My angel

Our love story


Kamin lay in bed that night, trembling with happiness from her newfound love and excitement for the future. It was funny to Kamin as to how she had gotten over her past relationship though. Too fast? Kamin hoped not.
 She tossed and turned in bed, pondering over the question for a while before finally coming to the firm conclusion that she had made the right choice in the early morning of 2am where the sky remained dark with only a tint of light from the shy sun. Baekhyun and her would enjoy a good steadfast relationship and Baekhyun loved her as much as she did. Yes, he did. She gave out a soft sigh of content, smiling to herself as she reminisced the sweet moment they shared just a few hours ago, the feel of his lips against hers. Her heart was overfilled with new love that had seeped into her broken, lonely heart after Baekhyun's sweet words and pure confession of love. The young lady looked out of her window as she sat up from her bed, combing through her tousled brown hair with her soft hands. She longed for Baekhyun's hugs and found herself missing him more and more as the minutes passed. She wrapped her arms around her legs, thinking of him. His smile that never failed to send her heart into a flutter, his hand that held on to hers firmly, his voice like an angel's wrapping her in warmth. My angel... She thought. 
Kamin smiled as she lay back into bed, slowly drifting off to sleep with lingering thoughts of her angel in her head.
 Whereas, on the other side of her block, Baekhyun was not asleep, in fact, not even in bed as he sat on the couch, smiling to himself absentmindedly, still thinking of her. His adrenaline was running after he had sent her home. He was still proud and gleeful after she had agreed to accept him. He had been waiting and waiting since forever for this moment.
Finally, he thought. Finally, I can be with her, I can shower all the love I have on her and only her. He smiled widely as he recalled the first kiss he had shared with her, the soft touch of her lips on his, bathing him in pure happiness. 2am, he wondered, is Kamin asleep already? He walked to the window which faced hers. He had always looked out of his window, keeping an eye on the pastel pink curtains of her bedroom. It would be drawn open, just before she went down to grab her breakfast as the sun glowed in the early dawn as she got ready for her school. He would then hurry down to meet her as they walked to school together. Baekhyun inhaled deeply, closing his eyes as he thought of her smile that was sweeter than any honey, her eyes that sparkled like diamonds and her warmth as she had laid back into his chest not long ago. He longed for her smile that made the world pause in its revolution, the smile that kidnapped his heart a long time ago, still keeping it under its sweet, pure hands that bathed his heart with love and warmth. His lips curved to form a smile, a smile only someone in love would have. 
He stretched, his abs peeking under his shirt as he thought of the coming few hours where Kamin and he would meet once more. Walking back to his bedroom, he stole a last glance at the pink curtains before jumping into bed with excitement for the wonderful day ahead with his angel.  
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yukimura #1
Chapter 66: Horray!Finally everything goes so well in the end :* After those blood and cry, they unite as a bride ^^ Thanks for this beautiful ending, author~nim. I can feel what she feels of becoming nervous in her wedding day..i feel it too now!hahaha ^^ For Kai, don't be so'll find your true love someday (maybe it's me?LOL) Love you as always author~nim :*
Chapter 66: AKFNKDBDLABDKHAJFLANSJS IT ENDED HUHU THANK YOU AUTHORNIMMMMM this story will forever be one of my favorites; it has been a wild and fun journey through this story hasn't it? i hope 2014 goes well for everyone; here's to many many more great fics from this author!
Chapter 66: fjhdsgusdghdfidfusdgeryheryg OMG my feels, authornim. T^T I'm happy for Kamin and Baek but I'm getting sad on Kai's part. You could marry me, instead! </3
yukimura #4
Chapter 64: Hooray! Finally, she admitted it was so wrong to leave my lovely baekhyun in agony T^T I'm so grateful this drama would end up soon! Kai, he's a tough guy..i can feel how's his heart broke into pieces yet he keep trying to smile..>.< Wait for Kamin,Baekhee.. she'll be in your embrace asap! ^^ Love you, author~nim! *hwaiting*
Chapter 64: oh no i hope these two wonderful men have their respective happy endings hyuhyu update soon!
Chapter 63: I just wish if Baek has a happy ending, Kai will have one, too! jsdhfsdfjs I just can't imagine what will happen...
Chapter 63: OHMYGOD i cannot---- oh no i want both baek and kai to have their happy endings :((((( update soon! T_____T