Break Up

8th Of May


The next day, I got ready for school and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Haemin, look!"my father passed me the newspapers.

On the front page, a big sorry was splashed over the front page. I read the page.

The whole crew of Seoul Newspapers would like to apologise Kim Haemin and her family for the news of her apparent break-up of a relationship between Sunny of SNSD and Eunhyuk. We would like to make it clear that it was Sunny who broke them up.

"Wow!"I said as I widened my eyes in shock.

"Haemin, the hearing will be this coming Saturday. Please don't go out on that day,"my mother said.

"Do I need to testify?"I asked.

"I don't think that's necessary,"my mother said.

"GOOD! I hate being on the stand. Scary!"I shook my head.

"Eunhyuk'll be helping you to testify. We need as least one of you anyway,"my mother smiled.

"You are?"I asked Eunhyuk who's been super quiet this morning.

Eunhyuk looked at me and nodded.

"I need to talk to you later on,"Eunhyuk mumbled before walking off.

I looked at him and followed him.

"What's up?"I asked while tugging his hand.

"Sunny wants me to break up with you and drop the case,"Eunhyuk turned and looked at me.

"WHAT?! I thought this was all resolved?"I asked.

"Apparently not. She wants us to drop the case and break up or she'll ask her uncle to not let Sungmin pass the audition,"he said.

"Her uncle? Audition?"I asked.

"Sungmin went to audition at SM Entertainment the other day. Sunny's uncle is Lee Soo Man, the one who's behind SM,"Eunhyuk explained.

"WHAT?!"I exclaimed.

"Its either we break up or Sungmin won't get to fulfill his dream of being a singer,"Eunhyuk said as he started crying.

Eunhyuk will always cry whenever he's stressed up.

"I owe Sungmin alot! I don't want to ruin his dream,"Eunhyuk said.

"I understand. Let's break up then,"I mumbled.

"WHAT?!"Eunhyuk looked at me.

"There's nothing we can do! There's only 2 choices, you know! If we talk to Sungmin about it, he'll willingly give up his dream! Sungmin's too nice,"I said.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"he asked.

"I don't know,"I started crying.

"I don't want to lose you but I can't ruin Sungmin's dream,"Eunhyuk said.

"Then, this is the end, then. I'll ask my mother to drop the case,"I looked at him.

"I love you. You know, I'm not breaking up with you willingly, right?"he asked.

"Of course, I know!"I smiled.

"Let's get you to school,"he said as he wiped his tears and walked towards his car.

"I'll miss you,"I mumbled.

"Me too,"he murmured before starting the engine.

We reached school and walked into the lecture hall.

"Haemin! Guess what?!"Sungmin grinned.

"What?"I smiled.

"I audtioned for SM Entertainment!"he smiled.

"Really?! Did you pass?"I asked.

"They say they'll get back to me,"he said sadly.

"You'll pass! Don't worry,"I smiled.

"Hope so,"he sighed.

Sunny walked in.

"Lee Eunhyuk! Have you decided?"Sunny smirked.

Eunhyuk stared at her with his famous killer stare. He nodded.

"So?"she asked.

"I broke up with Haemin,"he mumbled.

"I can't hear you,"Sunny said.

"I broke up with Haemin!"he shouted.

The whole class gasped.

"YOU WHAT?!"Sungmin exclaimed.

"How come?"Ryeowook asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders, not wanting to explain.

"Are you okay?"Heechul asked me.

I nodded.

"Let's eat lunch together today after class,"Sunny smiled.

"YOU WISH! I'm eating with the clique,"Eunhyuk said firmly.

"Then, I'll join your clique and eat with you all,"Sunny smiled.

"DREAM ON!"Heechul shouted.

"Eunhyuk, you better eat with me. There's consequences if you don't,"Sunny smiled.

"YOU!"Eunhyuk raised his fist to hit her.

"HYUKJAE!"I shouted.

Eunhyuk turned to look at me. I shook my head. He turned back to look at Sunny. He put down his fist.

"So, will you eat with me everyday from today onwards?"she asked.

Eunhyuk glared at her.

"Will you or will you not?!"she glared back.

Eunhyuk turned to look away.

"I'll take it as a yes then,"Sunny smirked and sat down at her seat.

"Eunhyuk! Stop acting rashly. She could have you up in court!"I hissed.

"Like I care,"Eunhyuk rolled his eyes.

I smacked him.

"Don't you touch my boyfriend, Kim Haemin!"Sunny shouted.

"Who says I'm your boyfriend?!"Eunhyuk shouted.

"I said so!"she held onto Eunhyuk's killer stare.

"IDIOT!"Eunhyuk shouted before looking away.

"Why did you all break up?"Kibum asked.

"I don't really want to go through it again,"I mumbled.

"Sorry,"Kibum said.

"Its okay!"I smiled.

Sungmin's phone rang and he answered it.

"SERIOUS?! THANK YOU THANK YOU!"Sungmin exclaimed.

He hung up and turned to us.

"I PASSED THE AUDITION!"Sungmin smiled.

"Thats good!"Ryeowook smiled back.

"I knew you were talented,"Heechul said.

"Congrats!"Kibum smiled.

"Congratulations!"I said.

"Congratulations!"Eunhyuk said after me.

I turned to look at him. He stared back at me. We were thinking of the same thing. Breaking up is a small price to pay for Sungmin who gave up alot of things for us.

End of Chapter

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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D