
It Just Isn't My Story To Tell

I am so sorry!! I've broken my update-everyday-rule and that I'm very sorry for. Please forgive me. = ) Once again, I'm so sorry. 


You walked out to the playground and headed towards the gates. You saw Hyunseung walking towards the school, even though he was wearing a mask, you could still recognise him.

“Oppa, what are you doing here?” you asked him.

“Oh, how did you recognise me?” Hyunseung asked you in a surprised voice.

“Hmm… well you were walking around suspiciously anyways; I can recognise that hair colour anywhere.” You said as you pointed to his hair.

“Well where’s Min Hye?”

“Oh, she’s probably talking to her boyfriend.”


“Let’s just say she did the typical drama thing and fell in love with her enemy.” You laughed.

“Really? Who is he?”

“Min Soo, the leader of the Teen Top.”

“Isn’t that the group your brother’s in?”

You smiled as you nodded your head, “The world is truly small.”

“Yeah, I got to see you again.”

You glanced over and saw Min Hye running towards you. You and Hyunseung waved at her.

“Whoa, oppa why are you here?”

“Oh, I just came to walk you home since so many people now know you’re going to debut soon.”

Min Hye laughed, “Well, that’s a little strange since we’re not that close.”

Hyunseung smiled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck, “Well… that’s why I’m here.”

Min Hye linked arms with you, “Jenny ah, we’re going to have a party and you so have to come.”

You smiled as you glanced over a Hyunseung, “Sure, I’d love to go.”

“Great! Let’s go!” Min Hye dragged you away. You unlinked arms with her and whacked her on the arm.

“Yah! Why didn’t you tell me you were dating Min Soo?!”

“I was going to tell you but…”

“You decided to do all those lovely dovey love signals during class?” you gave her a disgusted look.

Min Hye frowned, “Well, we’re very new to this dating thing… anyways, we originally hated each other and then-”

“Please stop.” You put your hands together as if you were begging her, “I really don’t want to know.”

“What? You’re my best friend, you have to know.”

You looked at her with a shocked look and scoffed, “It’s probably like any other drama I’ve seen.”

“Yah… isn’t that a little bit too mean?” Min Hye shook your arm. “Hyunseung oppa, help me out here.”

“Jenny, why don’t you just listen to Min Hye?”

“Fine…” you let out a sigh as you glared at Hyunseung. You then got a text from him.

“Jenny ah, I’m sorry… Min Hye doesn’t know that we know each other so I had to take her side. Sorry…”


~~~~~Your POV~~~~~

After getting Ricky’s permission to go, I quickly got changed into nice clothes and put on some light make up because if I was to put on a lot, I might not even be allowed out of the house.

“I’m going now!” I said as I put my shoes on.

“Noona! Wait a second.” Ricky ran up to me.


“What time are you coming home?”

“How am I meant to know? When everyone finishes.” I said as I messed up his hair, “How about I make a deal with you? I’ll text you every 2 hours.”

“Have fun noona!”

I swear that boy changes 180 degrees so quickly.

“Alright. Umma! Appa! I’m going now!” I said as I opened the door and ran out.

I saw Min Hye at the front gate and I ran up to her, “Oh! Why didn’t you just come in?”

“It’s because she came with me.” Min Soo walked out from nowhere while doing the peace sign.

“Whoa, you two are now inseparable after I found out right?” I scrunched up my face as I started walking.

“What? We couldn’t make it so easy. After all, we did start off fighting.”

“You are seriously unbelievable.”

“What? We were convincing weren’t we? You even dragged me away this morning.”

“Yeah… okay… I don’t want to be the third wheel so I’m going to just walk a little bit faster.” I said as I walked ahead of Min Hye and Min Soo.


We arrived at the restaurant and walked into our own separate room. I swear when I walked in there, if I didn’t have any self control, I would have been screaming and jumping and squealing. I quietly sat down and glanced up at Hyunseung who was sitting like all the way on the opposite side of the room.

It felt really awkward for me because everyone was talking about their schedules and I’m just sitting there smiling and slowly eating the food.

I then thought up of an excuse to get out for a while. “I’m going to go to the bathroom, I’ll be right back.” I said to Min Hye, she nodded her head and made room for me to stand up.

I smiled as I awkwardly walked out of the room, as soon as I stepped out, I felt as if heavy weights have been lifted off my shoulders.

“Oh! Jenny.” I then felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Sungyeol.

“What a surprise to see you here.”

“Oh, I did my college exam today so my friends and I came to celebrate.”

I laughed, “I didn’t ask you but okay.”

“Sorry, so why are you here?”

“Min Hye’s my best friend.”

Sungyeol frowned but then nodded his head and laughed, “Oh… I get it now. Really? You’re Choi Min Hye’s best friend?”

“Don’t seem so surprised. I know a lot of people in the business.” I smiled proudly.

“And I’m not going to question it. By the way, I didn’t get to say it before but thanks for letting me borrow the book even though it was technically still in your name.”

“You’re welcome.” I smiled, “You should go back to celebrating with your friends.”

I then looked at Sungyeol’s watch and looked at the time; it was almost time for me to text Ricky.

“Oh! I almost forgot!” I said as I quickly took out my phone.

“Ricky!! Noona is okay! Don’t worry about me XD”

“Really? Is your brother your body guard or something?”

I smiled as I shook my head, “Nah… he’s just being a good brother. He’s an annoying pig, I can’t live with him but I can’t live without him either.”

“Tell your brother that Infinite will smash Teen Top.”

“I’ll tell it to him when it happens so work hard and don’t slack off.”

Sungyeol smiled widely as he looked at me.


“Are you telling me to beat your brother?”

“What?” I laughed, “No, because if neither of you take it seriously, neither of you will improve.”

“Of course,” Sungyeol nodded his head, “but we deep down we both know that you’re routing for Infinite.”

I let out a small laugh of disbelief, “I have to get back to my party and you should get back to yours.” I said as I turned around.

“Just so you know, I returned the book so you won’t have any late fees.”

I turned around and smiled, “Thanks.”

~~~~~End of your POV~~~~~

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Ricky is always the brother. :)
Chapter 57: Amazing story... read in in one go..hehehe... Even though the plot was common, there was a certain unique flavor to it and I loved every bit... you really did great... I wish I was as good as you and you make it a point to update almost everyday... how I wish I was like that.... thanks for sharing this story! super love it^^
Im_your_girlfriend #3
Great fanfic!! Jenny's character reminded me of myself. I always thought of myself as a minor character in my sister's life story and the fact that Jenny is my nickname as well. The story gave me hope to make my life story heard like Yoo Sun Kye did! ^^ Great job author-sshi!!
Haha I don't know why but I felt like reading this story again :D
I think this is my favourite fanfic out of those that you've written <33
kim_chaerin #5
love dis so much!!!
chesha_neko #6
i remembered reading this a while back, i dont know probably around may. i was looking this story cuz i forgot the title.. and yay! i found it already! i just realized it was infinite's sungyeol lol.. ur story is really daebak i tell u.. I LOVE IT!! i want to read it again!! :D
I love this fanfic, its like my third time reading it^^
this fic is daebak! :D too bad that Min Hye was a b**** and turned out to be a loser who wasn't talented enough! :P
This fanfic is great :D Too bad the best friend turned out to be a jerk :(