Friends again

It Just Isn't My Story To Tell

You walked of the building and saw someone take a photo of you. You put on your actress face and walked off as if you didn’t see it. You walked to the bus stop and sat down on the bench as you waited for the bus. You did some cute annoyed faces as you waited for the bus.

“Aigoo… I can feel the articles being written up already…” you smiled. You then frowned and slapped your forehead. “Aish! Being cocky is a bad thing.”

You let out a sigh and waited for the bus. A car then stopped in front of you and the window went down.

“Jenny!” you heard someone shout out at you. You couldn’t see who it was but you remained at your seat. The engine stopped and the door opened, Hyunseung walked out and walked towards you. You were surprised to see him.

“What-what are you doing here?”

“Look, it was about yesterday, you just went off like that… I really wanted to say things to you.”

“Like what? I’m sorry Jenny, I was hoping that you would just keep your mouth shut and listen to me?”

“No. I didn’t know… but-”

You took a deep breath and smiled, “I’m only smiling because I know that there are cameras so don’t think that I’m doing this because I want to. Look, I’m a forgiving person and I will eventually forgive you but you have to give me some time. Since we used to be so close to one another, I’m going to tell you the truth, what you’re doing right now looks really pathetic. I know it sounds rude because I’m younger but I’m only telling you this so you can improve.”

Hyunseung nodded his head, “Well, I’m sorry for what happened. I won’t do it again.”

“I’m sorry but this atmosphere is really flat. To be honest, I don’t even get where this is going… so why don’t we end this right now and just move on? I mean, I have to be a little bit thankful towards you…”


“Well that video that you uploaded did get me a lot of attention and now, I’m going to sign with Snipersound so… I guess I have to say this. Thank you, if you didn’t do what you did then I probably wouldn’t have this opportunity.”

Hyunseung looked at you with a shocked look, “You’re thanking me now?”

“Well, it’s being polite isn’t it?”

Hyunseung let out a small laugh, “I really don’t get you Jenny. At the start of this conversation and yesterday, you were very angry at me and now you’re forgiving me…”

You smiled as you shrugged your shoulders, “Well… a girl’s mind is very hard to understand.”

“So you’re about to sign the contract with a company?”

You nodded your head, “Yeah, when they have a contract written up then they’ll call me.”

“That’s really great. How about I take you out on a treat?”

“Great! Where to?”

“Umm… well I can only take you to a drive through because people might spot me…”

You smiled, “Aish, people aren’t going to recognise you.”

“I’m insulted.” Hyunseung pretended to act sad in front of you.

You lightly pushed him and opened the car door, “Well, I’ll make it up to you by accepting your treat.”

“What? That’s not how it’s meant to go.” Said Hyunseung as he went around to the driver’s side and got into the car.

“So anyways, what’s up since the last time we met which was yesterday?” Hyunseung asked you.

“A lot of things actually, you know, me joining Snipersound… but it’s been all great things.”

“Whoa, you seem so much happier without me.”

“No, you’re the one that made those events happen. So anyways, how are things with you and Min Hye going?”

Hyunseung bit his bottom lip, “I don’t know… I’m just pretending that I’m oblivious to her feelings…”

You let out a sigh and hit Hyunseung’s arm, “No. Don’t. Just return them. You will end up liking her, there’s no doubt about it. Most of the guys end up falling for her.”


“Uh! No buts! Stop seeing her as a younger sibling or a hoobae. See’s really awesome and has a great personality, that’s why when she debuted, every variety show wanted her.”

Hyunseung pursed his lips together and nodded his head, “So anyways, how does it feel to finally be part of society?”

“Hmm… I have a hell lot more of a responsibility now… though Ricky is still overprotective of me.” you laughed. “I thought idols were always busy but Ricky, Sungyeol and you seem to have a lot of free time.”

“Sungyeol?” Hyunseung asked you in a curious tone.

“Yeah, the tall one with the puffy cheeks in INFINITE.” You said as you puffed up your cheeks and poked it.

Hyunseung laughed, “Yah, don’t do that, you’re distracting me from my driving fine.”

“Fine, I’ll just go into statue mode until we get to the drive thru.” 


To Jenny: I'm sorry for using part of your Twitter username for my Asianfanfic account... kekeke = P V(^_^)

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Ricky is always the brother. :)
Chapter 57: Amazing story... read in in one go..hehehe... Even though the plot was common, there was a certain unique flavor to it and I loved every bit... you really did great... I wish I was as good as you and you make it a point to update almost everyday... how I wish I was like that.... thanks for sharing this story! super love it^^
Im_your_girlfriend #3
Great fanfic!! Jenny's character reminded me of myself. I always thought of myself as a minor character in my sister's life story and the fact that Jenny is my nickname as well. The story gave me hope to make my life story heard like Yoo Sun Kye did! ^^ Great job author-sshi!!
Haha I don't know why but I felt like reading this story again :D
I think this is my favourite fanfic out of those that you've written <33
kim_chaerin #5
love dis so much!!!
chesha_neko #6
i remembered reading this a while back, i dont know probably around may. i was looking this story cuz i forgot the title.. and yay! i found it already! i just realized it was infinite's sungyeol lol.. ur story is really daebak i tell u.. I LOVE IT!! i want to read it again!! :D
I love this fanfic, its like my third time reading it^^
this fic is daebak! :D too bad that Min Hye was a b**** and turned out to be a loser who wasn't talented enough! :P
This fanfic is great :D Too bad the best friend turned out to be a jerk :(