
Our love story


Baekhyun had been in the hospital for days, searching for a possible someone who knew where Kamin went and who Kamin called to bring her out of the hospital. He had been trying to find any possible clues but his attempts were futile. The doctor did not know who Kamin called or how she even got to call someone since she had no phone with her or even any belongings. The doctor also could not describe how the person who brought Kamin out looked like, not that it was his fault or anything since many people come and go out of the hospital. Besides, even with the description, Baekhyun wouldn't know anyways. He hardly knew any of Kamin's friends. Baekhyun was on the brink of giving up but he couldn't. Even if weeks passed without any news of her, he still couldn't give up. Not now. Not anytime soon.
Baekhyun sunk to the ground of his room. His door was ajar and as he set his gaze towards the living room. 
Kamin laughed as she took his hand," Prince Charming isn't gonna carry me now?" 
"Aigoo. So you do want me to carry you. I know you liked it, anyways." Baekhyun grinned like a Cheshire Cat, before carrying Kamin again up the stairs.
Kamin lay her head on his broad chest as she smiled contentedly. "Baekhyun, I love you." 
Baekhyun bit his smile to suppress a smile,"I love you too, from the moon and back," before planting a kiss on her rosy cheeks. 
Baekhyun clasped his hands tightly together. His heart hurt even more than before with the sweet memories they shared just a few weeks ago. I thought you loved me, Kamin. Don't you? He looked at the chain around his neck which he had hung the ring that Kamin left behind. He held it up to the light and the ring seemed to sparkle and shine under the dim light. You even left the ring behind. Do you really want to forget me? 
Baekhyun sighed as he walked towards the kitchen, trailing his fingers on the kitchen table as he walked by. He could still vividly remember Kamin's tear-stricken face as she accepted his proposal.
"Today, I have finally mustered the courage to do this. Kamin ah, I want to be your angel. An angel who will protect you, guide you and keep you from harm. I want to be by your side forever, loving you, caring for you and being your comfort. I want to be the one who will calm your fears and ease your pain." Baekhyun flashed a smile as he brought out a small box. 
"Kamin,storm clouds may gather and stars may collide but I will love you until the end of time. Will you...will you marry me?" Baekhyun revealed a ring that sat snugly in the box. The ring was a dazzling silver, simple yet elegant with a sparkling diamond in the centre of it. 
Kamin's tears rolled down her cheeks as she nodded her head furiously,managing to utter the word,"yes." 
Baekhyun's lips formed a wide smile as he slipped the ring onto her long fingers.
"I love you." Baekhyun pressed his lips against hers, tasting her tears that had fallen long ago.
Baekhyun leaned against the table. Kamin, I do love you. I really do. Why must you leave me? Don't you know how much pain I went through to make that decision that nigh? 
His phone vibrated in his jeans pocket, breaking his train of thoughts. He picked up the phone, his eyes dull, the usual twinkle in his eyes gone. 
"Hello?" Baekhyun said, monotonously.
"Hello, is this the boyfriend of Miss Kamin?" The voice on the other end of the line asked.
"Yes, this is Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun. Do you have any news of her?" Baekhyun's eyes lit up with a glimmer of hope.
"Well, in fact I do. I am a nurse working in the hospital. I had been on leave for the past few days for some personal reasons and a colleague of mine told me some guy was looking for his girlfriend that was discharged a few days ago." The voice explained.
"Yes. Please go on." Baekhyun urged.
"Miss Kamin was wandering around the hallways of the hospital that night. I happened to pass by and it was already quite late. She looked really disturbed so I asked her whether she needed any help,"the voice paused,"then she turned to me and told me that she wanted to call someone but did not have a phone. I happened to have a phone so I lent it to her. After she made the phone call, she thanked me and that was the last time I saw her." 
Baekhyun's heart leaped. "Do you still have the call register? I may be able to find out the number of the person she called." 
"Yes, I do. I don't normally delete my call log so..." The voice trailed off. 
"Could you please give me that number?" Baekhyun asked.
"Sure, I can message you the number right now." The voice replied.
"Thank you so much for your help. How may I address you?" Baekhyun said gratefully.
"I am called Courtney. Oh and I think if I heard correctly, her friend's name is Rachel."
"Thank you so much, Courtney!" Baekhyun thanked her profusely before he ended the call. He was now filled with newfound hope. He could find Kamin now. 
His phone buzzed again with a new text message. Baekhyun looked at the text message and picked up the house phone, punching in the numbers excitedly.
"Hello?" The call went through and a female picked up the call.
"Hello, is this Rachel?" Baekhyun cautiously said.
"Yes, I am. Who is this?" The rather high pitched voice asked.
"Baekhyun. Kamin's boyfriend." 
The voice on the other end of the line gasped. 
"You got the...the wrong number." The voice squeaked.
"Please. Don't do this to me. It has been hard for me to even get your number. Please. Help me." Baekhyun pleaded,"I know Kamin called you that night and since she got discharged, I have been trying to locate her. Please, don't ignore me."
"Sorry." The call ended. Baekhyun slammed down the phone. He had to find another way to get Kamin's friend to help him. 
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yukimura #1
Chapter 66: Horray!Finally everything goes so well in the end :* After those blood and cry, they unite as a bride ^^ Thanks for this beautiful ending, author~nim. I can feel what she feels of becoming nervous in her wedding day..i feel it too now!hahaha ^^ For Kai, don't be so sad..you'll find your true love someday (maybe it's me?LOL) Love you as always author~nim :*
Chapter 66: AKFNKDBDLABDKHAJFLANSJS IT ENDED HUHU THANK YOU AUTHORNIMMMMM this story will forever be one of my favorites; it has been a wild and fun journey through this story hasn't it? i hope 2014 goes well for everyone; here's to many many more great fics from this author!
Chapter 66: fjhdsgusdghdfidfusdgeryheryg OMG my feels, authornim. T^T I'm happy for Kamin and Baek but I'm getting sad on Kai's part. You could marry me, instead! </3
yukimura #4
Chapter 64: Hooray! Finally, she admitted it was so wrong to leave my lovely baekhyun in agony T^T I'm so grateful this drama would end up soon! Kai, he's a tough guy..i can feel how's his heart broke into pieces yet he keep trying to smile..>.< Wait for Kamin,Baekhee.. she'll be in your embrace asap! ^^ Love you, author~nim! *hwaiting*
Chapter 64: oh no i hope these two wonderful men have their respective happy endings hyuhyu update soon!
Chapter 63: I just wish if Baek has a happy ending, Kai will have one, too! jsdhfsdfjs I just can't imagine what will happen...
Chapter 63: OHMYGOD i cannot---- oh no i want both baek and kai to have their happy endings :((((( update soon! T_____T