Happy Birthday Eunhyuk!

8th Of May

Hello my dear readers, sorry for the late update! Been really busy!!!!! My exams are just round the corner so this is a quick update before I continue studying for it. I'll update once my exams are over!!! ^^

We were in the car, on the way to Donghae's house to pick him up. It was quite cold as it was raining. Surprisingly cause its summer.

"Haemin, tissue,"Eunhyuk passed it to me.

I took it and straight away, I sneezed. The weather is killing me. I'm going to catch a cold.

"How do you know I was going to sneeze?"I asked while I took another tissue.

"I don't know. I just sense it, I guess,"he shrugged his shoulders.

He turned right and he stopped his car. We sat in the car, waiting for Donghae. He's such a slowpoke.

"Why is he taking so long?"Eunhyuk fidgeted.

"How am I supposed to know? Do I look like his angel or something?"I answered.

"Call him,"he said.

"Why don't you call him?!"I asked.

"You call!"he turned and face me.

"He's your best friend, you call!"I said.

"He's your beloved. CALL HIM!"he shouted.

"CALL HIM YOURSELF!"I shouted back.

And in that instant, Eunhyuk's phone rang.


He rolled his eyes at me and answered the call.



"You're so annoying, you know that!"

"Now, what am I going to do?"

"Ask Haemin?!"

"You better make it up to me or I'm going to forget your birthday,"

"Bye! Loves,"

Eunhyuk hung up the phone and he turned to face me.

"Your beloved just went out on a date,"he said.

"WHAT?!"I exclaimed.

"With a girl named, Sunye,"he said while raising his eyebrows.

"OH!"I smiled.

"So, what are we going to do now?"he asked.

"Go home and sleep!"I smiled.

"Don't be such a spoiler, will you? Its my birthday after all,"he said.

"What makes you so special just cause its your birthday, huh?!"I argued.

"HUH?"he raised his eyebrow.

"Just cause its your birthday doesn't mean the world must revolve around you,"I said.

"Do you want to celebrate my birthday anot? Its weird parking here, right in front of Donghae's house,"Eunhyuk said.

"Let's go,"I said.

"GO WHERE?"he shouted.


He sighed and drove off.

"Some things never change, Kim Haemin,"he said.

"Speak for yourself, Lee Eunhyuk!"I said.

He drove and drove to some unknown place.

"May I know where we're going?"I asked.

"Driving to a black market to sell you off,"he said while he made a left turn.

"Very funny! Where are we going?"I asked.

"I don't know. Let's see where we end up at,"Eunhyuk said.

"You're so annoying!!"I said exasperatedly.

"You're so retarded!"he said.

He stopped the car and then, we're at this horse stable place.

"Why are we here?"I asked.

"Don't know. I just drove and we end up here. Let's go since we're here,"Eunhyuk said he opened the car door to get out.

I got out of the car and I followed him to the house on our left. We opened the front door and there was this huge reception table. We walked up towards it and Eunhyuk told the woman that he wants to rent 2 horses for 2 hours. She quoted a price and Eunhyuk said okay. He took out his wallet and I smacked his hand.

"What was that for?"he said angrily.

"Its your birthday, idiot! I'm paying,"I passed the woman my credit card.

"Woah! Thanks!"he smiled.

"No problem!"I replied and took my credit card back.

We sat at the sofa while we waited for our instructors to come and assist us. Two man came in and we greeted them. Eunhyuk and I followed him all the way to the stable. I got a brown horse while Eunhyuk got a white one.

"I know why I got the white horse,"Eunhyuk grinned.

"Why?"I asked.

"Cause I'm Prince Charming,"he grinned.

"Just shut up, Lee Eunhyuk,"I smacked him.

"Don't you dare smack the birthday boy,"he smacked me back.

I stuck out my tongue and I smacked him again. He smacked me and we carried on smacking each other while on the horses.

"Is it okay if you two stop fighting cause we're setting off? There's no much time left if we continue to be here,"one of the instructors smiled.

"Oh, sorry! Its all his fault!"I said.

"Whatever,"he smacked me one last time before his horse walked out of the stable.

"Idiot!"I shouted at him.

My horse followed his horse out of the stable and we began travelling the country side. A place that I've never seen although I've stayed in Seoul for the past 21 years.

"Woah! Its beautiful here,"I said.

"I've never been here before!"he smiled.

"Duh!! You were overseas,"I said.

"Like you've been here before,"he said.

We continued travelling with our instructors right in front of us with their own horses to guide us. We travelled deep into the forest and we began walking.

"I love horses!"I said.

"You love every animals,"he said.

I grinned.

"I remember the time I brought you to the zoo, it was a chaos!"he shook his head.

"It wasn't that bad!"I said.

"You insisted on taking pictures of all the animals. Including those which are quite common like pigs,"he said.

"Can't help it that they're so cute, right?"I said.

"Every animal is cute to you, except for cats,"he smiled.

"I hate cats. They're scary!"I said.

"I know. You'll always scream when you see one,"he said and I nodded.

We reached this camp place which we'ver never been before. As we were qutie high up the mountain by now, it was getting quite cold. We got off our horses and immediately, Eunhyuk came over and gave me his jacket and passed me a tissue. And I sneezed.

"Its so cold!!!"I said.

He nodded and we walked towards the camp with the instructors in front.

"Aren't you cold? I'll give you back your jacket,"I said.

"You need it more than I do,"he smiled.

I smiled back and we settled down at the camp. The instructors went off to do some stuff and we were left alone. They offered us a complimentary hot cocoa drink and we drank it.

"HEAVEN!"I exclaimed and he laughed.

He sipped abit and put it down on the table.

"Thanks for celebrating my birthday with me,"Eunhyuk said.

"Sorry, it wasn't planned properly. It was going well till Donghae left us,"I said.

"Its okay,"Eunhyuk smiled.

"Donghae and I'll make it up to you tomorrow! PROMISE!!"I said.

"Okay! Thanks so much!"he smiled.

I smiled back.

"You wanna move over to the fireplace. Its kinda cold here. You'll get sick with your weak immune system,"Eunhyuk said.

He stood up and reached out to grab my hand. He led me to the fireplace and we sat down. I shivered a little and he reached out to hug me.

"Sorry for doing this but you look kinda cold,"Eunhyuk apologised, knowing I'm attached.

"'s okay. Sungmin'll understand,"I said.

He nodded and we kept quiet. 15 minutes passed and our instructors came back. We headed outside and climbed onto our horses.

"Let's race!"one of the instructors said.

"Okay!"Eunhyuk said.

I nodded and the horses began racing each other. The horse was running at such a fast pace then its difficult for me to breathe. I grabbed the reins tighter in case I fall and the horses reached the base camp in no time. I got down from the horse and immediately collasped on the floor.

"Haemin! Are you alright?"Eunhyuk ran over with a shock expression.

"Yeah. I'm just tired from all that running,"I explained and he laughed.

"You weren't even the one who's running,"he laughed.

"But it was so tiring! Don't you think so?"I asked.

"Definitely. I keep jerking up and down. Its so difficult to breathe!"Eunhyuk said as he reached out to pull me up.

I nodded and we thanked the intructors for such a fun day. We went back to his car and he drove us home.

"I'm sorry for such a bad birthday celebration,"I apologised.

"Its okay. I'm happy as long as you're spending it with me,"Eunhyuk smiled.

"Eunhyuk,"I dragged on.

"Sorry, I shouldn't start the I miss you thing again,"Eunhyuk said.

We reached home and we kept quiet.

"Thanks for going out with me,"Eunhyuk smiled as he placed his hand over mine.

"No problem! Happy Birthday!"I smiled.

He smiled back and pulled me into a hug.

"I love you. You are my life,"he whispered into my ear.

I shifted my head a little and found the perfect spot that I found a month after we started dating. I hugged him back.

End of Chapter


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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D