
Our love story


"Yes, yes. I will be there in thirty minutes. I promise, okay?" I muttered to the phone as Baekhyun called again to check. He had asked me out for dinner yesterday and he had nagged on and on about me reaching on time. The clock had merely struck six and the dinner was only at seven. I guess he must really wanna see me. I laughed silently to myself as I put on the finishing touches of my makeup. 
I had no inkling as to why Baekhyun had made such a big fuss over it. After all, it's just a normal dinner, isn't it? Pouting slightly, I looked at myself once more in the mirror. I should be more presentable since he thinks of this dinner as important. 
I sighed in exasperation. Would this be good enough?  Another final look at the mirror, I nodded and set off to the restaurant for our dinner. 
I flagged a taxi before getting in, mindful of my dress. It was a pure white dress that clung to my figure, accentuating the right places. Sleeveless, I had decided to bring a cashmere sweater, just in case.
"Baekhyun, I'm here." I called out to him. He had propped his head on his hands, looking in the distance. Snapping out of his daze, he walked forward to embrace me,whispering," glad you are here." 
I nodded in return before turning my attention to the table. I picked up a spoon from the pretty posh silver cutlery that sat in front of me and peered into the back of the spoon. The opaque glistening cold metal of the spoon mirrored my face. 
"Kamin ah, my mother would be here today." Baekhyun muttered under his breath, quickly and softly as he averted his gaze to look at the seemingly interesting velvet carpet of the restaurant.
Mother? Today? The two words screamed in my head as my imagination ran wild. What if they didn't like me or.... 
"Byun Baekhyun! Wae? Why didn't you tell me? Do I look okay? Aigoo..." I freaked out as I peered at my reflection. 
Baekhyun smiled sheepishly," surprise?" 
I slapped his arm lightly," you could have prepared me earlier." I pouted as I began smoothing out the creases on my dress. I should have worn better clothes. 
"Baekhyun, help me put on my sweater. Your mum might..."  I turned to Baekhyun as I fiddled with my hair, nervously twirling it around my finger. 
He smiled as he stood up, placing the cashmere sweater over my bare shoulders gently as he kissed my head,"my mum wouldn't mind. I mind. I don't want any other guy to keep staring at you. Who knows what runs through their mind? And most importantly, I don't want you to catch a cold or anything."
I placed my hand over his as I smiled. How could a guy be so sweet and caring? 
"Oh. What a lovely couple I see," a clear voice rang through the air. 
"Eomma?" Baekhyun turned scarlet as he quickly walked forward to greet her. I stood up hastily as I bowed politely," 안녕하세요."
"No need for formalities, my dear. We are going to be a family soon." His mother smiled kindly at me as she sat down on the chair.
"My son has been talking about you the whole morning when we met. He is indeed amorous of you." She laughed, showing off her pearly whites. I shot a playful glance at Baekhyun who returned the gaze almost immediately. Amorous, hmm. 
"Baekhyun ah, you have good taste. What an elegant young lady we have here. I would be glad to have her in our family." his mother continued. 
I smiled. Phew, his mother seems really nice. I guess it's not as bad as I think it would be. 
I felt a reassuring squeeze from Baekhyun as he held my hand firmly on the table. Nodding back, I sank back into my chair, relieved. 
"Eomma... Where is Baekhee? Isn't she coming?"  Baekhyun suddenly looked around, concern in his eyes.
"Aish, that girl. She refused to come for who knows what reason." Eomma replied as she took my other hand, smiling. She had asked me to address her as Eomma already and I found it so easy to talk to her. Baekhyun's mother is simply wonderful. 
"Baekhyun, she always listens to you. What about you try to call her and ask her here? After all, she hasn't had dinner yet." his mother mumbled on.
He nodded as he fished out his handphone, punching in the numbers.
"No answer." he sighed after 5 minutes of calling her. 
I placed a hand on his shoulder,"it's okay. I'm sure she's busy. Don't worry. She would be fine." 
Kamin smiled reassuringly at me. I nodded back, grateful. But deep inside my heart, in that little corner, I knew something was wrong.
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yukimura #1
Chapter 66: Horray!Finally everything goes so well in the end :* After those blood and cry, they unite as a bride ^^ Thanks for this beautiful ending, author~nim. I can feel what she feels of becoming nervous in her wedding day..i feel it too now!hahaha ^^ For Kai, don't be so sad..you'll find your true love someday (maybe it's me?LOL) Love you as always author~nim :*
Chapter 66: AKFNKDBDLABDKHAJFLANSJS IT ENDED HUHU THANK YOU AUTHORNIMMMMM this story will forever be one of my favorites; it has been a wild and fun journey through this story hasn't it? i hope 2014 goes well for everyone; here's to many many more great fics from this author!
Chapter 66: fjhdsgusdghdfidfusdgeryheryg OMG my feels, authornim. T^T I'm happy for Kamin and Baek but I'm getting sad on Kai's part. You could marry me, instead! </3
yukimura #4
Chapter 64: Hooray! Finally, she admitted it was so wrong to leave my lovely baekhyun in agony T^T I'm so grateful this drama would end up soon! Kai, he's a tough guy..i can feel how's his heart broke into pieces yet he keep trying to smile..>.< Wait for Kamin,Baekhee.. she'll be in your embrace asap! ^^ Love you, author~nim! *hwaiting*
Chapter 64: oh no i hope these two wonderful men have their respective happy endings hyuhyu update soon!
Chapter 63: I just wish if Baek has a happy ending, Kai will have one, too! jsdhfsdfjs I just can't imagine what will happen...
Chapter 63: OHMYGOD i cannot---- oh no i want both baek and kai to have their happy endings :((((( update soon! T_____T