made a better leader than you!” Kai finally screamed in Kris face before hurriedly rushing out of the apartment. Suho quickly ran after him.       

“Kai! Kai! KAI!” Suho called as he ran after Kai who was walking quickly. Kai didn’t stop and Suho ran up and stopped in front of Kai, putting his hands on Kai’s shoulders to prevent him from walking way. 

“Hey…” Suho said, looking into Kai’s eyes. Kai avoided the eye contact on the other hand. “Kai… Don’t be like this.” Suho said.

I’m so sick of that stupid giant telling me what to do.” Kai turned and kicked the wall.

“He is just trying to do his job as the leader. He has a lot of pressure on himself.” Suho tried to explain without sounding as if he defended Kris and choosing him over Kai.

“I don’t care! I don’t want to be here anymore Suho.” Kai mumbled.  

“Don’t you want to stay here with Julia?” Suho asked. 

Kai was quiet for a while. “I want to stay here for her, but I just feel as if she much rather spends her time with Luhan, Sehun, Chen, Kyungsoo or you. She never even talks to me. She just scolds me…”

“Well can you blame her?” Suho smiled slightly. “You did try to teleport into her shower.” he chuckled.

Kai couldn’t help but to smile a little. “I know that was stupid… But even you have to admit you kind of want to get a proper view of her body.” Kai smirked.

“Aish, you kid…” Suho reached out and ruffled Kai’s hair, avoiding to answer his question.

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Chapter 45: This is the second time i read this (≧∇≦)/ honestly i cant even remember when was the first time i read this lmao must be years ago when im around 15 or 16? (ಥ_ಥ) anyway thanks for the fanfic author-nim ♡(◡‿◡✿) i want to upvote this fanfic but ohh well i already did it years ago so im just going to leave a comment here this time hehehe ˊ▽ˋ
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 45: Yay for happy ending ^3^♥
Hashtagkpop #3
Chapter 45: had a project due and exams soon but i dont regret spending the day reading this
somehow_sunflowers #4
Chapter 21: "The aliens from Matoki -called B.A.P.-..." "Matoki was well known for its warriors." AWWWWW I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE >^>
Chapter 45: Ohmygod i read this in a day and damn its amazeballs!!!1!1!!1!1!1!
Im so glad i came across this fic
Chapter 45: This was beautiful
PieLife #7
Chapter 45: Aww I absolutely love this story ^.^ Fantastic Job :)
Chapter 37: Ouh gaawwddddd...
One down, 11 more to go.. ?? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 13: Xiumin.. He got kidnapped??
I can't believe it.. ㅡ.ㅡ"
He's the oldest hyung, so I thought..??
Oh, nevermind! Xiumin-Oppa!
Just freeze whoever kidnapped you!