
8th Of May

I woke up at ten in the morning and went to the bathroom connected to my 'room' to brush my teeth and shower. When I came out, there was a text message from an unknown number.

[Good morning! I'll come and fetch you at your house at 12noon. Is that okay with you? -Sungmin PS:I got your number from Donghae.]

I quickly text back an okay and went downstairs to eat breakfast. I sat down and grabbed a bread and began spreading margarine on my bread. When I was done with putting the sugar onto my bread, I began eating it. After I was done, I looked up to look for the teapot and that was when I realised that my parents were staring at me. I stared back.

"What?"I asked, annoyingly before grabbing the teapot.

"Sorry, we just find it strange that you came down for breakfast without me having to call you,"my mother told me as she quickly helped me put two cubes of sugar into my tea.

"Oh,"I nodded and drank my tea.

"Why are you up so early on your free day?"my father asked as he read his newspaper.

"I'm going out,"I replied as I finished my tea.

"You're going out?"my mother repeated in shock.

"With who? Kibum? Ryeowook? You seldom go out on your free day,"my father told me.

"Yeah but I've drama rehearsal with my partner,"I told him.

"Sunye? She's a really sweet girl,"my mother smiled.

"No, Sungmin,"I told her.

"Sungmin? That guy whom every girl loves?"my mother asked.

I nodded.

"Since when he's your partner?"my mother asked.

"Yesterday cause we're the leads for the new story,"I told her.

Instead of clapping like every other parents, they kept quiet. They knew I didn't like being female lead and I'll probably be maxing out my credit card to treat Ryeowook and Kibum. My phone rang and I picked it up.

"Hello?"I answered.

"Hi,Haemin! Its Ryeowook here,"he chirped.

"Yeah?"I continued.

"Remember we have a lunch date today?"I could see him smiling at the other end.

"Yeah. Can we change it to dinner instead? I've drama rehearsal and dance,"I explained.

"Sure! Kibum and I'll book the restaurant and call you back. Bye!"he hung up.

"I'm not coming home for dinner,"I told my mother.

I looked at the clock and quickly rushed out. It was already 12noon. I opened the front door to find Sungmin already waiting. I quickly got into the car and apologised for being late.

"I'm so sorry! I'm too used to Ryeowook honking his car horn,"I told him as he drove off.

"Its okay. I just arrived,"he smiled.

We remained silent for the rest of the trip. We reached the dance studio and began rehearsing. The play was a very annoying one. It was about the two leads falling in love. We rehearsed while looking at our scripts. We were rehearsing a dating scene when Donghae came in.

"Hello!"he shouted.

"Hey,"Sungmin smiled.

"Hi!"I smiled too.

Donghae put down his bag and came over to take a look at my script.

"Wow! You've got really long lines to learn,"he commented.

"Yeah, poor me,"I replied.

"Call me when you need my help,"Donghae smiled.

I smiled back. I turned back to face Sungmin to continue our rehearsal. I caught Sungmin staring at me and he quickly look down at his script. We quickly wrapped up our rehearsal and cleared all our things to begin our dance practice.

"We seriously need to continue our choreography,"Donghae told us.

Sungmin and I nodded.

"Haemin, help me think of something,"Donghae said and pulled me to stand beside him.

He put his arm round my shoulders again and the two of us sat on the floor thinking of the choreography. I thought of something and I told Donghae. He smiled and said it was a great idea. He stood up and turned to help pull me up. I danced my idea out for them and they love it. They followed exactly how I did it and we were back to square one.

"You wanna eat dinner with me?"Donghae asked.

"Nope. I lost the script contest. Gotta treat Ryeowook and Kibum,"I replied.

"I'll join you,"he smiled.

"You must be crazy! I don't even have enough to feed Ryeowook and Kibum,"I replied.

"I'll treat then,"Donghae smiled.

My eyes widened.

"DONGHAE'S THE BEST!!"I screamed and ran up to hug him.

Donghae Donghae Donghae! How I wish we met each other later. Its weird dating your childhood friend. He's a really sweet guy.

"But, of course!"he smiled and I let go off him.

We turned around and saw Sungmin looking down at the floor and our faces turned red.

"I'm sorry,"I mumbled.

"'s okay,"he replied softly.

We continued our dance choreography. We were just about to sit down and chat when Sungmin said he had something on. He said goodbye to us, packed up his bag and left.

"Its not like him to not stay and chat before going off,"I told Donghae as we started packing too.

"Thats cause he's hurt,"he told me.

"Huh?"I looked at him.

"He's sad cause you acted as if I'm your boyfriend,"he continued.

"Since when?"I laughed.

"Since you hugged me and said I was the best, idiot,"he smacked my head.

"Oh,"I replied simply.

"He's also jealous cause I'm superbly close to you and about the fact that I put my arm round your shoulders,"he continued.

"You and your arm round my shoulders rubbish. Seriously speaking, I don't even know when you put your arm round my shoulders cause we're too comfortable with each other,"I told him.

"I agree! But thanks for the hug! Its been a loooooong time since you hugged me,"Donghae smiled.

"Treat me more often and I'll hug you till you die!"I joked and we left the studio.

We left and he drove the two us to the restaurant that Ryeowook told me to go to. When we arrived, Ryeowook and Kibum were already there, waiting for us.

"DONGHAE!"the two of them shouted as we walked.

"Hi!"Donghae smiled as he sat down.

"Didn't expect you to come,"Kibum smiled.

"Haemin must be annoyed since she'll have an extra mouth to feed,"Ryeowook laughed.

I smiled at his comment.

"Actually, I'm treating on behalf of her,"Donghae told the two of them.

"WHAT?!"the two of them exclaimed.

"Haemin seemed a little upset when I said I wanted to come along to join you all. But I really want to join you all. Its better than eating dinner alone,"he smiled.

"Oh,"the two of them replied together.

"You're really smart this time round, Haemin,"Ryeowook said.

"Yupp! Getting Donghae to pay,"Kibum joked.

"Thats what best friends are for, right?"I turned to smile at Donghae.

Donghae nodded. We ordered and food came and we ate like we haven't eaten for days. The bill came and Donghae paid for it as he promised.

"Let's go home!"Ryeowook shouted.

"I'll fetch Min home for you,"Donghae told Ryeowook.

"Sure!"Ryeowook smiled.

"You know, you and Haemin look like a couple,"Kibum suddenly commented.

I looked at Donghae and Donghae looked at me. We started laughing hysterically.

"You two are really comfortable with each other. People who don't know might mistake you two for being a couple,"Kibum continued.

"Right,"Donghae and I replied together.

"See! Perfect chemistry!"Ryeowook exclaimed.

"Whatever! Its impossible between us,"I told them.

"Yupp! Too comfortable and too weird,"Donghae added on.

We said our goodbyes and left. Donghae dropped me off at my house and I went into my room and slept straight away. This time round, I didn't think of 8th of May the whole day.

End of Chapter

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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D