The Date

Really You??/ Why You??/ I love You...

 I woke up and I was late for school. I groaned and quickly dressed up and washed up. I didn't have enough time to wash my hair so I put it in pigtails and put some body spray on my uniform and dashed out the house with my backpack. When I rode the bus I realized that I forgot to bring my lunch and my lunch money. I sighed when I remembered that I have my wallet in my backpack. Before I opened it I closed my eyes and prayed to God that there would be at least 10 dollars. When I opened it I only found 2 bucks in my wallet all wrinkled up. 

 I sighed and threw my wallet back in my backpack. I didn't even eat breakfast and I was starving right now. I walked out the bus at my stop when I saw a bread shop. "Jack Pot!!" I thought as I ran to the shop. I walked in and found bunch of delicious bread and the smell was killing my stomach. I heard my stomach growl and I knew that it was going to growl louder next time. 

 I picked a bread with cream inside it and I had 20 cents left. I ate it on the way to school and of course I got yelled at the teacher because I was 30 minutes late. I saw Sulli cracking up and I just ignored her annoying laugh. I walked to my seat and SungGyu oppa asked me what happened. I explained to him that I woke up late and I didn't eat breakfast so I had to buy bread. I left out the part that I didn't have lunch because I knew that he was going to buy lunch for me and I don't want him to because he spends a lot of money on me.

 I kept on studying and when it was time for lunch I heard my stomach growl. "~~~~ ah! Let's go to the Cafe!" Hoya said as he held my wrist and pulled me up. "I'm actually not hungry," I said as I sat back down. "Oh um okay," Hoya said as he walked out alone scratching his  head. I decided to read and forget about my stomach growling. 10 minute passed and my stomach started to scream at me, telling me to eat something. Then someone tapped on my shoulder and I saw SungJong smiling. "Hi!" I said as I gave him a little wave. "~~~~ ah, I didn't see you at lunch so I finished my lunch early and I got you an apple and some lemon candies!" SungJong said as he placed them on my desk.

 "Thanks SungJong ah!" I said as I took a bite of my apple. SungJong grabbed a seat next to me and told me that Infinite was worried about me. They knew how much I love to eat and for some odd reason that I wasn't eating. "~~~~ ah, you don't have lunch money do you?" SungJong asked me. I almost choked on my apple and SungJong started to pat my back. I quickly nodded and looked at my shoes. "Aigoo, ~~~~ ah! Just ask me and I'll give you money and you can pay me back later or you don't even have to pay back!" SungJong said. I smiled and thanked him but told him that I was going to bring lunch or lunch from now on and I'll borrow his money if I'm really really hungry.

 He smiled and told me that he have to get going. I waved goodbye and popped one of the lemon candy in my mouth. Soon kids started to walk to their class with their friends with their stomachs full of food. When I started to put my stuff away I heard screaming and I knew that it was Hoya, L and SungGyu oppa. I stood up but I bumped my head on my desk and kind of fell on the floor. Sulli laughed and took a picture of me on the floor rubbing the place where I got hit. When SungGyu oppa, Hoya and L saw me on the ground they ran to me and asked me if I was alright. I nodded and sat on my chair and my head felt like it was hit with a metal or something. 

 "~~~~ ah, do you need to go to the clinic?" SungGyu oppa asked me. "No oppa, it's alright it'll go away," I said as I popped another lemon candy in my mouth. "~~~~ ah? Did SungJong visit you? Why weren't you at lunch today?" L asked me. "Yes SungJong visit me and I didn't come to lunch because I forgot to bring money and I left lunch at home," I said as I gave him a weak laugh. "YAH! WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK ME FOR MONEY? WE ARE GOING TO BE A FAMILY TOGETHER! DON'T FEEL TO PRESSURED TO USE MY MONEY!"  L yelled at me. Everyone in the class was looking at us and I told L to lower his voice. "I don't want to use your money because I feel bad!" I whispered. L oppa shook his head and gave me a little twist on my head with his fist. "L! That hurts!!! I just got banged at that exact spot with my desk!" I said as I started to rub my head. "oops... Mihanhae~ I forgot!! Forgive me~!" L said as he flashed a smile and made his hands into a shape of a heart.

 I smiled and forgave him because barely anyone saw L doing a aegyo, especially to a girl. "Oppa~ When are we going to a date?" Someone asked. We both looked up and saw Sulli blushing. "Oh, um let's do it today. I just want to get it over with," L said as he rolled his eyes. "Oh, ~~~~ ah you can come with us you know with one of the Infinite member," Sulli said as she gave me a dirty look. I smirked at her because in front of L she was acting all cute and she looked at me like I was a piece of garbage. "You can bring SungGyu oppa you know, I don't think he'll mind!" Sulli said. SungGyu oppa looked at the three of us because his name was mentioned. 

 "I MIND I MIND!!" L said as he stood up and started to point at himself with his eyes getting wider and wider by every second. "Oppa, but you are going on a date with me and Krystal is going on a date with WooHyun oppa and I think we should invite ~~~~ and she'll be lonely because we'll be too busy and I think we should let her bring a date!" Sulli said as she lightly pushed L down on his chair. "So, ~~~~ ah are you coming or what?" Sulli asked. "I'll go," I said as I popped a lemon candy in  my mouth. "Is that from SungJong oppa??" Sulli asked. I nodded and she gave me a death glare. "First L, then SungGyu oppa and now SungJong oppa? Who's next Hoya oppa?" Sulli screamed. "Wait what? ME?" Hoya asked as he stood up. His face looked l like he won the lottery.

 "Lee HoWon sit down," SungGyu oppa said as he pointed down with his index finger. "FYI Sulli, SungJong just came and gave me an apple and some lemon candies because I didn't have lunch," I said as I gave Sulli a little push. "Woah woah girls, sit down and let's start class!" Our teacher said as she squeezed between us. I did what the teacher told us to do and sat down on my seat. The lesson was really boring because it was history, I mean who wants to learn about dead people? I mean they did important things to Korea that was important but it's boring learning about them. I couldn't stop yawning and I started to tear up because I was yawning to much.

 School finally finished and I packed my things. "Jieun ah, do you know that Krystal is going on a date with WooHyun? It's a long story and you have to understand," I texted. A minute later Jieun replied that Infinite already told her and WooHyun promised to go on a date with her for the whole day later. I smiled and put my backpack on and I bumped in to Infinite. "Oh hey! Where are you going?!" DongWoo asked me. "I'm going home, oh wait I forgot I have to go on that stupid triple date thingy," I said as I rolled my eyes. "At least the good part is that my date is SungGyu oppa," I said as I popped a lemon candy in my mouth. "Hey! It's the lemon candy that I gave you!! Isn't it like addicting?" SungJong asked me. I nodded and smiled at how he loves lemon candy and he's addicted to it.

 "Before we go on that stupid date let's go to um, eat ttuckbokki!" WooHyun said and everyone agreed. "Ttuck-ttuckbokki!!!?" I asked. My stomach started to growl and Infinite chuckled at the sound of my stomach growling. "Let's go already!" I said as my face turned red from the embarrassment. We arrived at the ttuckbokki store and I ordered tuna kimbap and ramen. "Looks like our little ~~~~ was hungry," SungYeol said as he chuckled. I saw SungGyu oppa and L giving SungYeol a stare. "Our little??" L asked SungYeol. "I-I mean she-she's li-like ou-our friend," SungYeol said as he gulped. I smiled and told him that it was okay calling me that nickname. 3 minutes later the food arrived and I prayed to God and started to dig in. I first ate raemen, more of drinking it and when ttuckbokki and tuna kimbap came out I ate the ttuck and I also dipped my kimbap in the ttuckbokki bowl because kimbap+ttuckbokki sauce equals heaven.

 After 10 minutes my stomach was satisfied with the food that I ate and I thanked Infinite for the delicious food. "Wow, ~~~~ was really hungry," SungGyu oppa said as he smiled. "I mean I only ate a bread before I ate this, wait no I ate bread, an apple and some lemon candies!" I said as I smiled because my stomach stopped growling and I was full. "Alright, ~~~~, SungGyu hyung, WooHyun and I need to go to Lotte world for our date," L said as he stood up. "L-lotte world?" I asked L and I couldn't stop twitching my eye because of the bad memory. "Oh, right um let's go to Hanggang river instead," L said as he dialed a number and told Krstal and Sulli that we'll be at the Hanggang river.

 I said good bye to the rest of the Infinite and hopped on SungGyu oppa's car. "You can sit in the front," L said as he opened the door for me, "Ooh~ Someone got manners!" I said as I sat down. L smiled and closed the door and opened the car door behind me. Everyone got on and SungGyu oppa drove to Hanggang river. "WooHyun, hows you and Jieun?" I asked. WooHyun smiled and told me that they are happy and WooHyun is planning on giving Jieun a 600th day anniversary present. I awed at that plan and I told him that it was really sweet of him. The rest of the ride we had B1A4 and Infinite songs on. I smiled because he bought some CD's when he bought me some.

 I sang along a little and WooHyun and L clapped along to the beat like a 50 year old ajjassi. SungGyu oppa smiled and WooHyun and L clapped when I stopped singing. The next song was The Chaser and the boys started to sing along and they were really good at singing. I clapped because of how well they sang and I told them they should audition, but L said that he wont because he's getting married and boy groups are single. I smiled and SungGyu oppa told us that we are here. I saw the river and my mouth dropped open because of how pretty it was. SungGyu oppa parked his car and I ran out the car and when I arrived at the river I slowed down. "~~~~ ah! Wait for us and don't fall in the water!" L yelled. 

 I saved 3 seats for WooHyun, L and SungGyu  oppa and 5 minutes they arrived at where I was gasping for air. I kept on looking at the river and I even took a picture. "Let's take selca! (Self Camera)" WooHyun said. I changed the camera to the front one and everyone gathered around me. We started to hundreds of pictures when I saw Sulli and Krystal in the background. I put my phone away and we looked at Krystal and Sulli. "Oppa!" Sulli said as she grabbed one of L's arm. Krystal walked to WooHyun and sat on his lap. "Are you crazy! Get off me before I-" "Remember," Krystal said as she gave him a stare. WooHyun stopped complaining but his face expression was like"SAVE ME~!!" 

 We stood up and we decided to walk around the river. Sulli told L to put his arms around her and L did it. He first smirked but did it because of yeah.. WooHyun had to do the same and SungGyu oppa asked me if he could put his arms around me. I nodded and SungGyu oppa put his arms around me. "~~~~ ah, are you okay with Sulli and L together right now?" SungGyu oppa asked me carefully. "It's alright, he's doing it for my sake," I said as I gave him a small smile. "~~~~ ah, I'll make sure Krystal wont make WooHyun kiss her, alright!" SungGyu oppa said as he held his pinky out. "Pinky promise?" I asked him. "Pinky promise," SungGyu oppa promised.

 SungGyu oppa and I bought some snack and we started to munch on it right away. I laughed at how I ate like an hour ago and I was already hungry. SungGyu oppa laughed along and I started to choke on a little piece of the cracker I was eating. SungGyu oppa's stopped laughing and started to pat my back. I told him that I was okay and I started to munch on my snack again. Then I saw WooHyun, L and the wannabe freaks walking to where we were. "Let's have a pepero contest thingy!" Krystal said as she held up a box of pepero.

 "How do you play that?" I asked them. "You really don't know anything do you? Anyways since we are already paired up it's going to be quick. So I am going to hand each couple a piece of pepero and the guy is going to start from one side and the girl is going to start from the other. The couple that finish eating their pepero first wins!" Krystal said as she started to clap. SungGyu oppa looked stunned because he promised me that he wont let WooHyun kiss Krystal. Then he whispered something to WooHyun and he nodded. Then he told me to just start munching on it crazy and finish it in like a second. I knew what he was going to do, he was going to end the game so WooHyun or L wont have to kiss them.

 "1,2,3 GO!" Krystal yelled and I started to munch on the pepero like a lightning. A second later I felt SungGyu oppa's soft lips. SungGyu oppa held his hands up and the rest stopped. "BREAK UP!!" L said but Sulli gave him a stare and he shut his mouth. We broke the kiss and it was like 7 pm and the date was over. "Hey guess what? The date is over," I said as I showed them my phone that had 7:01 pm on the lock screen. They both awed and we waved goodbye and walked to SungGyu oppa's car. "So, how was the date everyone?" I asked them. They looked at me in horror like they saw a ghost or something. I knew that they wont answer my question so  I just kept on walking to SungGyu oppa's car quietly.

  The car ride was pretty quiet and when SungGyu oppa dropped me off at my house and I thanked him for the wonderful date and waved goodbye at everyone. They waved back and I walked in my apartment and walked up the stairs. I finally arrived at the 18th floor and opened the door. I fell on my bed and fell right to sleep, I didn't feel like taking my uniform off or washing up. I have another uniform in my closet anyway.



haha XD sorry that I didn't update everyday.. Well, usually I do short chapters but I decided to do a long one :) 

so,,, people who ship SungGyu and ~~~~ do you like this one a little??

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jessi828 #1
Chapter 85: Nice story!
I am so friggin' excited to read this.
elissevania #4
Chapter 1: i love it!!! Good job author nim!!!
Junber247 #5
That was greaaat! DAEBAK Author-nim! :P
miso26 #8
Chapter 83: I feel really sad for Sunggyu. ;~;