
8th Of May

It was a school day and I had to drag myself out of bed. I had fallen asleep while crying. Its been the 18354th time. I went downstairs for breakfast by myself again and my mother was really happy to see such an improvement in my behaviour. But one thing never change though. Ryeowook still had to honk his car horn to get me out of my cosy house. I was in his car as usual, trying to get some sleep and Ryeowook, being annoying as usual, loves keeping me awake by talking to me while annoying Kibum keeps laughing.

"So, did you laze around yesterday?"Ryeowook asked.

He loves asking this question after my free day.

"No, I went out,"I told him, feeling a little proud of myself.

"With Donghae?"he asked.

Oh, he's such a busybody. But he's so cute sometimes, that I just can't help but forgive him for being so annoying.

"No, Sungmin,"I replied.


This answer came from Kibum and Ryeowook.

"What's so surprising about that?"I asked, trying to speak as normally as possible.

Its not everyday that I dine with Sungmin or ANYONE on my free day.

"Well, you don't usually go out with people on your free day and you actually went out with Sungmin yesterday?!"Ryeowook told me.

"Its just a dinner,"I replied.

"He likes you,"Kibum said.

"Why are you and Donghae saying the same thing?"I asked while raising one of my eyebrows.

"Donghae said that?"Kibum asked.

I nodded.

"That should mean that Sungmin really likes you. After all, its been sensed by two guys already,"Ryeowook nodded.

"And did you sense it?"I asked him.

I knew the answer. I looked at Ryeowook. He was deep in thought and he looked embarrasssed when he shook his head.

"Then, you're not a man,"Kibum told him.


His reaction was so big that it scared me.

"How could you not sense that Sungmin likes Haemin? Its so obvious! I bet his fanclub sensed it already,"Kibum rolled his eyes.

"Its obvious?! I didn't even know!"I told them.

"Look at his eyes,"Kibum said.

"Did you notice anything yesterday when you dined with him?"Ryeowook asked.

I thought about it and recalled what happened yesterday. Come to think of it....

"Well yeah. He looked a little upset when I said I was kinda attached,"I told them.

"Kinda attached?!"they asked.

Oh shucks! I forgot they didn't know I was with him for five years.

"Its a long story,"I told them.

"Does Sungmin know?"Ryeowook asked, being a busybody.

"Hmmmm, a little,"I replied.

"Donghae?"Kibum asked.

"A little,"I replied.

"Then, how could you not tell us?"Ryeowook burst and stared at me.

We had reached school.

"I told you it was a long story. Tell you two next time. I gotta meet Donghae,"I ran out of the car.

Obviously, it was a lie that I'm meeting Donghae. But knowing him, he'll be waiting at my lecture hall to hear about my dinner with Sungmin. I ran with all my might and reached the lecture hall. Of course, I saw Donghae. He was already there in a t shirt and jeans, waiting for me. I waved and he noticed. He smiled and stood up straight.

"Hey!"I greeted with a smile.

"Looking good. What's up? Just got attached?"he smiled cheekily.

"Shut up,"I glared, reminding him of my past relationship.

"Okay okay. I've been waiting for half an hour,"he told me.

"So?"I asked.

"I want to hear all about your date yesterday!"he smiled.

"Can't it wait till my class is over? Its starting soon, you know,"I told him.

"Awww, I really want to hear about it! Nevermind, I'll meet you right here after your class. Don't you meet anybody else and you're having lunch with me alone,"he said firmly.

I nodded and smiled. I waved goodbye to him and he ran off to his class. I walked in and sat down at my seat. Sungmin was already there.

"You want to eat lunch together today?"Sungmin turned around to ask with a smile.

"Er, sorry, Donghae specifically told me to eat lunch with him,"I told him with an apologetic smile.

"Oh, its okay,"he smiled.

"Sorry, but if you want, I can eat dinner with you,"I smiled.

"Sure! After dance, then!"he smiled.

I nodded and smiled. Class went by with Sungmin and I rehearsing and trying to memorise our lines. Our teacher were quite impressed with our first scene. I was quite happy and before I knew it, class ended! YIPEEEE! I walked out of class and as expected, Donghae was there, waiting for me.

"Let's go!"he said and he pulled me along to the school cafe.

"Whats wrong with you today?"I asked.

"I'm excited! I wanna know about my girlfriend's date,"he smiled at me.

"Will you stop calling me your girlfriend?!"I said while I frown at him.

"You are best friend! And you're a female. So that makes you my girlfriend!"he smiled.

"People might misunderstand, you know,"I told him.

"Oh! People like Sungmin!"he smiled cheekily.

I kept quiet and thought about what he said. Then, I got it.

"Don't get me wrong, alright. I don't want people to misunderstand. And when I say people, I mean the whole school. Not just Sungmin,"I told him.

"You like him toooooo!"he smiled.

"I don't, idiot!"I rolled my eyes.

"What happened yesterday?"he asked while smiling.

"Well, we were just dining,"I told him.

"Where?"he asked.

"Beach House,"I told him.

His eyes widened.

"Isn't that the place where Eun..."he stopped his sentence when I nodded.

"We were just dining and chatting,"I told him.

"Are you sure? No hugs? No kisses?"he asked.

"No! Anyway, Donghae, I want to ask you something,"I looked at him.

"What?"he asked.

"Well, I told Sungmin that I was kinda attached,"I started.

"WHAT?! Why would you even say you're attached?!"his eyes were huge.

"Well, I didn't exactly broke up with Eunhyuk, right?"I asked.

"Quite true, actually. What was his reaction like?"he asked.

"That was what I want to know. He didn't say anything. But his expression was weird,"I told him.

"How weird?"Donghae asked.

"Well, after I said I was kinda attached, he kinda stared at me for a moment before looking down and with his earring,"I told Donghae.

"Thats a sign that he's sad,"he told me.

"How do you know?"I asked him.

"He's always his earring when he's sad,"he told me.

"Ohhh,"I nodded.

"He likes you, Haemin. Go and be with him,"he said.

"But Eun..."I stopped talking, knowing this was enough to tell him what was going through my mind.

"I know. Why don't you try it out with Sungmin first? Eunhyuk might not be back, you know. Besides, didn't you tell me you hate him?"Donghae asked.

"I did? Since when?"I asked.

"You were drunk a few days after he migrated and you told me that you hated him and that you were ...."I cut him off.

"YOU KNOW?!"I asked.

"Know you were...."I cut him off and got him to whisper in my ear what I said in my drunken state.

He whispered the exact thing that happened to me.

"OH MY GOD! And all this while, I thought you didn't know,"I told him.

"I know. But I didn't know to tell you that I know. After all, its a sensitive topic,"Donghae said, surveying me.

"You can stop surveying me now!"I told him.

"Does Eunhyuk know?"he asked.

"Too late. I didn't get a chance to tell him. By the time, I reached his house, he was gone,"I told Donghae.

He nodded. He's such a nice friend.

End of Chapter

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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D