Meeting DBSK

8th Of May

Hello everyone!!!! I'm finally back with a new update!!! I'm so sorry for the delay! Been really busy with my stuff in school and everything! Hope you all have been doing well during this period!!!! Anyway, I'll update again when I have time on my hands! PLEASE BEAR WITH ME!!!!!! 

By 7.30pm, I was ready! But of course! I was going to meet DBSK tonight! And watch them sing LIVE! My heart is thumping really quickly. There was a knock on my door and I turned my head towards it.

"Come in!"I called out.

The door opened and Eunhyuk stepped in. He looked around and found a lot of the pictures we took back then.

"Your room haven't change, huh?"Eunhyuk said as he walked in.

I nodded.

"By the way, I asked Junsu about it,"Eunhyuk said.

I looked up. He broke into a smile.

"He said okay,"he said.


"I'm not lying. Jaejoong says he'll love to see his number 1 fan,"he smiled again.


As I settled my head on his shoulder, the familiar feeling is back. That is when I know, he's the one for me. I closed my eyes. He was shocked at first but slowly, his hands went up and he wrapped his arms round me. I feel right at home at the moment.

"You wanna go now?"he mumbled.

I nodded and he let go. Then, we walked out to his car. We sat in the car and he drove us to concert venue. There were thousands of people already there and we lined up. Finally, the doors opened and we manged to grab a good seat in the middle. Eunhyuk had managed to get front seats tickets. The lights dimmed and the concert started. First up was Shinee. I don't really listen to their songs so I kept quiet and watched. Next up was 2am. Then, Big Bang. Wonder Girls was next and then SNSD. THEN, THE LAST ACT! DONG BANG SHIN KI!! WHEEE!!! The five people who were given to us by God stood on stage and I began screaming.

Was it my imagination or did Junsu just smiled at Eunhyuk? SHEESH! I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THINKING OF THAT! JAEJOONG IS SO HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! I LOVE HIS BLONDE HAIR (I know his hair isn't blonde anymore)!!! My heart melted there.

"EUNHYUKKIE!!! JAEJOONG!!"I shook his arm.

That was the third time I called him by his nickname. They sang songs after songs. Their fans screamed. The concert ended after 3 hours of korean songs. Then, I was flushed with excitement. A face to face with DBSK!

"Follow me,"Eunhyuk winked and pulled me to a door.

There was a security guard standing at the door.

"Eunhyuk,"he said and the guard opened the door for him.

He walked and walked. He seems to know his way around. Then, finally, we reached a door with a star and a paper taped to it. On the paper was Dong Bang Shin Ki written in Korean.

"Please don't tell anyone in school I know them,"he said.

I nodded and smiled. He knocked the door and I could hear Changmin say come in. Eunhyuk opened the door and peeked in.

"HEY!"all five of them greeted.

"Hello! I brought her here,"Eunhyuk said and pulled me in.

I was stunned when I stumbled in. Five handsome guys stared at me. One of them broke into a smile.

"Hi, I'm Yunho. Think you should know that by now,"Yunho smiled.

I smiled. I'm superbly nervous. I didn't dare talk.

"Xiah Junsu. Eunhyuk talked to me alot about you,"Junsu smiled and said.

I looked at Eunhyuk. And then turned back to them.

"I'm Changmin! The cutest in DBSK,"Changmin grinned.

"Hi,"I said with a smile.

"Yoochun!"Yoochun greeted.

"Jaejoong, Eunhyuk's been talking about you being our number 1 fan,"Jaejoong smiled at me.

GOD! He's so hot!!!! And now he's right in front of my face. I smiled awkwardly.

"So, whats your name? Eunhyuk didn't mention it all,"Junsu said.

"Kim Haemin. Just call me Haemin,"I said.

"Haemin. Nice name,"Jaejoong said.

"Thanks but I think it sounds weird,"I said with a frown.

"Weird? Why?"Yoochun asked.

"I don't know. It just sound weird to me,"I smiled.

"Nah. Its okay. You don't have a weird name like Yoochun,"Changmin laughed.

Yoochun smacked him.

"OWW! Eunhyuk! Did you buy what you promised?"Changmin asked.

"Of course! How could I forget?"Eunhyuk smiled and passed them potato chips.

"Thanks! Our assistant's on sick leave again,"Jaejoong complained.

"Understandable,"Eunhyuk said as he grabbed a seat for him and me.

"So, how are you related to Haemin here?"Jaejoong asked while he ate.

"Girlfriend!"Changmin said.

"Sister!"Yoochun said.

"Cousins?"Yunho asked.

"Must be girlfriend!"Junsu said.

"She's my ex actually. We broke up,"Eunhyuk admitted with an awkward smile.

"Woah! And you're still so close?"Junsu asked.

"Its a long story,"I told them.

"Oh! You finally talked! You were so quiet that I thought you lost your voice,"Jaejoong joked.

I smiled shyly.

"She's quiet sometimes but she can be really noisy,"Eunhyuk said.

I turned and smacked him.

"Oh! There's no need to fight!"Yoochun said.

"You two look like a couple!"Changmin said with a smile.

"They WERE!"Yunho said.

"There's no need for you to say it out loud, Yunho!"Junsu smacked him.

"Its okay! We don't really mind,"I told them.

"Are you sure? Eunhyuk looks really upset there,"Jaejoong said.

I turned.

"Jaejoong!"Eunhyuk threw a bag of potato chips at him.

"Thanks!"Jaejoong winked at Eunhyuk before opening the bag.

"Oh! I almost forgot. I brought something along for you all,"I told them.

"All of us?"Yoochun asked.

I nodded.

"I thought you'll only get something for me,"Jaejoong smiled at me.

"SHEESH! Just cause she likes you the most doesn't mean you get special privileges, you know!"Junsu said.

Jaejoong shrugged.

"Here,"I said and passed them each a box.

They each opened their own. Inside the box is a keychain with their name engraved in it.

"Wow! THANKS!"Junsu said as he took it out.

"No problem! Thanks a lot for offering your time like this,"I said.

"Its okay! You have to thank Eunhyuk for all this. We owe what we have today to him,"Yoochun said.

"Huh?"I asked.

"You didn't know?"Junsu asked.

I shook my head.

"There's no need to bring it up, Junsu,"Eunhyuk waved his hands.

"You should at least let her know!"Changmin said.

"Eunhyuk was the one who choreographed all our dances for the items tonight. Our choreographer fell sick and Eunhyuk rushed over when we called him last week. So, this is a small favour in return for what he done for us,"Jaejoong said.

"Why didn't you tell me?"I nudged Eunhyuk.

"Cause there's no need to,"he replied.

"He's always like that. Always putting people before him,"Yunho said.

"Haemin, can I talk to you for a second?"Jaejoong suddenly asked.

"Huh?"I blinked.

"Come,"Jaejoong said as he stood up to pull me away from the group.

"Whats up with him?"I could hear Changmin asking.

Jaejoong led me to another room and he closed the door.

"I need to tell you something,"Jaejoong said.

"Yeah?"I could feel my heart beating like there's a thousand elephants trapped in it.

"Eunhyuk likes you alot. I hope you'll be back with him again. I didn't want to tell you this but he cried the other day. I don't know what happened,"Jaejoong said seriously.

"Oh,"I nodded.

"You can go talk to him about it and ask him why he was crying. Its sad seeing your close friend cry like that,"Jaejoong smiled.

"I agree,"I smiled back.

"Thanks so much! Will you pass me your phone?"Jaejoong asked.

I handed him my phone and he took it. He keyed in his number and passed it back to me.

"Thats my number. Please get back to me asap. Thanks,"he said.

"No problem! You're really amazing. You only know me for an hour and you're already giving me your number!"I said with a laugh.

"Thats cause I trust you. I think that you'll not give out my number. By the way, I like you,"he said and he walked towards me and hugged me.

I held my breath. JAEJOONG FROM DBSK IS HUGGING ME!! OH MY GOD!!! My legs just turned to jelly.

"I hope to see you soon,"he let go of me.

"Erm,"I nodded.

"Let's go back. Its late. You should go home,"Jaejoong said.

"Erm,"I nodded again.

"I hope we'll be friends. And that you'll invite me to your wedding when you get together with Eunhyuk,"he said as we walked back.

I walked back to the room where the others are and sat down beside Eunhyuk again.

"You wanna go home now? Its late,"Eunhyuk said.

"Okay,"I nodded.

"We'll be going now. Thanks a lot! I owe you one!"Eunhyuk said as he hugged them one by one.

"No problem! Call us when you're free to have dinner,"Yunho said.

"I'm always free. Its you all who are busy,"Eunhyuk said.

"How true! We'll call you when we're free then,"Junsu said.

"Okay!"Eunhyuk nodded.

"Bring Haemin along!"Jaejoong said.

"No problem! She'll love to tag along,"Eunhyuk smiled at me.

We waved goodbye and we walked out of the dressing room.

End of Chapter

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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D