I knew

I Had Enough


Reaching the school, Krystal punched Amber hard and ran away laughing " Aish that girl" Amber said and continued the walk to her classroom. Someone put an arm around Amber " Buddy, sad to say... I'm ier" Key said and flipped his hair.
" The heck? I'm not asking" Amber said and pushed Key, Key gasp in a dramatic way " Y-you... You just touches my " Key said and covered his chest, Amber shook her head " All I know is that only GIRLS have s" Amber stated and crossed her arms.
" Then what do you call this?" Key said and raised his chest "Its called manoob" Amber said and left Key their "Manoob?" Key confusedly said. "It's a combination of man and s" Taeyeon said out of no where, Key jumped and held his chest " You scared me" Key said.
Taeyeon looked at him weirdly, Key did the same raising his brow "What?" He said, Taeyeon shook her head an left "People are weird today?" Key mumbled and headed to his classroom.
Krystal entered her classroom with a bright smile, she saw her friends and waved at them " Sulli! Luna!" Krystal called out and the two friends looked at Krystal blankly.
Krystal approached them " Hey! Whats with the face?" Krystal asked, Luna squinted her eyes " What?" Krystal asked again " Spill it" Luna said, Krystal looked at her confusingly " Spill what? You guys are confusing me" Krystal said.
" Your very happy today y'know, so spill it! What happened yesterday that made you this happy?" Luna said, Krystal smiled brightly " Kai Oppa is back!" Krystal excitedly said while jumping, Luna's eyes widen.
"Really?" Sulli said and Krystal nodded, the both excitedly jumped around " OMG!" Luna screamed and fanned herself " I know right? Kyaaaa" Krystal spazzed.
" I didn't expect your -" Before Sulli can continue her sentence, the teacher came in ( A/N: Curse you teacher! Now we don't know whats Krystal's and Kai's relationship!) " Okay class, bring out your books and turn it to page 55" The (damn) teacher said.
The students obeyed and started bring out their books and turning the page, some listened and some chitchatted. Krystal looked out the window and smiled, not because of Kai, but because of a certain llama.
The school bell rang, indicating break ( A/N: not lunch break, it break time, SNACK TIME! My favorite subject) The hallway was soon flooded with students. Krystal stayed behind, why? Well... 1...2...3
"Krystal!" Amber appeared huffing, Krystal raised her eyebrows " What were you doing?" Krystal asked, Amber inhaled and said " Basketball" Amber said and Krystal understand. They were just standing there, usually Krystal will walk away and make Amber tag along behind.
" You alright now?" Krystal asked swaying back and forth, Amber nodded " Then lets go!" Krystal said and linked arms with Amber. The students looked at the both of them, not used to seeing Krystal making skinship with anyone.
Reaching the cafeteria, they ordered at the counter and found a seat " What's with you?" Amber asked, Krystal smiled at her widely and giggled. Krystal leaned forward until their faces were inch apart.
" I know your jealous, MY Amber"
Yosh! I will be busy the next weeks, weeks. I'll be reviewing for exams and trying out on basketball, whats funny though is that I'm trying out on basketball yet, I only know dribble xD
Note: I'm a girl, so not that knowledgable in basket ball, though I'm the boyish type.
Oh! And are you guys curious in what I look like? Then if you have instagram go check it out! @blu_blizzard
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This is my first time having a story with 25 chapters 0.0 YAY! For me, great job me!


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YourSmile-I #1
Chapter 55: Great story...thanks
TwinTurtles #2
Chapter 55: Oh man, this story was so good! It was so sweet and I definitely loved the fluff! Though I'm still wondering how Yulsic got together! I loved Kryber in here and thank you for writing such a good story!
ariss_nf #3
Chapter 55: I really love this story
Chapter 55: Just finished reading the story. It's a good story and it's long..yay~
I really enjoyed reading this and I can kinda relate to it keke
I love the pick up lines :)
It's good that this ended as a happy ending and even though there's drama, it's not a severe kind of drama but just a slight one but still amazing.
Keep up the good work and ehy fellow pinoy :)
annieber #5
the best story!! (thumbs up) keke kryber :3 nice one authornim
kimpie136 #6
Chapter 55: How did the hell that they have kids? I thought amber is a girl in this story ?
Chapter 55: This story is amazing beautiful!! It has a bit of sad scene and a happy ending that I wanted!!! Wooohoo!!
nclmzy #8
Chapter 55: This fic is really amazing !!! I loved it! I jus have one problem. They're both girls, right ? Then how the hell did they have a kid together ? It can't be amber's ! Right ? But that doesn't really matter I still love the story ;)
Chapter 55: This is very confusing.. hah but whtevr the plot works at least :p
kimhyuraa #10
Chapter 17: Tiff is ambers big sister right cause shes friend with jessica