Feelings Part 2

Really You??/ Why You??/ I love You...


After I got ready I didn't have time to eat breakfast. So I decided to buy some bread on my way to school. When I got to the lobby I said hi to the janitor and walked out the front exit. When I was walking to the bus stop I spot a familiar figure. I walked closer to the figure and the figure started to get more and more familiar as I walked closer to it. "L oppa!" I yelled. L turned around, gave me a big smile and gave me a big wave. I ran to him and gave him a big morning hug. "Good morning ~~~~," he said smiling. I broke the hug and replied back to his greeting. "Are you going to give me a ride to school?" "Of course," he said.

 While L was driving me to school I spot a juice that made my mouth water. "How old is this?" I asked L as I held the juice up. "I just bought it," he said. I sipped the orange juice and it was fresh, I could tell. "YAH! I DRANK OUT OF THAT STRAW!!!" L yelled at me. "We are going to be married in like 5 months, chill and drive straight!" I told him like a boss. He smiled and he did what I told him to do. When we arrived at school we spot SungGyu, Jieun and WooHyun talking together. "YAH! SUNGGYU OPPA! JIEUN AH! WOOHYUN SSI!" I yelled at them. All three of them turned towards me and gave me a big smile. 

 "Did you give her a ride to school?" WooHyun asked L. "Ooh~" Jieun teased. "He didn't do anything weird did he?" SungGyu oppa asked me. "Of course he didn't h-" "She did. She drank my orange juice that I bought with my own money!" L pouted. "Well, thank you for sharing your orange juice with me! Let's go Jieun ah!" I said as I linked arms with Jieun and skipped to our classroom. "You guys are so cute together!" Jieun squealed. "He's such a money saver! He's pouting just cause I stole like few sips of his orange juice," I said still skipping. Jieun stopped and looked at the front entrance. There was Sulli and Krystal linking arms and on banana milk. "Does drama queens," Jieun said as she rolled her eyes. "W-wait I'll be right back," I said as I broke the link and walked up to Krystal and Sulli.

 "You guys are not involved with something like killing me right," I asked Krystal and Sulli. They stopped on their banana milk and threw it so they don't have to throw the trash away. "Uh isn't there something like good morning or hi before you ask us something?" Krystal said as she pulled a piece of gum out and started to chew on it like a boss. "Look I asked you a question and you need to answer it." "Why would I answer a question that YOU asked?" she said as she walked passed me and purposely hit my shoulder. She stopped and looked with me with the tip of her eye and continued to walk. 



 I swear that girl is getting on my nerves. I'll be fine if none of the Infinite members find out that I was involved with ~~~ almost dying. "What are you thinking of?" Sulli asked me. "N-Nothing," I said as I continued to chew my gum. Not even Sulli knows that I was the one who sent the 9 girls to kill ~~~~. If Sulli finds out she'll freak. She'll stop being friends with me because she knows that she'll go no where around Infinite if she hangs out with me, after Sulli and Infinite finds out. AISH!!! Why can't things like killing people be as easy in like movies and drama!! "Really Krystal, you look like you are thinking really hard!" Sulli as as she held my hand. "I was thinking about uh I think we should kill ~~~~," I whispered to Sulli. "WHAT!" She yelled as her eyes turned into a big circle. "Sh! Keep your voice low and quiet!" I said as I covered Sulli's mouth and looked around to see if anyone was looking at us.

 "Let's go to my house," I said as I dragged Sulli out of the school gate. "W-wait! School didn't even start!" Sulli said freaking out. "Ais why does she have to be so innocent?" I thought as I dragged Sulli to my house. When we walked in my maids and butlers bowed 90 degrees and took our coat and backpack. "Thank you," Sulli said as she bowed 90 degrees. "Yah! How many times do I have to say this! Don't bow to the butlers and maids," I said as I slapped Sulli on her head. "Oh right," she said. We walked upstairs and saw my sister video chatting. "Hi krystal! Why aren't you at school? Hi Sulli wh-" "Whatever," I interrupted and slammed my door shut. "I think we should at lease say hi to Jessica," Sulli said feeling uncomfortable. "She's my sister," I said as I pulled a paper out.

 "We are going to plan how to kill ~~~~ without getting caught," I said as I drew the words big on the paper. "I-I don't want to kill anyone. I'm a Christian!" Sulli said as she folded her arms. "We are not going to kill her, I'm going to hire some people to kill her so it'll look like we are not in the whole killing thing," Krystal said as she pulled her checkbook out and smirked.



 I don't feel good about this, I have to tell ~~~~ and L oppa about this. But I can't do it to my friend but I don't want to be in this whole killing thingy! What happened to Krystal? She was so like nice and such... UGH! I'm in the toughest situation!!!!!!!!  Aish! What should I do? All I know is that I'll pretend to be in Krystals side and betray her? AISH! WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO DO!! I DON'T WANT TO BETRAY MY FRIEND!!!! 

After 2 hours of planning our plan looked like a serial killer's planning sheet. We high fived each other and I left Krystal's house. "Oh right! I have to write my fanfic!" I mumbled as I ran to my house that was about a block away. "Hi mom! So can I ask you something?" I asked her as I handed my maide my coat and backpack nicely and bowed at them . "Alright, so tell me what happened," my mom said as she put her news paper down and sipped her coffee. "So you know how I like write fanfics. So there is a girl that likes a boy but the boy likes a girl a lot and they are arranged marriage. So the girl is heartbroken and decides to kill the girl that her crush is getting arranged marriage to. She has a friend and she's dragging her to her killing plan. What should I make the friend do?" I asked her. She looked at me and smiled. "I think the friend should make her own decision and find what's right," my mom said as she continued to read her news paper.



 "Let's eat ttuckbokki all together!!" WooHyun said as he pulled his wallet out. "My treat," he said as he pulled a 10 dollar bill out. We all clapped at WooHyun's 'sacrifice' and hugged WooHyun. "Let's go!" DongWoo said and everyone followed DongWoo's lead even if DongWoo's not buying us anything. I was walking with SungGyu oppa when he pulled his phone out and looked at me. "I'll be right back," he said as he hugged me and ran down the hall. "Where is he going?" L asked me as he took SungGyu oppa's spot. "I don't know, he didn't tell me anything," I said still looking at the hall he ran down. 

 When we arrived at the ttuckbokki shop we were all eating like pigs. "Let's order more," SungYeol said his lips. "Aish, next time you're paying," WooHyun said as he asked the lady for 10 servings of ttuckbokki. The lady sighed and started to make more ttuckbokki. "I'll buy drinks, what do you guys want?" I asked Infinite and Jieun as I stood up. "Surprise me," Dongwoo said eating the last ttuck. I heard a lot of aish and they thew their chopsticks down. "I'll just buy sprite and coke," I said as I grabbed my wallet and my phone and walked out the shop.

 When I was walking to the pharmacy I saw something that made me stop walking. I saw SungGyu oppa and Sulli eating something together talking. "Is he dating Sulli? What? Why? What about me?" I thought. I hid so Sulli and SungGyu oppa wont see me spying on them. "I thought SungGyu oppa loved me," I said as I sat down on the dirty street and hugged my knees. "What am I thinking? I'm going to be married to L oppa," I said as I slapped myself and got up. When I saw Sulli laughing my heart ached. "What's going on? Why is my heard aching? Why is Sulli and SungGyu oppa together?" 

 When I saw Sulli leave I walked to the pharmacy and SungGyu oppa stood up. "Hi ~~~~ ah," he said as he walked towards me to hug me but my body avoided him. My brain was telling me to hug him but my body kept on avoiding him. "~~~~ ah, are you okay?" SungGyu oppa said as he walked towards me. I ran to the pharmacy and grabbed bunch of sprite and coke and ran to the check out. SungGyu oppa walked in and saw me at the check out center. "I'll buy this," he said as he pulled his wallet out. "No, I'll buy it," I said as I gave the lady 20 dollars and ran out the door. "Why am I doing this? All I saw was Sulli and SungGyu oppa together for like 10 minutes," I thought as I walked to the ttuckbokki shop. When I walked in everyone eyed me and ran to me for their soda. 

 "I'm going home," I said as I placed the plastic bag on the table and left the store. "Why am I doing this? WHY AM I DOING THIS!" I thought and walked to the bus stop. Then I saw SungGyu oppa walking to the ttuckbokki shop and walked  in. Then my bus arrived and I hopped on. I sat at the backseat and no one was there. They all took the individual seat. I laid there so SungGyu oppa wont see me. Then my phone vibrated and I check my phone. 

"Where are you? Why did you avoid me? We need to talk." It was from SungGyu oppa. I just ignored the text and when the bus started to move I sat up and listened to music. I swear I hate myself right now.

 When I arrived home I walked up like a thousand stairs and when I didn't fee like walking up the rest I rode the elevator to my floor. I was on the 9th floor and I had like 9 more floors to go. When I rode the elevator no one was there so I was pretty happy. The first 5 floor was nothing but when it got to 6th I couldn't breath. So I clicked on 7th floor and the door opened. I ran out and caught my breath. Why do I have to be claustrophobic? I walked the rest with stairs and when I arrived I was soaking wet with sweat. I said hi to my mom who was sleeping. I turned the TV off and got her a light blanket so she wouldn't catch a cold. I turned the living room light off and walked to my room. I took a shower and washed up and when I was ready to sleep I got 10 calls from SungGyu oppa, 30 text from SungGyu oppa and 9 voice mails from him. I just put my phone under my pillow and went to sleep.

 I still didn't know why I was doing this to SungGyu oppa.


 Sorry for not updating a lot :( 

 But the good news is.. You know who the person was that planned to kill ~~~~ :) 

   Well.. She still does but.. -__-

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jessi828 #1
Chapter 85: Nice story!
I am so friggin' excited to read this.
elissevania #4
Chapter 1: i love it!!! Good job author nim!!!
Junber247 #5
That was greaaat! DAEBAK Author-nim! :P
miso26 #8
Chapter 83: I feel really sad for Sunggyu. ;~;