What's going on?

Our love story


"And finished." Kamin put aside the paperback 'Pride and Prejudice'. She was lying in bed, bored. Changing her position slowly, she carefully moved her ankle aside as she took her phone from the bedside table. The last few days had been spent reading the books that Rachel had packed in her luggage. She had finished reading the last of the books she had and she officially had nothing to do. She couldn't go out because her ankle, according to Kai, was still recovering. Another reason is because she was unfamiliar with the streets. Even if she got out, she would not know where to go. She doesn't even know the way to Yuki's apparel store. 
Talking to Kai wouldn't be an option. Kamin still gave him laconic replies, no matter how hard he tried to talk to her or engage her in any activity. In the end, Kamin resorted to texting Yuki daily though she replied late most of the time due to her busy schedule.
Yuki!^^ are you free to text? Kamin sent out a message. For once, she got back a reply almost immediately.
Hey Kamin! I am free now, but only for a while. I know you are bored... I shall entertain you for now^o^ Yuki texted back.
^.^ thanks, Yuki! What have you been doing nowadays? Kamin replied.
Well, the usual stuff but I know something that will interest you! I designed some casual winter wear since winter is coming and I was hoping that you could come and give me some feedback. 
That's nice, Yuki! I would love to. But sadly, Kai is...kinda busy now so I can't exactly go out. Kamin pouted. She couldn't exactly tell Yuki that she was not on very good terms with Kai and she hardly talked to him.
Oh, I see>< well, text me if you are coming. And I am so sorry but I have to go... Talk to you some other time okay?^^ 
Okay... Thanks anyways and see you soon(I hope). 
Yup! And I suggest if you are bored, go out and explore! I am sure there is somewhere close to explore^^ 
Kamin stared at her open door. Hmm, Kai's house IS rather big. Exploring this house would be a refreshing idea. 
Kamin hobbled out of her room slowly. Kai had been out since morning and according to her observations, he would be back at noon to give her her lunch. Kamin scanned her surroundings. The first floor had only the kitchen, dining room and a living room. Her room was on the second floor with three other rooms that she had never explored before. With an excited heart, she walked towards the room just next to hers. She opened the doors and an empty room with four white walls greeted her. She frowned in disappointment. Closing the door shut, she walked into the room opposite the empty room. Locked
With no other choice, she walked into the next room and tripped over a medium sized box, spilling its contents in the process. She fell to the ground. Kamin winced as she held her ankle that was throbbing with pain. "Ouch..." Kamin rubbed her ankle gingerly until something buried under the many things scattered over the floor caught her eye. Forgetting the pain, Kamin picked it up. Looking at it, she realized that it was a photo of Kai and a girl that she recognized immediately. The girl was looking at Kai with eyes sparkled with affection. She had glossy brown hair that fell to her shoulders and her lips were curved into a sweet smile. Kai's eyes were glistening with happiness as he held her hand. That's me. Kamin stared in shock. 
"Why did you bring me here, Kai?" Kamin questioned Kai who had been rather secretive. He had dragged her to the amusement park right after school ended. 
"You will find out the reason right now." Kai whispered as he stood in the middle of a crowd of people. He took out a small heart-shaped box filled with chocolates and stood right in front of Kamin. 
"Kamin, since I met you, I knew you were special. And after spending time with you, I realized my heart could only belong with one girl and that girl is standing right in front of me." Kai said sincerely, looking into Kamin's eyes,"and I was wondering...whether that girl would agree to being my girlfriend."
Kamin looked at Kai, the boy who had been kind, caring and understanding towards her. He was the one who had picked her up when she was down and made her smile with his gestures. 
"Kamin ah, will you... Will you be my girlfriend?" Kai asked. Kamin nodded, throwing her arms around his neck. 
"And now I hereby declare Kamin as my girlfriend!" Kai wrapped his arms around her waist. Kamin giggled and leaned forward for a quick kiss.
Kamin was confused as she stared at the Polaroid in her hands. His confession to me;that was so long ago... With a thumping heart, she picked up yet another photo of Kai and her together. She turned to the back of the photo In her own cursive handwriting, it wrote K+K forever<3 Another memory flashed in Kamin's mind.
"Come here, Kamin. Let's draw something right here to commemorate our first year anniversary. I got my Polaroid camera ready." Kai took Kamin's hand and they ran barefooted along the beach. 
"You and your Polaroid obsession..." Kamin laughed. 
"Hey, it's our memories together and I never want to forget any of our dates." Kai pulled Kamin closer, gazing into her eyes with love.
"You and your romantic talk...that's one reason why I love you,"Kamin murmured, entangling her fingers in his hair. 
"And what other reasons are there? Give me one more reason." 
"You have to catch me first." Kamin ran away playfully. Kai laughed as he chased after her , catching her quickly and then giving her a backhug.
"I caught you. Tell me the reason now." Kai whispered into her ear.
"The reason is that..." Kamin turned around, playing with his fingers,"you will catch me when I fall." 
"And I will never ever let you go." Kai caressed her cheeks. 
"Never ever?" 
"Never. I promise." 
Kamin hurriedly wiped away a renegade tear that trickled down her cheeks. But did you really keep that promise? You broke it in the end, anyways. Kamin placed the photo back into the box. She picked up another picture and in her mind, the memory came on as vividly as the last two did.
"What's this?" 
"A declaration of love from me." Kai chuckled as he placed something cool into Kamin's outstretched hand. 
"A necklace?" Kamin held it up carefully,"'Kamin'. Why isn't there your name?" She pouted.
Kai wrapped his hands around Kamin's waist,"there is. There is a 'Kai' in your name anyways. That means we are meant to be. Aren't we?" Kai kissed her cheek. 
Kamin giggled,"true. We are like perfect together and we will never be apart because you will always be a part of me." Kai nodded in agreement.
"Help me put the necklace on then." Kamin said. Kai released his hands from Kamin's waist and clasped the necklace on her neck. 
"I will never take this necklace off. It's beautiful and holds a special meaning too." Kamin touched the necklace,"thanks, Kai."
Kamin shut her eyes tightly, putting the photo back into the box. Before she could really decide to keep all the contents back into the box, she caught sight of a photo showing an empty table with a little shimmering thing at the edge of it. She knew what was it. The necklace. 
"How do you explain that, Kai?" Kamin whispered.
"What? What should I explain? You saw it with your own eyes. You know perfectly what it means, Kamin..." 
"I still bought a present for you." 
"Kamin, my greatest wish on my birthday today is that you," Kai pointed a finger at her,"would disappear from my life." 
"Kai,I never thought you were this type of guy."
Kamin stared at the photo. Why did he keep these photos if he never loved me? Why are these Polaroids still here? Shouldn't he be discarding all of this? 
"Kamin, what are you doing?" A voice rang out, breaking kamin's train of thoughts. Kai was standing at the door with his mouth agape. 
"What are these?" Kamin pointed to the photos, her eyes confused. 
"Nothing, get out of my room. Now." Kai hurriedly went forward, gathering all of the contents from the floor and keeping them in the box.
"Kai, answer me." 
"Just go out." Kai pushed her out of his room and bolted it shut. 
Kai, what is going on? 
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yukimura #1
Chapter 66: Horray!Finally everything goes so well in the end :* After those blood and cry, they unite as a bride ^^ Thanks for this beautiful ending, author~nim. I can feel what she feels of becoming nervous in her wedding day..i feel it too now!hahaha ^^ For Kai, don't be so sad..you'll find your true love someday (maybe it's me?LOL) Love you as always author~nim :*
Chapter 66: AKFNKDBDLABDKHAJFLANSJS IT ENDED HUHU THANK YOU AUTHORNIMMMMM this story will forever be one of my favorites; it has been a wild and fun journey through this story hasn't it? i hope 2014 goes well for everyone; here's to many many more great fics from this author!
Chapter 66: fjhdsgusdghdfidfusdgeryheryg OMG my feels, authornim. T^T I'm happy for Kamin and Baek but I'm getting sad on Kai's part. You could marry me, instead! </3
yukimura #4
Chapter 64: Hooray! Finally, she admitted it was so wrong to leave my lovely baekhyun in agony T^T I'm so grateful this drama would end up soon! Kai, he's a tough guy..i can feel how's his heart broke into pieces yet he keep trying to smile..>.< Wait for Kamin,Baekhee.. she'll be in your embrace asap! ^^ Love you, author~nim! *hwaiting*
Chapter 64: oh no i hope these two wonderful men have their respective happy endings hyuhyu update soon!
Chapter 63: I just wish if Baek has a happy ending, Kai will have one, too! jsdhfsdfjs I just can't imagine what will happen...
Chapter 63: OHMYGOD i cannot---- oh no i want both baek and kai to have their happy endings :((((( update soon! T_____T