
8th Of May

I kept quiet and started day dreaming. Come to think of it, Eunhyuk and I didn't actually broke up. He just migrated. It wasn't official. So, you could say I'm still attached. I smiled. The thing was, I may still love him, but I also hate him for making 8th of May significant. As I recalled 8th of May, my hatred for him came back. My smile disappeared. He's an idiot!

"We're here!"Sungmin disrupted my thoughts.

I looked out of the car and I was fascinated by the view.

"Why are you bringing me to the beach for?"I asked.

"You'll see,"

His mysterious answer was annoying me. You all must be wondering whats so annoying about him being mysterious. Thats cause the guy who made 8th of May significant was as mysterious as Sungmin sometimes. As my blood boiled, I got out of the car myself, without waiting for Sungmin to open it for me. I turned to look at the ocean before me and I walked and walked. My heart soften as I realised there was a table on the sandy beach. I walked towards it. Sungmin walked ahead of me and pulled the chair out for me. I sat down and he sat opposite me.

"Thanks for coming out to dinner with me. The restaurant's great here,"he smiled and pointed to the seaside restaurant behind him.

I nodded.

There was an awkward pause as I've expected. Stupid Donghae! He could've come!!

"Well, erm, what do you want to eat?"he asked.

Without looking at the menu, I knew what I wanted.

"Grilled salmon,"I answered.

He looked at me and then at my closed menu.

"Seems like you come here fairly often,"he smiled.

"I used to,"I replied.

"No wonder. You wouldn't have ordered their famous grilled salmon if you weren't a regular,"he smiled.

I smiled back. Of course, I'm a regular. But that was three years ago. When Eunhyuk and I saved up like mad when we were students to afford to come to this place, though he cheated by asking his parents for money. As I recalled the two of us dining here, my blood boiled again when I remembered 8th of May. That idiot! I'll never forget the pain I've to go through.

"When was the last time you dined here?"Sungmin asked after he helped me order.

"Three years ago. 8th of April,"I answered.

"Isn't that your birthday?"he asked.

He actually knows my birthday.

"Yupp,"I replied while adding "4 days after Eunhyuk's" in my heart.

The grilled salmon came and the two of us started eating.

"So, what were you doing today?"he asked while eating.

"Nothing. Just lazing around,"I told him.

"You didn't go out with Donghae?"he asked.

"Nope. He's a dance freak. He wants to practise today,"I replied.

"Oh. Any dates coming up?"he asked while drinking his water.

"Dates?"I asked as I looked up at him.

"Yupp. You two are a couple now, right?"he asked.

"No,"I replied with a frown.

"Right,"he replied, obviously embarrassed.

"What makes you think Donghae and I are together?"I asked while I laughed.

"You two are so close,"Sungmin told me.

"Yeah, I know. He even kissed me before. On my 16th birthday but of course that was with permission from Eun...."I stopped talking.

"Eun? Who's Eun?"he asked.

"Nothing,"I quickly answered.

"Oh, right,"he nodded.

"Anyway, as I was saying. Donghae and I are really close but its impossible for us to be a couple,"I told him.

"Why not? I think he likes you,"Sungmin told me.

"No way! I find it weird if we were to start dating. Serious! Anyway, it'll spoil our friendship. We wouldn't want that,"I told him.

"I see,"he replied while nodding his head.

"Its funny how everyone keeps thinking we're together these few days,"I smiled.

"Everyone?"he raises his eyebrow.

"Yupp, including the hairdresser and the woman at the counter at the salon,"I told him.

He nodded his head as he wiped his mouth after his meal.

"Anyway, why did you ask me out today?"I asked after I was done with my meal.

"Well, I just want to get to know my partner better,"he smiled.

"But you already know me fairly well,"I laughed.

"Not when you're always so quiet,"he replied.

"I've always been so quiet,"I replied.

"Not really. Donghae told me that you were really chatty last time,"he told me.

"That was three years ago,"I replied.

"Something must have happened three years ago, huh? Was it the same thing that you were referring to on the second day of class?"he asked.

"Yupp. I was in a serious relationship. But something happened,"I told him.

"That guy must have hurt your feelings,"he said.

"You bet and I hate him for it till now,"I replied.

"Why did you two break up then?"he asked.

"We didn't,"I told him.

"Does that mean you're still attached?"he asked.

"Kind of,"

I could see the something in his eyes. Was it anger? Nah. Sadness? Not quite sure. But its definitely negative. AHHHH! How I wish Donghae was here to help me interpret this.

"Then, where did the guy go?"Sungmin asked.

"He migrated,"I told him.

"So, you're waiting for him to come back?"he asked.

"I'm not sure. I hate him yet I want him to come back. Its contradicting,"I buried my head in my palms.

"I don't really get what you're trying to say, actually. Sorry,"he said softly.

"I'll started from the beginning then. Firstly, I met him when we were 5. He's Donghae's best friend, by the way. I liked him ever since. But we were only together when we were 13. We stayed that way till we turned 18. Something serious happen. He migrated without my knowledge and I was left all alone,"I told him and tears started filling up.

Sungmin noticed and quickly reached out to grab my hand.

"I'm so sorry for raking it up. I shouldn't have reminded you,"he quickly apologised.

"Nah. I should just get on with life and forget all about him. But I just can't. Not when our relationship lasted 5 years and my love for him never changed for 16 years,"I told him.

"I understand. But you gotta take it slowly,"he answered.

"I hated him for what happened on 8th of May. I seriously do,"I answered firmly.

He nodded.

"Let's not talk about him anymore. I'm tired. I wanna go home,"I told him and stood up.

He paid the bill and quickly followed me. We were silent on the trip home. We reached my house.

"I hope you'll not tell anyone what I told you today. I don't know what made me tell you all this but please, don't tell anyone. Not even Donghae,"I said firmly.

"Donghae doesn't know?"he asked with a very surprised look.

"He only knows that he migrated. He doesn't know something serious happened,"I told him.

He nodded though he doesn't know what happened. I said goodbye to him and went home. I sat in on my 'bed' and recalled 8th of May.

After I discovered what happened, I had ran with all my might to his house. I knocked politely on his front door. No answer. I knocked harder in case his mother didn't hear me. I then banged the door. No answer. I started banging with all my might. No answer. The neighbour came out and handed me a letter. On the envelope was his handwriting. I could recognise it anywhere. He wrote, My Dearest Haemin on the envelope. I opened it and found out he migrated. He didn't want to tell me for fear I'll be sad. But he told me he'll be back and I've to wait for him. He didn't say when he'll be back and where he migrated to. My heart sank and my life became worthless. He was my everything and still is. I love him till this day but I also hate him for leaving me in that state. But I also can't blame him cause I didn't tell him what happened. Or you could say I didn't have a chance. I only found out on the day he migrated. How was I supposed to tell him? My feelings for him is so mixed up. I love/hate him. I want him to come back so I could punch him or get back together with him. Its all so contradicting and confusing. Maybe I should've talk about it with Donghae. But its so embarrassing. I would never let anyone know what happened to me.

End of Chapter 

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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D