Chapter 34: He's back in the picture

My Twelve Knights in Shining Armour

“We’re dying here, aren’t we.” Kai stated rather than asked as he stared blankly out into space.

“I’m starting to think so too.” Luhan agreed with his face just as emotionless as he was leaning his head against the wall.

“Here they are.”   

They heard a voice and they both looked up, not daring to hope this meant anything positive for them.

“Luhan! Kai!” you called out as you spotted them.

“Julia!!” they both exclaimed and quickly got up. They grabbed the bars as they pressed their heads between them.

“You’re alive.” Kai said, smiling at you warmly.

“Come on, you’re free to go.” The cop said as he unlocked the door to their cell and opened it up for the two to exit. 

Luhan and Kai both hugged you and then glanced towards Kris, trying to read just how angry on a scale of 1 to 10 he actually was. His expression was unreadable but at least not furious. After all, their leader had calmed down remarkably since they first came to earth – who could even remember his scolding of Sehun and Kai? The one of Suho was a bit fresher though…

“Thank you officer. I’m so sorry about their behavior.” You smiled pleadingly towards the police man who nodded back at you before you and the three aliens started leaving the building. Once out on the street Luhan raised his arms in the air and Kai exclaimed: “Freedom!”

“Gosh, that was so horrible. Thanks for not being mad, Ju-“ Luhan couldn’t finish before you hit him hard on his upper arm. “Oww~” he howled with shock written all over his face. Before Kai could say anything you quickly hit him as well. “What the HECK did you IDIOTS do?!” you practically screamed.

Both Luhan and Kai swallowed nervously while Kris smiled, enjoying the show.

“Well, we might have… taken some things…” Kai said, awkwardly glancing down at the street.

“What. Did. You. Take?” You asked, drilling holes in to their eyes.

“Some chocolate bars.” Kai confessed. “And some chips.” Luhan continued.

“I can’t believe you guys.” You shook your head. You turned to walk away and the other came after.

“Well, on the good side, you’re back and you’re well.” Luhan beamed.


Luhan and Kai were both since long filled in on what had happened to you and also since long forgiven by you. Weeks had past and you suddenly found yourself in the middle of the…exams.

“No, Tao, I do not want to go shopping with you.” You declared as you tried your best to focus on you text book.

“Why not~?” he pouted as he stretched his entire upper body out over your kitchen table.

“Can’t you see I’m busy?” you whined right back reaching your hand out and pushing at Tao’s forehead so that he’d go away.

Besides a few situations like that the aliens were surprisingly good at leaving you alone, realizing this was all important to you.

That afternoon when you had finished your third last exam you were walking out of the school building, thinking about getting some coffee.

It was quiet and you were enjoying. Well, that’s until you suddenly heard some voices.

“You know how important this is Taemin. You shall not fail.”

“No, I know, it’s just… There’s been a lot. I haven’t even seen her in a long time.”

“Then go find her. It’s crucial!”

“I know, I kno-“ 

There was quiet for e few seconds.

“Someone’s coming. I gotta go!”

You kept walking closer and closer to the sound and soon Taemin stepped out of the shadows, confirming your suspicions that one of the voices had belonged to him.

“Julia!” he widened his eyes as he saw you.

“Hi Taemin.” You smiled at him. You had pretty much not been able to even think about him ever since that night you were supposed to go dancing. First, you had been kidnapped and after that you had barely been able to take a breath before it was time to engage in a relationship with your notebook and textbooks. Second, you hadn’t seen Taemin in all that time, but now here he was.

“Who were you talking to?” you asked, leaning to your side, trying to glance after anyone behind Taemin.

“No one!” Taemin exclaimed smiling at you. “I mean… Just Josh…He’s in my class… You know Josh?” he asked scratching his hair slightly.

“Noo…” You shook your head slowly.   

“Oh, well… Actually, you are exactly the person I’d like to see.” He an extra charming smile as he took a step closer.

“Really?” you raised your eyebrows.

“Yeah, I think you owe me an apology for not ever showing up.” He took another step – or was it two – closer. You nodded slowly. “Yeah… I’m sorry about that. There was a… family emergency.” You lied. Taemin nodded. “I understand. Still though, I think you should at least let me buy you some ice cream to mend my heart.” He smiled as he winked.

You couldn’t help but laugh. “Sure, you got it.” You smiled.

“Great! Let’s go.” He smiled.


Maybe 10 minutes later, you had finally been able to convince Taemin that you should pay for the ice cream. First he had refused but then you pulled something about turning around the ism and he had finally given in.

As you both received your ice creams you started walking around the mall you were in. Taemin insisted on buying you a skirt you had been glancing a little extra at and you suddenly felt your whole point about reversed ism was fast lost but a bit too exhausted after the exam earlier that day to bother.

You kept walking around, trying on hats and sunglasses. It all helped you lose the stress of the two exams that were still to go.

“I know right! It’s completely pathe-“ you were cut of as Taemin suddenly grabbed your hand. First, you thought he had done it to stop you but you soon realized he had just simply intertwined your hands. You tried to remember what you had been saying but you’re obvious astonishment of the sudden skin ship couldn’t be hidden. Luckily, Taemin seemed to think the whole situation was just cute.

He chuckled at your blushing face and you did an unsuccessful try to hide behind your ice cream. “So, what was I talking about…” you tried to regain your dignity but suddenly someone called your name and it wasn’t close enough to be Taemin.

You looked up and locked eyes with Tao.


I can tell you, I've deicded on the ending and it's not too far away...

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Chapter 45: This is the second time i read this (≧∇≦)/ honestly i cant even remember when was the first time i read this lmao must be years ago when im around 15 or 16? (ಥ_ಥ) anyway thanks for the fanfic author-nim ♡(◡‿◡✿) i want to upvote this fanfic but ohh well i already did it years ago so im just going to leave a comment here this time hehehe ˊ▽ˋ
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 45: Yay for happy ending ^3^♥
Hashtagkpop #3
Chapter 45: had a project due and exams soon but i dont regret spending the day reading this
somehow_sunflowers #4
Chapter 21: "The aliens from Matoki -called B.A.P.-..." "Matoki was well known for its warriors." AWWWWW I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE >^>
Chapter 45: Ohmygod i read this in a day and damn its amazeballs!!!1!1!!1!1!1!
Im so glad i came across this fic
Chapter 45: This was beautiful
PieLife #7
Chapter 45: Aww I absolutely love this story ^.^ Fantastic Job :)
Chapter 37: Ouh gaawwddddd...
One down, 11 more to go.. ?? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 13: Xiumin.. He got kidnapped??
I can't believe it.. ㅡ.ㅡ"
He's the oldest hyung, so I thought..??
Oh, nevermind! Xiumin-Oppa!
Just freeze whoever kidnapped you!