Brighten Up

8th Of May

It was Wednesday. Two days have passed since the first day of school. I woke up fairly early and sat on my bed, thinking of that day again. I just can't break the habit. Again, my mother had to shout for me to go downstairs to eat my breakfast and again, Ryeowook had to honk his car horn to get my out into his car. I was in his car, alone in the backseat, as usual since Kibum sits beside Ryeowook while he drives.

"Why are you so quiet today?"Ryeowook asked.

That guy should learn when to shut up, espcecially at 9 in the morning.

"I'm tired and in a bad mood,"I replied and looked out of the window.

"You're always tired and in a bad mood,"Ryeowook replied.

"How true! How true!"Kibum laughs in his annoying laughter.

These two guys could drive me nuts sometimes. I shut my eyes, wanting to get some sleep.

"What did you to in your free time yesterday?"Ryeowook asked.

I opened my eyes and sat up straight. I really feel like punching him.

"Nothing. I was just lazing around at home,"I told him while I looked at my nails.

"You could've came along for the movie,"Ryeowook shook his head.

"I wasn't in the mood for movies,"I replied with a fake smile.

"Right. If you would stop being so bothered by everything in the world, maybe you'll have the mood for everything,"Kibum told me with a huge grin.

If you're wondering, I didn't tell them what happened on 8th of May. None of my friends nor my family knew. I was the only one who knew. Not even the guy who made 8th of May significant.

"Maybe I should,"I sighed.

Their eyes widened and they looked at each other when the car was at a red light.

"Did you just say something?"Ryeowook asked.

"Yes, I did. I said maybe I should,"I repeated.

"We thought you were going to use your usual excuse of you being tired. Sometimes, I really wonder what happened to you, Haemin. You changed alot since you entered university,"Kibum told me as he turned around to face me.

I nodded and smiled.

"You should smile more. You don't look like a devil that way,"Ryeowook said as he made a left turn.

I turned my head and used my bag to hit his head.

"OUCH!"Ryeowook yelled.

Kibum and I laughed while he complained all the way to school. We got out with Ryeowook still complaining whereas Kibum and I walked in front of him as we chat. We reached the lecture hall and continued talking. The girls on the far left squealed and Prince Charming just entered. And again, he sat right in front of me.

"Morning!"I greeted.

I decided that if I want to change my attitude, I gotta start by greeting people. I really want to forget all about that day. Its been troubling me for three years.

Sungmin turned around.

"Oh hi! I was wondering who it was,"Sungmin replied with a huge smile.

Kibum and Ryeowook laughed and I smacked their legs.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to say that but you're always so quiet. Anyway, you should speak up more and smile more. You look really sweet that way,"Sungmin told me with his pretty boy smile.

I smiled and nodded while his fanclub squealed and hearts melted everywhere.

"You going for dance today? Or are you skipping?"Sungmin asked.

"Going,"I replied.

"She would never ever miss dance practise,"Kibum told Sungmin.

"Its her life,"Ryeowook added.

I smiled in reply. I've been dancing for as long as I've remembered.

"I'll go with you. Wait for me after class,"he smiled and he turned back to face the front.

"Okay,"I replied though a little too late.

I settled back in my seat as I waited for my drama teacher to arrive. Kim Heechul arrived with huge stacks of scripts and our teacher in hand.

"Hi, all! I've no time to greet everyone of you but I want to announce that I've been made class president again!"Heechul announced.

Everyone clapped while his fanclub who were behind us screamed.

"Alright, settle down! This month, we're doing a story that last year's graduating batch got for their assessment. There are only two lead roles. A male and a female,"our teacher told us.

"Who do you think it'll be?"one of the girls behind whispered.

"Kim Heechul,"Kibum whispered to me and we started laughing.

"I have a few minor characters here. Kim Kibum, you'll play the elder brother of male lead,"the teacher called out.

Kibum stood up and got the script from her. He turned the pages and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Only 8 pages!"he did a victory sign.

Ryeowook and I looked at each other. It was either him or me. The one who has the most page has to treat the other two to lunch the next day. I crossed my fingers.

"Kim Ryeowook! Younger brother of the female lead!"our teacher called out.

Ryeowook jumped up and got the script. He flipped and smiled at us.

"10,"he smiled.

OH SHUCKS! If I would to get a minor role, I could win the little contest we're having. PLEASE LET ME BE THE MOTHER!!!

"Songhye! Mother,"the teacher called out.

Damn! There goes the mother role. Oh my god! What will I get.

"Kim Heechul! Father!"

WHAT! All of us were shocked. Heechul didn't get the male lead?! We all turned to look at Heechul.

"Its okay! Its only a practise story,"he smiled and grabbed his script.

I calmed myself down and quickly scanned our class for people who haven't got their scripts. Then, it hit me!

"Kim Haemin! Female lead!"

OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I covered my face with my palm. I lost the contest! I could hear clapping and Sungmin saying good luck to me. AND Ryeowook and Kibum laughing beside me. I stood up and went to collect my scripts. I flipped through and it was 23 pages long. That's like twice of Ryeowook's script. I really wanted to die right there.

"Lee Sungmin! Male lead!"

His fanclub screamed with all their might. Sungmin was going to act opposite me. Right! I think I'm going to be blacklisted by his fanclub. I sat back down in my seat and the teacher asked us to find a partner to rehearse our lines. I looked for my partner, Sunye.

"Do you want to rehearse with me?"

I turned to look.

"I was just thinking whether you would like exchange partners. After all, we're the leads, if we're rehearsing together, it'll better for us,"Sungmin continued.

His partner was his fanclub's president, Sunmi. I asked Sunye for her opinion and she agreed. The two of them then left Sungmin and I alone.

"Which part should we start?"I asked while flipping my script.

"Let's not rehearse and just talk,"Sungmin said as he walked and sat beside me.

"Huh?"I gave him a puzzled look.

"Let's just chit chat. We could always practise this while waiting for Donghae at the dance studio,"Sungmin smiled.

"Ohhh,"I nodded.

"Seriously, you should loosen up, smile more and talk more,"he told me.

I smiled.

"Do you have people phobia?"he asked.

"Do I have what?!"I replied.

"People phobia. Are you scared of people?"he asked.

"No,"I shook my head.

"Then, why are you so quiet?"he asked.

His question made me wonder why I was so quiet. Was it because of 8th of May? If it was, why should I change cause of it? Shouldn't I just forget all about him and continue?

"I don't know. Something happened and its bothering me,"I started and looked down at my blue dress.

"You want to tell me what happen?"he asked while putting his hand on my shoulder.

I shook my head and looked at him.

"Sorry,"I apologised.

"Its okay. We're not that close anyway,"he smiled awkwardly as he scratch his head.

"Its not that, Sungmin. Seriously. Its just that its very private. I didn't even tell Kibum and Ryeowook,"I told him.

"Really?"his eyes widened.

"Yeah,"I nodded.

"Not even Donghae?"he asked.

"Not even Donghae,"I confirmed.

This must have shocked him since I've known Donghae since I was 5 whereas I've known Kibum and Ryeowook from secondary school.

"Must be serious then. Don't you talk to anybody about it?"he asked.

I shook my head.

"Maybe you should write in a diary and burn it,"he suggested.

"Huh?!"I gave him a puzzled look again.

"It helps. You get rid of memories and it lightens your burden. Its literally burning the bad memories,"he smiled.

I nodded while looking at him.

"Maybe not a diary. Its not good for the trees. A paper will do,"he smiled.

I smiled back.

"You really should talk more. I've been doing most of the talking. It makes me look talkative,"Sungmin told me.

While laughing, I replied.

"Thanks for talking to me! Though I didn't actually have a deep heart to heart with you, I felt so much better. Thanks for your suggestion too,"I smiled.

"Wanna grab some lunch before dance starts?"he asked.

"Sure!"I smiled.

We continued chatting till class was over. Sungmin had really brightened up my day. For the entire 4 hours that we've been talking, I didn't think of 8th of May at all.

End of Chapter

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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D