Its Real

I Had Enough


A loud groan was heard and covered her face with a pillow. Then suddenly her eyes shot open and abruptly sat up. " A dream?" She whispered and combed her hair with her hands. She sighed and went to the bathroom to do her thing. After freshening up, she went down for breakfast, reading for school.
" Wow! You woke up in the first call." Jessica said surprised and put Krystal's portion in front of her. Jessica went to Yuri's side, placing her portion but after she pecked her lips. Krystal rolled her eyes and stuffed and left. " Krystal!" Jessica shouted but was too late.
" Aish that kid." Jessica muttered and sighed. " Chill baby, she's in collage now. She can take care of herself, she doesn't need the ' mother nagging' anymore." Yuri said and fed Jessica. Jessica chewed her food and mimicked Yuri's action. " But I can't help worry. She's my only sister after all." Jessica said.
" She'll be alright. Just believe in her." Yuri said and caressed the back of Jessica's hand. She kissed it and continued to feed her girlfriend. Jessica sighed and lay her head on Yuri's shoulder.
Krystal slowed down her running when she was far from her house. Krystal sighed for the nth time. " It felt so real. It can't be a dream." Krystal muttered and at that time she was close to the park. She debated wether to go to school or not, she bit her lip and walked opposite of the way to school.
She walked around the park until she saw the same tree she saw on her supposed dream. She walked to it and found Taeyeon's and Tiffany's name carved as well as her sister's. What shocked was that their names were carved as well. " So it was real. She's really here." Krystal said and ran to school.
" If it were real then why did I wake up on my bed? I don't remember going home that time" Krystal thought and continued running until she reached the abandoned music room. She slammed the door open but so no one, not even a silhoutte was seen. She walked further inside and sat at the old piano. She pressed a key and played a tune Amber used to always play to her.
" You still remember that?" 
Krystal was startled, she looked back and saw the person she was looking for. " You skipped first, second, and third period. What happened to goody jungie?" Amber jokingly said and got surprised as Krystal tackled her to the ground. Amber chuckled as she hugged Krystal back " You missed me that much?" Amber said.
" You were gone for five years, what do you expect?" Krystal answered. " A beating?" Amber jokingly said. Krystal broke the hug and sat up, she glared at Amber. " A beating you want, a beating you get." Krystal said cracking her fingers as the emit a cracking sound. " H-hey! I was only joking!" Amber said trying to free herself but to no vail. 
They were in a chasing frenzy, running around the halls, down the stairs, up the stairs, and even outside. " Princess I was kidding!" Amber said but that didn't stop Krystal. " I'm just giving you what you want!!!" Krystal screamed. They made a turn and Amber suddenly disappeared. Suddenly, Krystal felt arms encircling in her waist and lifting her.
She squealed and Amber put her down. " You do know I was joking." Amber said spooning Krystal. " You do know I was too." Krystal replied back. " Actually I thought it was the end of my life." Amber said and made Krystal laugh. " Am I that scary?" Krystal asked. " A bit." Amber answered " OW! I was telling the truth!" Amber said and rubbed her arm.  
Krystal giggled and soon Amber followed suit. " I hate you." Krystal said and poked Amber's chin. " Awww I love you too." Amber said and pinched Krystal's cheek. Krystal stuck her tongue out and Amber did too. They walked back to the abandoned music room and played the piano together.
Krystal stopped playing when she forgot pattern. She watched Amber playing, memorizing her features. " You changed your hair color." Krystal said. Amber stopped playing " You did too." Amber said and started playing again. Krystal looked at Amber and averted her eyes. ' What happened in my dream. Was it real?' Krystal thought and bit her lip.
Amber stopped playing and looked at Krystal. " Um... Yesterday." Amber nervously said. "... Yeah?" Krystal answered back. " Was it real?" Amber questioned and before Krystal could answer, Amber started rambling nonsense. " I'm just making sure, cause you know... I thought it was a dream when I first woke up and I-I felt this weird feeling that it was—" Krystal kissed Amber and broke the kiss.
" Its real. We are real."
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This is my first time having a story with 25 chapters 0.0 YAY! For me, great job me!


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YourSmile-I #1
Chapter 55: Great story...thanks
TwinTurtles #2
Chapter 55: Oh man, this story was so good! It was so sweet and I definitely loved the fluff! Though I'm still wondering how Yulsic got together! I loved Kryber in here and thank you for writing such a good story!
ariss_nf #3
Chapter 55: I really love this story
Chapter 55: Just finished reading the story. It's a good story and it's long..yay~
I really enjoyed reading this and I can kinda relate to it keke
I love the pick up lines :)
It's good that this ended as a happy ending and even though there's drama, it's not a severe kind of drama but just a slight one but still amazing.
Keep up the good work and ehy fellow pinoy :)
annieber #5
the best story!! (thumbs up) keke kryber :3 nice one authornim
kimpie136 #6
Chapter 55: How did the hell that they have kids? I thought amber is a girl in this story ?
Chapter 55: This story is amazing beautiful!! It has a bit of sad scene and a happy ending that I wanted!!! Wooohoo!!
nclmzy #8
Chapter 55: This fic is really amazing !!! I loved it! I jus have one problem. They're both girls, right ? Then how the hell did they have a kid together ? It can't be amber's ! Right ? But that doesn't really matter I still love the story ;)
Chapter 55: This is very confusing.. hah but whtevr the plot works at least :p
kimhyuraa #10
Chapter 17: Tiff is ambers big sister right cause shes friend with jessica