Best Friends Forever

8th Of May

"Does your parents know about it?"Donghae asked.

"No. I would never tell them,"I told him.

"Quite true,"he nodded.

We stayed silent.

"Does Sungmin know?"he asked softly.

"Obviously not,"I told him.

He nodded.

"I didn't know that you knew! Seriously,"I told him.

"Well, can't help it that you accidentally told me when you were drunk, right?"he said.

"Does your parents know?"I asked.

"Nope. They were overseas,"he told me.

"Oh, right,"I nodded.

We kept quiet. It was obvious that this was a sensitve topic.

"Did you tell my parents that I was at your house?"I asked.

"Of course, I did. But I didn't tell them about you being ...."he stopped in mid-sentence and I nodded to show I understand.

"Well, let's go for dance!"he smiled.

We held hands and went for dance. We arrived at the dance studio and Sungmin was already dancing.

"Hey! Sorry I started without you two,"he smiled.

"Its okay. We'll just change and warm-up. Be right back!"Donghae said as he rushed to the changing room.

When I was done changing, Donghae was already stretching. I sat beside him and started stretching. I stretched and stretched. But I burst out laughing when Donghae attempted to do a split.

"I'll show you how the expert do it,"I laughed as I did a split.

"Its cause you learnt ballet, idiot!"he stuck out his tongue.

We continued warming up and then we went to join Sungmin. We continued choreographing our dance and three hours later. We were done with the full song. But we still need to do something about our positioning. We ended our dance practise for the day and sat down to chat.

"How was dinner yesterday?"Donghae asked Sungmin.

Sungmin's and my eyes widened. How could that idiot ask such a direct question!

"Haemin told you?"Sungmin looked at me and I gave him a fake smile.

He looked away and i glared at Donghae who ignored my glare.

"Yupp. But I wanna know you felt during dinner,"Donghae said.

"Oh, er, the food was really good, as usual,"Sungmin smiled politely.

"Sungmin, you know I don't care whether the food is good or not,"Donghae started.

He stretched out his arm and put it round my shoulders and pulled me towards him so I face Sungmin directly. I stared at Sungmin who stared at me.

"I want to know whether you like Haemin,"Donghae said.

WHAT!!! Donghae that idiot actually asked such an idiotic question in such an idiotic situation. Here we were, sweating after our dance, in our dance studio with my head being pulled towards Donghae.

"Well,"Sungmin smiled a fake smile while he thought of what to say.

"Well? Do you like her anot? I don't want her thinking you like her when you don't,"Donghae said firmly.

Why can't he take things slowly. He's such an idiot sometimes.

"I admit that I do like her but,"Sungmin dragged his but while smiling his fake smile.

"But what?"Donghae asked.

I tried to go back to my original position but Donghae's grip round my shoulders were just too tight.

"She said she was kinda attached so,"Sungmin dragged his last word again and he looked at me and then at Donghae.

"You really don't have to worry about her status now. Its really complicating. Just take her and be her boyfriend,"Donghae said.

He then pushed me and my head landed on Sungmin's lap. I opened my eyes and looked straight into Sungmin's eyes. I quickly sit up and glared at Donghae. Why can't he be normal for once!

"I don't want to rush her. I prefer to take things slowly. Besides, she doesn't like me,"Sungmin said softly.

I looked at Sungmin and then at Donghae.

"Well, she likes you. Thats for sure. But you gotta start to take some actions so she'll be win over by you,"Donghae told him.


"Since when did I....."Donghae covered my mouth.

"Seriously, she likes you. But she doesn't know it yet. Its inside her heart somewhere and you've gotta find it,"Donghae smiled at him.

Sungmin nodded and then he looked at me.

"Well, I gotta go. Make sure you fetch her home safely,"Donghae smiled and reached over to pat Sungmin on his back.

He then turn to look at me.

"Love you, babe!"he winked and kissed me on the cheek.

"Go away, idiot!"I shouted as he waved goodbye to me.

Then, the whole dance studio was quiet. It was only Sungmin and me.

"Erm, sorry about all that. Donghae's nuts sometimes,"I smiled.

"Its okay. But I guess I'll be taking his advice,"he looked up from the floor and into my eyes.

"Huh?"I gave him a puzzled expression.

"I'm wooing you,"he smiled at me.

My jaw dropped.

"You're what?! Don't be silly. Seriously! Donghae's nuts! You shouldn't listen to him,"I said really quickly.

He shrugged.

"Anyway, I gotta go. I'll eat dinner with you another day,"I stood up quickly.

I grabbed my bag and fished for my phone.

"Hello? Lee Donghae! Stop at wherever you are and come fetch me. I don't care what you're gonna say but you better come before I call your mum! I'll be waiting at the carpark,"I hissed.

Knowing him, he'll be here before I know it.

"I gotta go. Bye,"I smiled and ran off.

I ran with all might to the carpark and waited for Donghae. As I predicted, his car arrived in 5 minutes and I hopped in. I turned, glared and then smacked his head.


"I only wanted to help,"Donghae said as he started driving.

"I don't need it, Donghae. I have Eunhyuk,"I replied firmly.

"Then, why did you break up with him in the first place?"Donghae asked with an annoyed tone.

"Well, I didn't! I hate him cause I was ....."I couldn't bring myself to say that word.

"Oh, I get it! Well, continue hating him!"Donghae said.

"He's your best friend, you know!"I shouted.

Donghae stopped the car, turned his head and glared at me.

"Kim Haemin! What do you want in your life?! Firstly, you said you hate Eunhyuk. Then, you said you love him. Then, you say you wanna start a new life. Then, you reject Sungmin. Seriously, tell me, what do you want?"he said fiercely.

I kept quiet. It was the first time he had spoken so harshly. I thought about it. While I kept quiet, Donghae turned back and continued driving. He reached my house.

"You're home. You really must think about it, you know,"Donghae said.

I nodded.

"Love you. Bye,"he said and hugged me.

"Love you too,"I mumbled and got off the car.

He rolled down the window.

"I'll call you tonight. Better give me an answer by then,"Donghae shouted to me as I walked.

I could his car driving off. I went straight up to my 'room' and flopped down on my 'bed'. What do I want? Sungmin or Eunhyuk? A guy's been pushed towards me. He's the type I like. He can dance. He's a pretty boy. He's tall. Whereas Eunhyuk is somewhere in this world. I sighed. I can only give up, right? What else can I do. My phone rang and I rummaged through my bag for it.

"Hello?"I answered.

"Donghae here. So?"he went straight into the point.

I kept quiet and thought about it. Sungmin? Eunhyuk
Sungmin? Eunhyuk? Sungmin? Eunhyuk? Sungmin? Eunhyuk? Sungmin? Eunhyuk? Sungmin? Eunhyuk? Sungmin? Eunhyuk? Sungmin? Eunhyuk? Sungmin? Eunhyuk? Sungmin? Eunhyuk? Sungmin? Eunhyuk? Sungmin? Eunhyuk? Sungmin? Eunhyuk? Sungmin? Eunhyuk? Sungmin? Eunhyuk? Sungmin? Eunhyuk? Sungmin? Eunhyuk? Sungmin? Eunhyuk? Sungmin? Eunhyuk?

I sighed.

"Sungmin,"I murmured.

"I'm not forcing you, you know. But really, I don't want you waiting like a fool for Eunhyuk. He may not even come back,"Donghae said.

"I know,"I murmured.

"Just try it out with Sungmin. You may come to like him afterwards. Who knows? Just tell Sungmin that you two would just be trying out and that he shouldn't put too much hope in you staying the relationship and if Eunhyuk were to come back, you could always go back to him,"Donghae said.

It kinda made sense to me.

"Okay,"I mumbled.

"I love you a lot. I really don't want you to get hurt. After all, I've seen how Eunhyuk had hurt you when he migrated. It isn't a pretty sight and my heart ached when I see you crying like that,"he told me.

"Donghae, I don't know when will it be my turn to be the wonderful friend to you. I really appreciate it, you know. You're too nice. Maybe you're even crossing the line for a best friend,"I told Donghae.

"Thats what friends are for, right? Go and sleep and make a date with Sungmin tomorrow, alright? Love lots and goodnight!"Donghae said.

"I love you too, Donghae. Best friends forever!"I called out.

"Best friends forever!"he repeated.

End of Chapter

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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D