This is just the beggining

I Had Enough


It was school again, I get to see Amber, Don't jump to conclusions! I don' t like her, actually I hate her. The reason? Well she's a jerk and an a**hole! I just hate her guts. The sight of her makes me puke, She even has her own fan club! I wanted to shout " ARE YOU GUYS BLIND " at the very fan club. But I would be chased and bullied by them, so I'll just forget the idea.

I should stop my ranting, you get the point, Just when I was talking about her.

"Hey, Ice Princess" Amber said and smirked at me, I just glared at her. " What do you want, Liu?" I said and looked another way, " I need an energy booster" Amber said. " And that's you, Jung" Amber followed , I just looked at her shocked " Are you sick ,Liu?" I asked and touched her forehead. She gently shoved my hand away and smiled at me.

" I'm not, thank you" Amber said and smiled again " So you've gone crazy huh" I corrected myself  "I see" I then nodded my head slowly. " What! No, I thought you we're worried about me!" Amber shouted at me. " I was being sarcastic" I gave her a blank face, She just said an "oh" and left. Weird.   

I didnt mind it and just continue heading to my classroom, glaringg at some who pass by me. what? it was my hobby, I lived with it. Just then someone from behind hugged me from the back, and made me tumble and lose my balance.


Upon hearing the voice I immediately knew who it was, But I pretended I didn’t. “Get off of me! Were not even that close” I stated harshly. Then slowly I feel the persons arms let go of me, I quickly looked at my best friend Sulli.

“Your so mean Krystal, I just wanted a hug from you, yet…. Never mind” Sulli pouted, Aww isn’t she the cutest thing?. I pinched Sulli’s cheeks and hugged her “ Don’t be mad I was just joking” I smiled at Sulli and she smiled back at me.

“Hurry up and lets go” I said and held her hand. I may be well known for being an ice princess but I have my soft side. But my soft side quickly vanishes when I see that llama faced jerk, Why do I alway encounter her? I questioned myself. "So we meet again, Jung" Amber said and chuckled, She's all high and mighty when she's with her gang " I didnt know they allow pets inside campus" I said to her and flipped my hair.

Amber's gang does an "oohh~"ing sound, Amber raised her hand and they go silence. She can't accept defeat I smirked and cross my arms. " Come on, throw it at me" I said to her challenge evident in my voice. "Are you challenging me?" Amber said pointing at her self. " I always do" I stated like it my victory already.

Amber just smirked at my boastfulness " Even though your the Ice Princess, I dont think that yor that pretty, nor are you attractive. With that attitude of yours, I think anyone will break up with in just 3 days" Amber said and left me dumpfounded. I felt my eye's get teary, Sulli notices this and trys to comfort me." Don't  mind Amber she just... its just that..." Sulli can't seem to find the rigt words but I dont mind I'm thankful that she cares for me.

" It's okay Sulli, thanks for trying" I said to her and wiped the little tears that fell and hugged her " I'm lucky to have a friend like you y'know" I gigggle. She smiled widely and hugged back. I'll move on move on soon

Sorry for not updating guys or gals, I was pretty much having problems thinking of fight scenes for this two, anyway I hope you will still continue supporting my story :)

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This is my first time having a story with 25 chapters 0.0 YAY! For me, great job me!


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YourSmile-I #1
Chapter 55: Great story...thanks
TwinTurtles #2
Chapter 55: Oh man, this story was so good! It was so sweet and I definitely loved the fluff! Though I'm still wondering how Yulsic got together! I loved Kryber in here and thank you for writing such a good story!
ariss_nf #3
Chapter 55: I really love this story
Chapter 55: Just finished reading the story. It's a good story and it's long..yay~
I really enjoyed reading this and I can kinda relate to it keke
I love the pick up lines :)
It's good that this ended as a happy ending and even though there's drama, it's not a severe kind of drama but just a slight one but still amazing.
Keep up the good work and ehy fellow pinoy :)
annieber #5
the best story!! (thumbs up) keke kryber :3 nice one authornim
kimpie136 #6
Chapter 55: How did the hell that they have kids? I thought amber is a girl in this story ?
Chapter 55: This story is amazing beautiful!! It has a bit of sad scene and a happy ending that I wanted!!! Wooohoo!!
nclmzy #8
Chapter 55: This fic is really amazing !!! I loved it! I jus have one problem. They're both girls, right ? Then how the hell did they have a kid together ? It can't be amber's ! Right ? But that doesn't really matter I still love the story ;)
Chapter 55: This is very confusing.. hah but whtevr the plot works at least :p
kimhyuraa #10
Chapter 17: Tiff is ambers big sister right cause shes friend with jessica