
8th Of May

After class, I packed up all my things and Sungmin was already waiting for me near my seat. I quickly apologised for being slow and we headed off with annoying Ryeowook and Kibum still whispering at their seats. Sungmin and I headed off to lunch at our school's cafeteria. While we walk, every person that walks pass would turn to look. I guess they're surprise that I'm actually walking with Sungmin since I'm always with Ryeowook, Kibum, Donghae or Sunye. We reached the cafeteria and I was looking around, wondering what to eat.

"What do you want to eat?"he asked while looking at me.

"Erm, a chicken burger,"I replied and I took out my wallet.

"I'll get it for you,"Sungmin then walked off.

Before I could protest, he had already started queueing for my chicken burger and whatever it is that he wanted. I sighed and looked for a place to sit. I sat at my favourite table near the window and waited for Sungmin. He finally arrived with two chicken burgers. I quickly took out my wallet to pay for my burger.

"Keep it! I'll treat you,"he said and smiled.

"I can't let you treat me,"I protested.

"Why?"he looked up.

"Well, we're not exactly best friends and its weird for you to treat me like this. I'll feel very awkward,"I told him and handed him $4.

"I'm treating you for landing the female lead for our new play,"he smiled.

"I'm not happy about being female lead,"I replied and pushed the $4 to him.

"Don't be so stubborn and keep your money. I won't take it,"he looked straight into my eyes.

I sighed and kept my money.

"So, what are you planning to do with your image?"he asked.

"Huh?"I looked at him.

"We're joining the b dance competition remember? Donghae wants us all to change our image,"he explained.

"Oh yeah. I forgot,"I smacked my head.

"So, that means you haven't thought of anything, right?"he asked.

I nodded.

"Have you thought of anything?"I asked.

He nodded and smiled.

"I plan to shave off half of my hair and bleach the rest,"he smiled.

My jaw dropped.

"WHAT?!"I exclaimed.

"What?"he asked and smiled.

"You can't just shave off half your hair and bleach it,"I protested.

"Why not?"he asked and laughed.

"Its weird,"I explained.

"I thought it'll look nice,"he smiled.

Sungmin has a head full of black hair. Its long and reaches till his shoulder but cut in a boy-ish and pretty boy way. *THINK OF SUPER JUNIOR'S U MV*

I shrugged and continued my lunch. The two of us finished lunch and we headed to the dance studio. We changed in our respective toilets and started warming-up while waiting for Donghae. He finally arrived and I got a huge shock of my life. Donghae the idiot had just cut his hair and dyed it with three colours. *THINK OF SUPER JUNIOR DON'T DON MV*

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO YOUR HAIR?!"my eyes were huge as I spoke.

"Like it?"Donghae smiled and touched his hair.

"Really cool,"Sungmin replied with a huge smile.

I looked at Sungmin and then back at Donghae. These two guys are nuts.

"What are you two going to do with your look?"Donghae asked while putting his bag down.

"Shave off half of my hair and bleach the rest,"Sungmin replied.

"WOAH! Thats cool! When can I see it?"Donghae asked.

"Next week, I think,"Sungmin replied.

"What about you, Haemin?"Donghae asked.

"I don't know,"I told him and sat down.

"Hmmm, you can cut your long locks off,"he suggested.

I turned and glared at him. He must be crazy if he thinks I'll cut off my long hair.

"I'm serious! Cut it all off into a bob and dye it,"he smiled.

I rolled my eyes.

"Come to think of it, you'll look nice with a bob,"Sungmin told me.

"See, even he agrees with me,"Donghae smiles.

"You have a really small face. A bob will look really great on you,"Sungmin continued.

"Yupp yupp, thats what I thought,"Donghae continued nodding.

Those two are really nuts. I will never ever ever cut my hair.

“Anyway, let’s start practice,”Donghae announced.

He stood up and went to switch on the radio. We did more warm-ups and started dancing. Donghae is a really good dancer. He has been invited to participate in the National Dance Battle with 12 other dancers who were specially chosen by the committee. We danced for three whole hours straight and Donghae finally called an end to our dance practice that day. We sat down and began drinking water while we chat. We would always chat for an hour before going home.

“So, have you thought about it?”Donghae asked me.

“Thought about what?”I asked before taking a big gulp from my water bottle.

“Chopping off your hair,”he continued.

I put down my water bottle.

“I’ll never do that,”I told him firmly.

“Then, what do you plan to do?”Donghae asked.

“I’ll think about it,”I replied and continued drinking water.

Donghae and Sungmin chatted while I drank water quietly.

“So, what have you two been up to in class?”Donghae asked.

“We just got a new play,”Sungmin replied.

“Wow! Who’s the lead? Kim Heechul?”he asked.

“Nope, Haemin and I,”Sungmin replied.

“WHAT!”Donghae exclaimed and looked at me.

“What?”I looked back at him.

“Haemin is the female lead?”Donghae looked at me with a disgusted look.

“I can act, Lee Donghae,”I glared at him.

“Just kidding,”Donghae smiled and put his arm around my shoulder.

Sungmin looked at his arm and quickly looked away.

“So, have you two rehearsed?”Donghae asked.

“Nope,”I told him.

“Maybe you two would want to take the opportunity to rehearse tomorrow since its you two don’t have class ,”Donghae suggested.

“What do you think?”Sungmin asked me.

“Up to you,”I replied.

“Where do you want to do it?”Sungmin asked.

“Here,”I told him as I pointed downwards, indicating the dance studio.

“How great! We can also take the chance to practice our dance after your rehearsal,”Donghae smiled.

“Okay,”Sungmin replied.

The three of us stood up and began packing up. We walked out of the studio and at the carpark, Donghae and I walked to the right while Sungmin turned left.

“I think Sungmin likes you,”Donghae suddenly said while walking to his car.

“What do you mean like?”I asked while opening the car door.

“Like as in a crush,”Donghae explained while he started to engine.

“Yeah, right,”I replied and started laughing

“I’m serious, Kim Haemin,”he said.

This made me me stopped laughing as he would never call my full name unless he’s very annoyed or serious.

“Why do you say that?”I asked while trying hard not to laugh.

“Cause he looked at my arm when I put it round your shoulders,”he replied.

“So?”I asked.

“He likes you,”he concluded.

“Just cause he looked at your arm doesn’t necessarily mean that he likes me, idiot,”I replied.

“As in, he looked jealous or even hurt,”Donghae told me while looking at me when we were at a red light.

“How did you know he was hurt?”I asked while I looked back at him.

“Simply because I can see from his eyes,”he told me and continued driving.

“Then, why can’t I see it?”I asked him.

“Maybe its cause you’re a female,”Donghae explained while making a left turn.

“Donghae, you’re so full of rubbish,”I told him when we reached my house.

“I’m serious, Min,”he told me as I unfasten my seat belt.

“Whatever! I'll text you! BYE!”I smiled and alighted.

He sighed and shook his head and waved to me before driving off. I waved at his car and went into my house. Donghae can really be full of nonsense sometimes.

End of Chapter

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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D