New Hairstyle

8th Of May

Days went by with Sungmin and I rehearsing non-stop, Kibum, Ryeowook and I talking and Donghae, Sungmin and I dancing.

It was a Tuesday and the third week since I started school. The B Dance competition was only a month away and our choreography was still not completed. We still have half the song to finish. Donghae had come to fetch me early in the morning. The two of us were sitting in the studio and chatting while waiting for Sungmin.

"Seriously, go cut it off!"Donghae said firmly.

He was still going on about my image for the competition.

"I'll look like a mushroom!"I protested.

"You won't! Don't you trust my taste?"Donghae asked.

I looked at what he was wearing. A black tank top, jeans and a beanie. His hair was getting cooler by the minute.

"I do trust your taste, Donghae, but"

I didn't manage to finish my sentence.

"Then, go cut it,"he ordered.

I sighed and nodded my head.

"Tomorrow,"he added.

My eyes widened and just when I was going to shout at him, I realised he was in a freeze mode. He was staring at something behind me. I turned around to find a guy with a half shaven head. Sungmin had really went to shave off his hair so that there was only 70% left which was his parting before. He had also bleached it as he promised. He looked great, to be honest.

"You look awesome, dude!"Donghae exclaimed as he jumped up to examine Sungmin's new hairstyle.

"I kinda regret it actually,"Sungmin stuck out his tongue.

He looked really manly but with his tongue sticking out like that, he was a combination of hotness and cuteness..

"I agree with Donghae. You loko great,"I smiled.

He looked at me and smiled. We then continued choreographing our dance. When we were done with three quarters wof the song, we left the studio. Imediately, throngs of girls were gathered outside the studio. They were screaming with all their might. The same thing had happened when Donghae changed his hairstyle. Now, it was Sungmin's turn. I can't blame them though, they have their own fanclub remember? Donghae and I waved goodbye to poor Sungmin at the carpark. Sungmin was still being squashed by his fanclub.

"Do you think the same thing'll happen if you cut your hair?"Donghae asked me.

"No,"I replied without thinking.

"Why not?"he asked again.

"I don't have a fanclub,"I replied again.

"Oh yeah. I'll help set one up for you,"Donghae smiled.

"No, thanks!"I shook my head,

"Another reason why the same thing won't happen to you is cause guys are not that crazy like the girls,"Donghae laughed.

I smacked his head for insulting females. He continued driving while nursing his injury.

"Min, you haven't told me why you broke up with Eunhyuk,"Donghae suddenly said.

I froze at the sound of his name.

"Min,"Donghae woke me up with a budge.

"Huh? Didn't I told you he migrated?"I answered and looked out of the window.

"Well, there must be something more to that, right? After all, you locked yourself in your so called 'room' for weeks after the break up,"Donghae said.

Without his knowledge, I started crying softly. I was crying so much that I didn't even realise that I had reached home.

"Min, you're home!"Donghae called out.

He turned and realised that I was wiping my tears.

"Min, why are you crying? Oh, I get it! I'm so sorry for raking it up,"Donghae quickly apologised.

He pulled me and hugged me. He lent me his shoulder while I cried. I quickly wiped away my tears and sat up straight.

"I gotta go,"I said and opened the car door.

"I'm so sorry. Call me when you need me, alright? My phone's switched on 24/7,"Donghae smiled.

I nodded and and smiled. I waved goodbye to him and he drove off. I went back to my 'room'. Donghae was the only one among my friends to know that I was in a relationship three years ago. I sighed and thought about 8th of May. I fell asleep and the next day, I woke up early in the morning for class.

Within an hour, I was already in school. This time round, the girls on the far left squealed really loudly compared to the past few weeks and there were throngs of girls outside screaming too. Sungmin had arrived and everyone saw his new hairstyle. Kibum and Ryeowook's jaw dropped.

"Haemin! LOOK!"they all shook me.

"I saw it yesterday,"I told them.

"He looks really awesome!"Kibum commented.

Sungmin sat in front of me as usual and stared straight ahead. Ryeowook who was being annoying as usual reached out to tap Sungmin on his shoulder. Sungmin turned around to face him.

"You look really awesome!"Ryeowook smiled.

"Thanks,"Sungmin smiled.

He then turn to look at me.

"So, what you thought of anything to do with your hair?"he asked me.

I nodded. Kibum and Ryeowook looked at me.

"I plan to cut it,"I replied.

"T your hair again?"Ryeowook asked nicely.

"Its three months already?"Kibum asked.

I would always trim my hair every three months.

"No. I plan to cut my hair into a bob,"I told them.

Their jaws dropped for the second time in the day.

"Who gave you that idea?"Ryeowook looked shocked.

"Sungmin,"I used my head to point at Sungmin.

"And Donghae,"Sungmin smiled.

"I guess it'll look okay,"Kibum nodded.

I nodded as Kim Heechul walked in.

"Hi, Kibum! Hi, Ryeowook! Hi, Haemin! Hi, Sung... OH MY GOD! You look really hot in your new hairstyle!"Heechul immediately stopped greeting and rushed towards Sungmin to take a closer look at his new edgy hairstyle.

I seriously didn't know that if you're one of those popular kids and when you change your hairstyle, it'll attract such a great deal of attention.

Class started and ended. I was dreading this moment. I was supposed to cut my hair after class today. I packed up and my things and walked slowly out of class.

"Do you want me to accompany you to....."

Before Sungmin could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by someone.


I looked to my left to find Donghae.

"What are you doing here?"I asked.

"Waiting for your class to end. My class ended half an hour ago and I've been waiting for you here since then,"he smiled proudly.

"For what?"I asked.

"Accompany you while you cut your hair,"he smiled.

"Oh,"I replied simply.

"Since Donghae's accompanying you, I'll go off then. Bye!"Sungmin gave a quick fake smile before leaving.

"Oh shucks! I didn't know he was going to accompany you,"Donghae smacked his forehead.

"So what if you did?"I asked.

"I would have let him accompany you,"Donghae replied.

"Whatever for?"I asked.

"He likes you, idiot! Besides, you should start dating again. You've been single for three years already,"Donghae reminded me as we walk.

"say that to yourself, Lee Donghae. You've been single for two years already!"I argued.

"I'm different! I haven't found the right girl yet,"he smiled.

"Neither have I,"I protested.

"There's one in front of you right now,"Donghae told me.

"Who? Sungmin?"I asked.

He nodded.

"He's not the type that I like,"I replied.

"He's a pretty boy,"he replied, knowing my weakness for pretty boys.

"Let's not talk about me and talk about you,"I quickly changed the topic.

"Me?"Donghae pointed to himself while we were in the car.

"Yupp! You have a whole fanclub of girls that you can choose. You're bound to like one of them,"I told him.

"Nah!"he shook his head.

Donghae can be really fussy when it comes to girls. We reached the salon. I sat down at a chair and the hairdresser came.

"What would you look like to do with your hair?"the hairdresser asked.

"Cut it into a bob,"Donghae stood up from his seat and told the hairdresser.

The hairdresser nodded and began snipping off my hair. As she snipped more and more, my heart started aching. My long locksssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Without knowing, I had fallen asleep while cutting my hair.

"Miss! Miss!"someone kept calling.

"Haemin! I can't believe she fell asleep while cutting her hair! Haemin!"Donghae called.

I opened my eyes to find Donghae's face right in front of me.

"You finally woke up. How could you sleep just like this?"Donghae shook his head and stood up straight.

"Miss, are you happy with your new hairstyle?"the hairdresser asked.

I looked into the mirror and got a great big shock. The girl in the mirror isn't me!!! This girl was really pretty with that bob. I simply couldn't believe it was me.

"You look really pretty,"Donghae smiled while he bent down to put his face beside mine.

"Thanks,"I said softly.

"Please follow me to the counter, Miss,"the hairdresser said while smiling.

"I'll pay,"Donghae stood up and followed the hairdresser.

I quickly stood up and ran after Donghae. I reached the counter and smacked him.

"Donghae! What are you doing?"I glared at him.

"Helping you pay,"he smiled.

"For what?"I hissed.

"You look really great with your new hair. I'm really satisfied. Let me pay,"he smiled and turned back to pay.

"Miss, your boyfriend's really nice to you,"the woman at the counter said.

"Yeah, he's been helping me to hold on to your head while you slept,"the hairdresser told me.

"He's not my boyfriend,"

"I'm not her boyfriend,"

We said together.

"You're not a couple?"the woman asked.

We shook our heads.

"What a pity! You two look really good together,"the hairdresser said.

"Thanks! But its impossible between us,"Donghae smiled.

We left and he drove me home.

"You like your new hairstyle?"Donghae asked.

"Yeah. Its really nice,"I told him as I touched my fringe.

"Told you,"Donghae replied.

We reached my house.

"Thanks so much!"I thanked him.

"No problem! Remember to thank Sungmin too!"he reminded.

I nodded and gave him a hug.

"I really should treat you more often so I'll get more hugs. Miss those hugs!"he joked.

I waved goodbye to him as usual and went home.

End of Chapter

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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D