Getting Out Of Hand

8th Of May

Its a school day today and seriously, I've not met my 'boyfriend' after I said yes. Funny, huh? Couples who got together would be on a date the next day straight away. Unlike them, Sungmin and I didn't talk on the phone and neither did we text message each other. And we don't feel that its the end of the world just cause we didn't see each other. I'll find it awkward, honestly speaking. Anyway, I'm eating breakfast. My parents still don't know I'm supposedly attached. I shall try to break it to them now.

"Erm, daddy, mummy,"I started.

The two of them looked up. One from her breakfast and the other from his newspapers.

"Yes?"my mother looked at me.

"Well, eh, I've a new boyfriend,"I told them.

They looked at each other.

"Thats good. After all, Eunhyuk has migrated for nearly three years already,"my father said.

I sighed. He is always so realistic.

"What about Eunhyuk? What if he comes back? I think that he's the one for you, Haemin. Why don't you wait for him?"my mother asked.

I sighed again. She is always so idealistic.

"Honey! Eunhyuk has migrated for years. Its time she got a boyfriend,"my father argued.

"What if he comes back and finds out she's attached? That poor boy will be hurt! It'll ruin their future and there goes her Prince Charming,"my mother argued.

"Mummy, I'm just going to try it out with Sungmin. If Eunhyuk comes back and I still have feelings for him, I'll go back to him,"I explained.

"You better go back to Eunhyuk, my child. He's a sweet guy,"my mother smiles.

"Don't you think its unfair for your current boyfriend, Haemin?"my father asked.

"Well, I did told him that we're just trying out,"I answered.

"I think its unfair for him. After all, he's the one who's going to get hurt once you leave for Eunhyuk,"my father said while he shook his head.

"Thats his problem! Eunhyuk and Haemin is the most compatible couple I've ever seen. Eunhyuk is like the Prince Charming while our Haemin is like Cinderella. They're just meant to be. If that guy were to ruin their happy ending, I'll make sure I hack him into a thousand pieces,"my mother said.

"Mummy!!! We're just trying out. Its not official yet!"I exclaimed.

"Anyway, its up to you who you choose. Its your future anyway. I'm not going to interferre. Good luck with the new guy though,"my father smiled and then returned to his newspaper.

"I hope you really are just trying out with him. I don't want to have to marry you off to him, you hear me. I prefer Eunhyuk,"my mother said.

"Mummy!! Sungmin is a really nice guy. You haven't even seen him yet!"I tried to erase the bad impression she had of Sungmin.

Its really unfair, you know.

"Oh, your new boyfriend's the Sungmin guy who's extremely popular in school?"my mother asked.

I nodded.

"These guys are just not interested in long term relationships. I don't trust them. Those pretty boys,"she shook her head.

"But Eunhyuk is one of those guys too. He had this huge group of fangirls that like him alot back in school,"I explained.

"Eunhyuk is different and thats it. I hope you'll not fall in love with this Sungmin person. After all, I'm waiting for the day when you and Eunhyuk will get married,"my mother said as she stood up to get more milk.

Right. I bet if I told her what happened on 8th of May, she'll hate Eunhyuk like how I did. I still love that guy though. Its really contradicting and I don't want to think about it. Ryeowook honked his car horn. Right. I've a new problem. How am I supposed to tell Ryeowook and Kibum that Sungmin and I are together. I walked out and hopped in.

"You're surprisingly quiet today. Whats up?"Ryeowook asked.

Why must he always be so observant?

"Well, I've something to tell you two,"I told them.

"What?"Kibum asked.

"You got a new boyfriend? HAHAHAHA!"Ryeowook laughed at his own joke.

"Yeah, how did you know?"I asked.

They kept quiet, looked at each other and then at me.

"Really?"Kibum asked.

"Who's the lucky one?"Ryeowook asked.

"Sungmin,"I replied.

"Lee Sungmin?"Kibum asked.

"The Sungmin in our class?"Ryeowook asked.

"Yes, Lee Sungmin from our class,"I replied.

"WOAH! Congrats! I knew you two would be together eventually,"Kibum smiled.

"I wonder what his fanclub will say,"Ryeowook smiled.

"Thats what I hate the most,"I told them.

"Bet you'll be blacklisted by them. HAHAHA!"Ryeowook laughed.

"Very funny,"I rolled my eyes.

We reached school and I went into class. The first thing I noticed was Sungmin's fanclub whispering like mad people. I sat down and ignored them.

"I heard she's with Sungmin now,"

"Isn't she with Donghae?"

"Nah, she's with Sungmin now,"

"How did you know?"

"Didn't you hear Sungmin say he'll win her heart on V-Day?"


"He's sure to strike that day,"

"I hate her,"

"Why does she get all the good guys?"

"First, Donghae and now, Sungmin,"

"And to think I'm a member of both their fanclubs. They didn't even look at me once,"

"Well, compare yourself to Haemin there,"

"She's so much more prettier than you,"

"Skinnier too,"

"Thats why she's popular with guys,"



I looked up. Sungmin.

"Hi,"I smiled.

"What have you been up to yesterday?"he asked as he sat down beside me.

"Using the computer. What else will I be doing? I'm the most nonsensical human being on earth,"I answered.

"Are you affected by what the girls said?"he asked.

"Why would I be? I'm not that crazy,"I looked at him as if he's an alien.

"Good. I hope you wouldn't feel bad for being with me just cause of them,"Sungmin smiled.

"You know, I told my parents about us,"I said slowly.

"Thats good. I told my parents too,"he smiled.

"Well, are they cool with it?"I asked.

"Yupp. They're really supportive and they said you're really pretty,"Sungmin smiled.

"How did they know how I look like?"I asked.

"School website,"he smiled.

My school website is the most annoying website on earth. There's a students page where you can search for students. It has all their particulars and their recent photos. And people leave comments there too. Its really stupid. Mine says that I'm Kim Haemin. It has my birthday and what degree I'm studying for. My comments were all really stupid.

"What about your parents?"Sungmin asked.

Thats the question I dread.

"Well, my father accepts it but my mother seems quite upset that I moved on,"I explained.

"Your mum wants you to be with your ex?"he asked.

I nodded and gave him a fake smile.

"Understandable,"he smiled and pat me on the back.

"Are you free for lunch today?"he asked.

I nodded.

"Wait for me later,"he smiled.

He squeezed my hand and went back to his own seat. This was witnessed by the entire class and of course, Kim Heechul who just stepped in.

"OH MY GOD! SUNGMIN, ARE YOU WITH HAEMIN?"Heechul asked as he walked towards Sungmin.

Sungmin nodded awkwardly.


Sunye, who heard this, came over towards me.

"Are you really dating Sungmin?"she asked me.

"You can say that. But its only for two days,"I replied.

"OH MY GOD! Why didn't you tell me you like him?? My acting partner and my crush! This is really awesome! I give you my blessing. Really,"Sunye smiled.

I smiled back. This is really getting out of hand. By lunchtime, everyone in school had heard the latest news about Sungmin and I dating. Everywhere I went, people were staring and saying, thats Sungmin's girlfriend. While everywhere that Sungmin went, people were staring and saying, thats Haemin's boyfriend. This is getting really annoying.

"Sorry about all the commotion,"Sungmin said as we ate lunch.

"Its okay. Can't blame you for being popular, can I?"I smiled.

"Its really fustrating,"Sungmin commented.

"I agree. We're just trying out. We're not officially together yet,"I rolled my eyes.

Sungmin laughed.

"This people are really getting excited over nothing,"Sungmin said.

"I agree. This so annoying!!"I said.

End of Chapter


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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D