Chapter 23: Time for ‘vacation’

My Twelve Knights in Shining Armour

”IT’S SPRING BREAK!!!” Sooyoung exclaimed, no, screamed, the second you stepped out of the school building. “We’re gonna have so much fun!” Yoona smiled brightly as she placed her arm around your shoulder.    

“Maybe you guys are gonna have fun…” You mumbled. “I have to go home to Korea.”

“Oh, right…” Yoona nodded and slowly let you go. “We’ll think about you while we’re in Mexico.” Sooyoung said, trying to sound encouraging but got slapped by Yoona on her upper arm as she failed.

“And I’ll think about you guys while I’m in South Korea, watching Running Man with my mom.” You mumbled. The two girls gave you ‘we-pity-you’ smiles before hugging you.
“See you next week alligator.” Sooyoung waved. “That didn’t rhyme you stupid.” Yoona stated as the two of them walked off.   

You let out a deep sigh as you started walking home. It had been almost two weeks since your mom had called and told you the ‘happy’ news that she had booked tickets for you to go home during spring break. You had then tried to convince your father that they would allow you to go to Mexico with Sooyoung and Yoona but he had just snorted. “Julia, do you really think your mom and I are gonna let you do that? Do you think we’re completely irresponsible?”     

“Well do you think I am, since you’re not letting me go?” you asked back.

“You’re not old enough.”

“Sooyoung and Yoona are the same age as me. They’re also Koreans.” You had hoped your dad would give in when he realized the people you would be going with were Koreans as well, but it hadn’t helped.

“It doesn’t matter. I don’t want you to go to Mexico, get wasted and come back pregnant with some drug addict’s child.”

That had really made you loose it, but you couldn’t help it, your parents still made you go home.


“Do you really have to leave?” Sehun asked for the 18th time that hour as you packed the last things in your bag. 

“Yes, I’ve already told you. The answer isn’t going to change.” You muttered as you closed the zipper.

“How are we gonna survive here without you?” Baekhyun asked, trying to convince you to stay with his big puppy eyes.

You just snorted at his question. “What do I do? Kyungsoo’s the one that cooks, Kris is the one that lectures all of you and Suho’s the one who takes care of you. You actually don’t really need me.” You stated. 

“Okay so let me rephrase that. How are YOU gonna survive without us?” Baekhyun asked and you just chuckled. “Don’t worry, my parents will take good care of me.” You smiled at him before reaching out and ruffling his hair. “I’ll miss you guys a lot.” You looked around the room, feeling warm inside because of the 24 eyes looking back at you.   

“We’re gonna miss you too.” Sehun pouted as Luhan put an arm around him.

“I’m gonna miss you the most!” Tao cried before throwing his arms around your neck and almost suffocating you.

“Okay, calm down Tao.” Kris ordered and tried to pry Tao off of you but the younger alien wouldn’t let go.

“I don’t want you to leave.” Tao kept sobbing in to your neck and you felt your shirt get wet from his tears. “Don’t cry Tao, I’ll be back before you know it.” You patted his back before you – with the help of Kris – carefully pushed Tao away.     

You felt tears burning as you stood in the hallway, already with your shoes on. “Buy guys.” You said hurriedly before turning around and quickly left. You couldn’t handle tears and good byes very well.


The airplane flight took forever and you didn’t have anyone to talk to either. You just played Candy Crush, listened to music and watched a quarter of some bad movie.   

When you finally arrived in Korea, your hurt and you had a headache but once you saw your parents, you automatically got happy. Despite being quite angry with them because they made you go home during spring break of all weeks, you couldn’t resist running into their arms and feeling the comforting and safe smell of home.

“We missed you so much darling.” Your dad said as he held you tight.


“I can’t believe she’s gone.” Sehun said for the 19th time that our as he watched some bad soap on TV with the other aliens.

“You make it sound as if she’s dead.” Kai muttered.

“You make it sound as if you’re not even missing her.” Tao said back to Kai. “Of course I miss her and I sure wish the two of you cry babies had gone instead of her.”

“What do you mean by that? Don’t you want us here?” Sehun asked, scrunching up his face.

“Oh, please don’t turn on the water work again, I’m just trying to watch TV here.” Kai rolled his eyes.

“Don’t be so mean.” Tao pouted.     

“Would you guys just please shut your pie holes?” Chanyeol raised his voice.

“Yeah, where’s Suho to stop their fighting when you need it?” Kris mumbled from his seat next to Chanyeol.   

“You know you’re the leader right, you’re the one who’s supposed to stop them.” Chanyeol said, raising his eyebrows as he moved one of the chess pieces on the board. 

Kris just stayed quiet as he gave Chanyeol a look. The two played quietly for a little while before Kris suddenly opened his mouth. “No, but seriously, where’s Suho?”


So, it's been a while... I just haven't been in the mood for writing lately and this isn't exactly either a long or very interesting chapter but i can tell you that it'll get better and also, that I'm planning to start a new fic fairly soon about Draaagon


No, not that kind of dragon. This kind:

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Chapter 45: This is the second time i read this (≧∇≦)/ honestly i cant even remember when was the first time i read this lmao must be years ago when im around 15 or 16? (ಥ_ಥ) anyway thanks for the fanfic author-nim ♡(◡‿◡✿) i want to upvote this fanfic but ohh well i already did it years ago so im just going to leave a comment here this time hehehe ˊ▽ˋ
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 45: Yay for happy ending ^3^♥
Hashtagkpop #3
Chapter 45: had a project due and exams soon but i dont regret spending the day reading this
somehow_sunflowers #4
Chapter 21: "The aliens from Matoki -called B.A.P.-..." "Matoki was well known for its warriors." AWWWWW I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE >^>
Chapter 45: Ohmygod i read this in a day and damn its amazeballs!!!1!1!!1!1!1!
Im so glad i came across this fic
Chapter 45: This was beautiful
PieLife #7
Chapter 45: Aww I absolutely love this story ^.^ Fantastic Job :)
Chapter 37: Ouh gaawwddddd...
One down, 11 more to go.. ?? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 13: Xiumin.. He got kidnapped??
I can't believe it.. ㅡ.ㅡ"
He's the oldest hyung, so I thought..??
Oh, nevermind! Xiumin-Oppa!
Just freeze whoever kidnapped you!