Making the Fake Wedding Card

Really You??/ Why You??/ I love You...

 I called ~~~~ and told her the plan about making a fake marriage thing. She asked me all these questions at first but agreed to do it in the end. I hung up and told SungGyu hyung. He smiled and looked up designs for the wedding card. He was scrolling down on Google when he suddenly stopped.

"Wait... If we make a fake marriage, a lot of people have to be there. Also that means that they'll think that ~~~~ and I are married."

 I thought for a second. That is true, we would have to the people that'll attend to the wedding.

"I know, but anything to keep ~~~~ safe."

 SungGyu hyung nodded and kept on scrolling down. I looked up wedding designs and actually thought of my own design. I laid down on my bed because I was getting a bit tired. I looked at SungGyu hyung and he was yawning at least ten times every minute.

"Hyung, let's take a break," I said sitting up.

 We decided to order some coffee in the cafe we went to earlier. When we were walking our way to the cafe I accidently bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry," I said.

I looked up and saw Krystal with her arms wide open. "Oppa! I didn't know you were at Busan! Come here and give me a hug!" Krystal said.

I rejected her offer and asked her why she was in Busan.

"Oh... I-it's because of... Uh.... Family thingy," she said. 

 "Okay," I said coolly and walked away from Krystal with SungGyu hyung. 

"The wedding is going to be in two months! I'm ready to attend!" Krystal yelled. 

I ignored her and walked to the cafe with SungGyu hyung. I have two more months....

"SungGyu hyung, I really really want to save ~~~~ from getting hu-" I bumped my head on the Cafe door with a loud THUMP.

Everyone inside looked at me and some laughed at me. I walked in, embarrassed and took a seat

"She's nuts, she's going to give ~~~~~ the evil eye in the wedding ceremony and kill her," I said trying to change the subject. I didn't want to talk about what happened a second ago.. It's just embarrassing  We talked for a few minutes and when we started to get Thirsty we looked at the menu. I scanned through the blackboard menu , and decided to order orange juice, ~~~~'s favorite. I looked at SungGyu hyung and he was busy looking at the menu so I took my phone out. I looked at my phone and I decided that it's time for me to call ~~~~. 

(~~~~~      L )


Hi! It's me, L

Hey L! What's up?

Can you come down to Busan?

Uh... Sure..? When?

Right now?

It's going to take me forever

You can take the airplane

No! I'm not going to spend money on plane tickets that's like waste of money

Fine, I'll buy you a train ticket and you can come down to Busan tomorrow. Kay?

Alright~ See you tomorrow!

 We hung up and I looked over at SungGyu hyung. He was looking at me with puppy eyes.

"What do you want? I'll pay for this," I said pulling out my credit card.

SungGyu hyung gave me a grin and said "What you are going to order."

I stood up and walked to buy some orange juice.

"H-hello," the girl said.

She looked nervous and she looked behind her and the other workers were giggling.

"Can I have two orange juice?" I asked her.

She turned around and nodded.

"Do you want anything else?" she asked.

I shook my head and handed her my credit card. when she handed me my credit card her hands were shaking a lot. I looked at her and took my credit card from her hand. I gave her a smile and turned around to return back to my seat. When I was walking I heard a lot of screaming and I turned around. The workers were jumping up and down and giggling. I returned back to my seat and looked at SungGyu hyung.

"So... What should we do with Krystal?" I asked him putting my credit card in my wallet.

"Let's like call the police," SungGyu hyung said giggling.

 I looked at him and thought for a moment. There's a lot of reason why Krystal should be put in jail. There is too many I can't even remember all of them. I was zoning out when a waitress put down my orange juice. I looked at her and smiled. Her face was getting red. She put down a waffle and did a bow.

 "Excuse me, but I um... I didn't order this," I said holding up the plate of waffles.

 "Uh.. That is actually a.. We made it for you," she said still blushing.

 "We?" I said. She pointed at the workers who were hiding behind the counter.

"Thank you," I said digging in.

 I could see SungGyu hyung looking at me with a worried face.

"Did you eat?? It looks like you haven't ate since like forever!" SungGyu hyung said patting my back.


(Translation= I did eat I just didn't have time to eat like waffles!)

SungGyu hyung tsk and kept on slurping on his orange juice. When I finished the plate of waffle I drank my orange juice in one big gulp. I sighed and looked at the clock. The time was ticking and there isn't much time for me to get everything ready for the fake wedding and for the real wedding.

 When we finished our little snack we walked back to my house and continued to look for wedding card designs. We finally found one and I like LOVE it..

Finally... All I need to do is invite people and set the location. After that... We'll be happy together... 


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jessi828 #1
Chapter 85: Nice story!
I am so friggin' excited to read this.
elissevania #4
Chapter 1: i love it!!! Good job author nim!!!
Junber247 #5
That was greaaat! DAEBAK Author-nim! :P
miso26 #8
Chapter 83: I feel really sad for Sunggyu. ;~;