Happy Birthday Sungmin!

8th Of May

Hello my readers, here's a belated MERRY CHRISTMAS to you!!!! Hope you had a wonderful time just like I did ^^ 

Kibum, Ryeowook and I had reached school.

"Another school day,"Kibum sighed.

"At least you get to see Sohee. I've nobody,"Ryeowook said sadly.

"Oh, yeah! Out of the three of us, you're the only one who's not attached,"Kibum laughed.

Ryeowook looked at him and looked away sadly.

"Don't be sad. You're a lovable guy. Someone is bound to like you,"I said.

"More lovable than me?"someone said and we turned.

"Ryeowook can't be compared to you, Sungmin. You're our school's prince charming while Ryeowook's just the pumpkin in Cinderella,"Kibum laughed.

"KIM KIBUM!"I smacked him.

"Sorry,"Kibum apologised to Ryeowook who smiled.

"What's that?"Ryeowook asked Sungmin.

"Things that his fangirls give,"I rolled my eyes.

"Are you jealous?"Sungmin teased.

"Why would I be?"I argued.

"Cause the guy in your fanclub doesn't give you anything,"Sungmin smiled.

"And that'll make me jealous of you? Yeah, right!"I brushed it off.

"As the president of your fanclub, I need to tell you something,"Sungmin said.

"What?"Kibum and I asked.

Ryeowook just looked away.

"Ryeowook's in your fanclub,"Sungmin whispered.

"WHAT?!"Kibum and I exclaimed together.

"I don't like her okay! I just want to support her. I like somebody else in the fanclub,"Ryeowook quickly said.

"Somebody else? Are you gay?!"I asked.

"Of course not!"Ryeowook said.

"If you really want to know, there's a girl in your fanclub,"Sungmin said.

"What?! As in a girl who's crooked?!"Kibum asked.

"Erm,"Sungmin nodded.

"And you like her?"Kibum asked Ryeowook.

"Erm,"Ryeowook nodded.

"Who is she?!"I asked.

"Park Seomin,"Sungmin read out the name from a file.

I grabbed the file and looked at the photo.

"She's so pretty! I can't believe someone as pretty as her can be crooked,"Kibum exclaimed.

"My babe can be too pretty, huh?"someone said.

We turned to find Donghae.

"Your babe?!"Ryeowook asked.

"Oops! Forgot she belongs to someone else now,"Donghae smiled.

"I'm still your babe!"I argued.

"And I'm still your beloved!"he winked.

"You two are impossible,"Sungmin shook his head.

"You're just jealous that your girlfriend is closer to me,"Donghae teased.

"Yeah, I am extremely jealous,"Sungmin said seriously.

We all paused. This is the first time he had said something like that. Normally he would say something like why would he be jealous when he's my boyfriend.

"Sungmin,"I reached out to hold his hand.

"Sungmin, I'm sorry,"Donghae said.

Sungmin smiled and shook his head.

"Kim Haemin?"someone called me.

We all turned to find Seomin in front of us.

"Here,"she pushed something to me and ran off.

"Er,"I called out.

I sighed and turned back to the group.

"Open it!"Donghae said.

I opened it to find a musical box and a letter. Kibum grabbed the letter and read it. He started laughing and passed it to Donghae who also laughed. Donghae passed it to Sungmin who also laughed.

"I don't get whats so funny about this. This is so gross!"I exclaimed.

"If you don't want it, you know there's someone who wants it,"Kibum used his eyes to point at Ryeowook.

"Do you want it?"I asked nicely.

"Its okay,"he replied nicely.

"Take it,"I said and pushed it towards him.

"Thanks,"Ryeowook smiled.

"I hope you two would wind up together one day,"I smiled.

Ryeowook smiled shyly. He's such a sweetie. We then left Donghae to go to his "very complicating" course while we went for our acting class. We stepped in to find Eunhyuk already there.

"SUNGMIN!"the fanclub screamed and headed towards him and gave him presents.

"Happy Birthday!"one of them said.

"Its your birthday!"I asked.

Sungmin smiled.

"Happy birthday! I didn't know. I'll treat you to dinner then,"I offered.

"I'm coming along,"Kibum said.

"Me too,"Ryeowook said.

"You two are stupid. Don't you get what they're trying to do? They're trying to go one a date!"Heechul said while shaking his head.

"Erm, its okay. The more the merrier,"Sungmin smiled.

"YIPEEE!"Ryeowook cheered.

"Why don't you come along too, Eunhyuk,"Sungmin smiled at him.

Eunhyuk looked up and then nodded his head.

"Tell Donghae. We'll go out tonight,"Sungmin smiled.

I nodded and we settled down for class. Class ended and the five of us headed out of class. We then walked all the way to the business block and sat outside the lecture hall, waiting for Donghae. Donghae finally came out and we walked to carpark. I straight away went to Donghae's car and hopped in. We drove off.

"Donghae, would you please let me off at the mall? I need to get a present for Sungmin,"I said.

"Okay. I need to get him something too,"Donghae said.

We left the group of cars and went to the mall. We bought something and drove all the way to Ryeowook's house. Ryeowook's parents were overseas at the moment so we decided to have a party at his house.

"Sorry, we're late,"I called out.

"My car had a problem,"Donghae said.

We then prepared everything for the food. The clock struck five and then the party started! We had a huge buffet for dinner that was prepared by Chef Ryeowook and Sungmin.

"This is awesome!"I said.

"Cooked by yours truly,"Sungmin smiled.

After dinner, we then had a small kaoraoke session. Donghae was so excited that we let him go first. He started singing some random song that I've never heard of. Sorry, other than Dong Bang Shin Ki's songs, I don't listen to any other songs.

"Donghae, just stick to whatever you're doing now,"Kibum teased.

"Lousy singer,"I teased.

"You're not any better,"Donghae argued.

Eunhyuk was up next and he sang a song.

"Not bad but stick to dancing,"Donghae said.

"You too, Donghae!"Kibum said.

Kibum was next and he sang a song.

"Not bad!"Sungmin smiled.

Then, it was shy Ryeowook's turn. After much persuasion, he finally sang. All of us were mesmerised by his powerful vocals.

"Woah! You didn't tell us you could sing,"I said.

"You're an awesome singer. Go and audition!"Sungmin smiled.

Then, it was my turn.

"Bet you don't even know how to hold a microphone,"Donghae teased.

I rolled my eyes and chose a song to sing. I started singing. I've finally told anyone before but I'm a natural when it comes to singing. I was also chosen to go under this teacher to make my singing skills better. After I was done, they were all stunned.

"Woah! Another one who kept secret about their singing talent,"Kibum said.

"You were good,"Ryeowook said nicely.

"Sorry about the teasing. But I hope you'll remember when you make it as a singer,"Donghae said.

"You were really awesome,"Sungmin said.

"Didn't know you could sing,"Eunhyuk said.

Sungmin was up next.

"Oh! I'm getting all nervous!"Sungmin smiled shyly.

"Yeah, right! I've heard you sing before. He's really good. But Ryeowook's better,"I said.

Sungmin began singing and my heart stopped. He chose DBSK's Your Love Is All I Need.

Hogshi argo eetnayo ulmanah ohraetdongan honjasuh gomeenhae watneunjee
Heemdeulgo jeecheel ddaemyun unjehnah dagawa soneul naemeerdun geudae moseub
Sarangee raneun mal ahjeek uhryubjeeman eejeneun marhargeh

But something caught my eye. Jaejoong appeared on screen. My heart melted right there.

"Jaejoong!!"I shook Donghae.

"Okay okay! Pay attention to your boyfriend. He's singing,"Donghae scolded.

I listened to Sungmin sing. After he was done, we clapped really loudly

"Maybe Haemin, Sungmin and Ryeowook should form a vocal group,"Eunhyuk said.

"OH YEAH!!! I'll be their backup dancer,"Donghae said smirkly.

"I'll be the rapper!"Kibum said excitedly.

"I'll be your manager,"Eunhyuk said.

We started laughing.

"Why don't you three try singing a song together?"Donghae asked.

We took the microphone and chose a song and sang it together. Surprisingly, our voices harmonised perfectly. With Sungmin's high pitched voice, he can matched my equally high pitched voice. While Ryeowook's powerful vocals hit the high notes.

"WOAH! You three should really go and audition,"Donghae nodded.

We all laughed. Then, we took our presents to give to Sungmin.

"Open mine first,"Ryeowook said.

"Okay,"Sungmin said.

He opened Ryeowook's blue box and found a pair of earrings.

"Wow! Its really nice. Thanks so much,"Sungmin smiled.

"Welcome,"Ryeowook smiled sweetly.

"Mine next,"Donghae said.

Sungmin opened it and found a beanie.

"Thanks!"Sungmin said excitedly as he tried it on.

"Me!"Kibum said.

Sungmin opened the box to find a pair of shoes.

"For you to dance with,"Kibum said.

"Thanks so much!"he said.

Eunhyuk quietly placed a box in front of Sungmin.

"For me?"Sungmin asked.

Eunhyuk nodded and then smiled. Sungmin opened it to find a montage. Eunhyuk had pasted all of my pictures with Sungmin together. On top of the montage, he had used his pretty handwriting to write MIN/MIN LOVE!

"Its really thoughtful of you. Thanks,"Sungmin said.

"No problem! But that doesn't mean I gave up on Haemin,"Eunhyuk smiled.

"Of course,"Sungmin smiled back.

"Sungmin,"I said as I placed the box in front of him.

He opened it and took out what I had bought for him. It was a bracelet. A pumpkin bracelet to be exact. Since he loves pumpkins.

"Wow! Thanks! Must have cost a bomb,"Sungmin said excitedly as he put it on.

"Not really. But I looked everywhere for it,"I smiled.

"Thanks,"Sungmin said.

We then partied and drank alcohol like there's no tomorrow. And I fell asleep.

End of Chapter

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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D