Dinner Disaster

8th Of May

The four of us walked outside. Suddenly the three guys stopped. Then, I realised. All of them drove here. I'm the only one who doesn't drive. So who's car am I supposed to take? Sungmin, my boyfriend? Eunhyuk, my ex? or Donghae, my best friend? Though, I know Donghae doesn't mind who's car I take, I don't know about the other two.

"So, who's car are you taking?"Sungmin asked, innocently.

Obviously, all these haven't sink into Sungmin's innocent little mind. All the innocence is quite contradicting with his new half-shaven hairstyle. I looked at Sungmin who's just innocently waiting to Eunhyuk who's looking straight at the carpark. I can totally hear his heart shouting at me, asking me to take his car.

"I'll take Donghae's car. I need to talk to him about something,"I said and pulled Donghae with me.

"Okay, see you at your house,"Sungmin smiled and waved.

Until now, Sungmin has no idea that the situation was tensed. I sighed. How could anyone be so innocent? Eunhyuk kept his mouth shut and walked to his car. Donghae unlocked his car and I hopped in.

"Smart choice, Min. If I were you, I'll choose the best friend. That way, you don't take sides,"Donghae smiled.

"I know. But how can Sungmin be so innocent? He doesn't even realise that by taking his car, I'm telling Eunhyuk to go away and leave me alone which is a little harsh even if I don't like him,"I told him.

"I agree. Sungmin's just too innocent for his own good,"Donghae shook his head.

I nodded my head.

"So how are things with Eunhyuk and you?"Donghae asked.

"Okay, I guess. I don't know what to do!"I exclaimed.

"Relax. Its good that Eunhyuk understands the situation you're in. Does he know why you don't like him?"Donghae asked.

"I don't think so. After all, I didn't even get a chance to tell him three years ago when I found out,"I replied.

"Do you intend to tell him, then?"Donghae asked again.

"No,"I answered.

"But its unfair after all, he's responsible for what happened,"Donghae said.

"I know. But its over. I don't want to rake it up. It hurts me to talk about it,"I told him.

"Min, you should let him know. Let him know how miserable it was for you,"Donghae told me.

"I wish I can, Hae. But its weird enough talking to you about it let alone Eunhyuk,"I replied.

"Try. You have to tell him eventually. You can't just let him live on this earth not knowing what happened three years ago,"Donghae said firmly.

"I'll try. But I don't see why I must tell him,"I replied.

"Firstly, he was the one responsible. Secondly, you went through so much when it happened. Thirdly, you were all alone and miserable. Fourthly, you couldn't even live a proper life for months!"Donghae said.

I kept quiet and though about 8th of May. Quite true. Eunhyuk was responsible for 8th of May. I went through so much that day that it made me exhausted. I was all alone and miserable on 8th May. I locked myself in my room for weeks and don't even know how to face the people in my life.

"You must tell him, Min. If you find it difficult, I'll talk to him for you,"Donghae said.

"Thanks, Hae. But this thing is between Eunhyuk and me. I don't want you to be dragged into this,"I replied.

"Up to you. But make sure you tell him. He may be my best friend but I really hated seeing you all miserable back then,"he told me.

"Thank, Hae. You're the best,"I smiled and hugged him when I reached home.

We alighted and walked into the house.

"Hello. I'm back!"I greeted.

"Hi, Aunty! Hi, Uncle!"Donghae smiled.

"Hello, Donghae! Welcome!"my father said.

"Where's Eunhyuk?"my mother asked.

Donghae looked at me. I could tell from his eyes that he knows that inviting Sungmin and Eunhyuk for dinner is a big mistake. And Donghae knows my mother prefers Eunhyuk.

"He's on the way. I took Hae's car back home,"I replied.

"Oh, good good! I don't want him to miss out on dinner tonight. He's a part of the family after all,"my mother smiled and walked off.

"A part of the family?"Donghae whispered.

"Don't ask me. I don't know anything about this,"I whispered back.

"Does she know about......"Donghae whispered.

"Of course not. Do you think if I tell her all about it, she'll still like Eunhyuk?"I whispered back.

He nodded. The bell rang and I went to open the door. Sungmin was there smiling at me.

"Come in,"I said and pulled him in.

Sungmin changed his shoes to the soft slippers that guests use in our house.

"Thats my father,"I told Sungmin.

"Hi, Uncle!"Sungmin greeted.

"You must be Sungmin. Haemin have been talking about you,"my father smiled and shook his hand.

Sungmin smiled back. I brought him to the kitchen.

"Thats my mother. Mum, this is Sungmin,"I introduced.

My mother turned around and surveyed Sungmin.

"Hi, Aunty,"Sungmin greeted.

"Hi. Just sit down, dinner'll be ready soon,"she said coldly before going back to her chores.

I turned to look at Sungmin. He looks hurt. I brought him to where Donghae is.

"Don't be sad. My mother's just not used to you. Don't worry. She'll come to like you. Just like me,"I smiled at Sungmin.

Sungmin managed a fake smile.

"Don't worry, Sungmin. Haemin's mother is like that. She'll come to like you. After all, you're so nice,"Donghae tried to cheer him up.

Sungmin just nodded like a little kid. The front door opened and Eunhyuk walked in. Yes, my mother gave him a set of his own keys to my house.

"Hi, Uncle!"he greeted.

My father looked up and nodded and went back to his tv. He prefers Sungmin. Eunhyuk went to the kitchen to greet my mother.

"Hi! You're back! How was it?"my mother asked enthusiastically.

"Donghae won second place,"Eunhyuk replied.

He is always so modest.

"What about you? Are you the champion?"my mother asked again.

Eunhyuk must have nodded cause the next thing that my mum did was scream for joy.

"Congrats! Go and sit down. Dinner'll be ready soon,"my mum pushed him out.

Eunhyuk looked up and saw all three pairs of eyes on him. He walked towards us and he sat down. We were at the balcony of my house. We were sitting round a table. Sungmin kept his mouth tightly shut. He must have realised that my mother prefers Eunhyuk. I sneaked a peek at Eunhyuk. He also realised my father prefers Sungmin. I looked at Donghae and used my facial features to tell him about the two of them. He nodded to acknowledge all this.

"Dinner's ready!"my mother announced.

The four of us stood up and we went to sit at the table. The four of us stood awkwardly at the dining table. Not knowing who to sit with.

"Oh, don't stand around. Sit down!"my mother said and pushed Eunhyuk and I to the chair and made us sit.

So, I'm stuck with sitting with Eunhyuk. Sungmin and Donghae then went opposite and sat down. My father sat at the end of the table beside Sungmin while my mum went to sit opposite him, beside Eunhyuk.

"Don't be shy. Eat,"my father said and gave Sungmin food.

"Eunhyuk, here,"my mother said and gave Eunhyuk food.

Donghae took some food by himself. After all, he's regular here. He doesn't have the need to feel shy.

"Haemin, don't just sit there. Get some food for Sungmin/Eunhyuk,"my parents said at the same time.

I looked at my parents then at Donghae for help.

"Actually, there's no need to help them get food. They can get them by themselves,"Donghae said.

"Yupp. Its okay. I can manage,"Sungmin smiled.

"I thought so too. After all, Eunhyuk's one of us,"my mother said.

Sungmin looked up and then quickly went back to his food.

"I agree with Donghae. After all, in a few years time, Sungmin would be one of us,"my father said.

I could tell Eunhyuk feels awkward from the corner of my eyes. I ate my food quietly.

"I heard Donghae and Eunhyuk won the competition. Is it true?"my father asked.

"Of course! Eunhyuk's really good at dancing! Did you participate, Sungmin?"my mother asked while staring at Sungmin.

Sungmin gulped and looked at her shyly.

"No,"he answered softly.

"I thought so too. No one can beat our Eunhyuk when it comes to dancing,"my mother said.

"MUM! Will you stop making Sungmin feel bad? He's a guest after all!"I shouted and glared at her.

"Haemin,"Sungmin whispered and pleaded with his eyes for me to shut up.

"There's no need for you to be praising Eunhyuk to the skies. No matter what you do, I'll still not like him. Its over between us, okay. Stop it already,"I said firmly.

"Didn't you say you were trying it out with Sungmin? What happened? Don't tell me you're getting serious,"my mother glared at me.

"I am getting serious. I like him,"I told her.

"Stop lying to me, Kim Haemin. You're not getting serious with him. You two haven't even interlocked your fingers when you hold hands,"my mother smirked.

I kept quiet. Its true. When I don't interlock my fingers with my boyfriend, it means I haven't gotten serious.

"Erm, I forgot I've something on. I better go,"Sungmin muttered.

"Stay longer,"my father said.

"Bye,"my mother said.

"MUM!"I shouted.

My mother glared at me.

"Haemin, its okay. Thanks, Uncle! Thanks, Aunty for the nice dinner. I'll be going,"Sungmin managed a fake smile and walked off.

I stood up and rushed out.

"Sungmin!"I grabbed his hand.

"Its okay. There's no need to shout at your mother for me. I'm just an outsider after all,"Sungmin tried to smile.

"Sungmin, you're not an outsider. You're my boyfriend,"I answered.

"Its okay, Haemin. Don't need to cheer me up,"Sungmin tried to smile again.

"You're my boyfriend, Lee Sungmin. And I love you,"I said firmly and reached out to hold his hand.

This time round, I interlocked my fingers with his. He looked down and saw my fingers and looked up with a shocked expression.

"Come back in,"I said softly.

"Its okay. I'll go then. I love you too, Haemin,"Sungmin smiled and leaned down to kiss my cheek.

He then let go of my hand and walked towards his car.

"I'll call you tonight!"I shouted.

He turned around and nodded. I went back into the house. My parents are quarelling now.

"I'll go home too. Bye, Min. Love lots. Call me when you need me,"Donghae squeezed my hand.

He said goodbye to my parents but they didn't hear him. He waved goodbye to me and went home. I ignored my parents and went upstairs. Just when I was about to step in my room, someone held my hand.

"Do you have a minute?"Eunhyuk asked.

I looked at him with a cold expression.

End of Chapter

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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D