Sungmin's New Her

8th Of May


Sungmin's jaw dropped.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!"he exclaimed.

"Very serious,"Eunhyuk replied.

"We discussed with our parents. We thought it was best to tell you,"I continued.

"I didn't know! She's such an evil person! I wouldn't want to pass SM's audition like that,"Sungmin made a disgusted face.

"But we didn't want to hurt your feelings,"I said.

"Besides, you're giving up your dream so that we can be together. I owe you too much, Sungmin. I can't just ruin your dream,"Eunhyuk started tearing.

"Don't cry! I wouldn't want to get into SM and be a singer while my friends are unhappy. It doesn't make sense,"Sungmin smiled.

"I'm so sorry for ruining your dream,"I apologised.

"There's only one person to blame for all this. And that's Sunny. Nothing to do with you two,"Sungmin smiled.

"So, what do you plan to do?"Donghae asked after keeping quiet for so long.

"Well, I'm gonna get out of SM. Duh!"Sungmin smiled.

"WHAT?!"Eunhyuk and I exclaimed together.

"I didn't get into SM cause I was good. So, there's no point staying there when they might not even let me debut, right?"Sungmin smiled.

"You're too nice, Sungmin,"Donghae pat him on his back.

"Then, I'll go audition at other companies. SM is not the only entertainment company in Korea, right? Besides, if I get into say, JYP, I'll be more happy cause I got in through my talents,"Sungmin smiled.

"We're sorry for doing this to you. After all, you gave up your place as her boyfriend for me,"Eunhyuk continued to cry.

"Its okay! Besides, I've her,"Sungmin mumbled to himself.

"HER? Who's the her?"Donghae asked.

"What her?"I asked.

"I heard him say something about her,"Donghae told me.

"Well, I met a girl in SM,"Sungmin smiled.

"YOU LIKE HER?"I ased enthusiastically.

"Shhh. Let him talk,"Eunhyuk smacked me.

"I guess. I'm not really sure. But she caught my eye among other trainees,"he smiled.

"Who is she?"I asked.

"You don't know her. But her name's Yoobin. Kim Yoobin,"he told me.

"Oh! How does she look like?"I asked.

"I've her picture,"Sungmin rummaged through his bag immediately.

"You have her picture? How come?"Donghae asked.

"I took a picture with her during dance lesson,"he replied while taking out his phone.

"OHHH!"Donghae nodded.

"Here!"Sungmin passed me his phone.

I looked at Yoobin. She looks really pretty. Tanned. Nice smile.

"She looks really pretty,"I said while passing the phone to Eunhyuk.

"Do you think that way because she looks like you?"Eunhyuk asked.

"She looks like me?"I asked in shock.

"Well, you're a fair version of her,"Eunhyuk replied.

"Let me see!"Donghae took the phone.

"Come to think of it. You really do resemble Yoobin,"Sungmin raised his eyebrow.

"OH MY GOODNESS! MINNIE!! YOU LOOK LIKE HER!"Donghae said excitedly.

"Were you having Haemin in mind when you liked her?"Eunhyuk teased.

"NO! OF COURSE NOT!"Sungmin quickly denied.

"He's just kidding. STOP IT!"I smacked Eunhyuk.

"I was just joking. You don't have to SMACK me, you know,"he smacked me back.

"SUNGMIN?"someone called out.

We all turned. A tanned girl stood a few tables away from us.

"Yoobin?"Sungmin called.

"Hi! Its such a surprise to see you here,"Yoobin smiled as she made her way towards us.

"Sunye!"Donghae called out.

Sunye was beside Yoobin. THEY KNOW EACH OTHER?!

"You know Sunye?"Yoobin asked.

"That's her boyfriend,"Sungmin explained.

"Oh! So, this is the mystery man that I'm supposed to meet,"Yoobin smiled.

Sunye smiled shyly.

"Let me introduce. Haemin, this is Yoobin. Yoobin, this is Haemin. She's my classmate,"Sungmin introduced.

"She was his girlfriend for a few months,"Eunhyuk smiled.

"Really?"Yoobin smiled before looking at me carefully.

Her jaw dropped.

"GOSH! Pardon me. But I think we look alike,"Yoobin said shyly.

"They say I'm a fair version of you,"I grinned.

"How nice to find someone who looks like me,"Yoobin smiled.

"I agree!"I smiled back.

"This is Eunhyuk. Haemin's boyfriend. Another of my classmate,"Sungmin introduced.

"Hi! Aren't you a dancer of DBSK?"Yoobin asked.

"Hi! Yupp! I don't get recognised by people for being a dancer for them. So, you just made my day!"Eunhyuk smiled.

Yoobin laughed.

"This is Donghae. Sunye's boyfriend,"Sungmin continued to introduce.

"Is he your classmate?"Yoobin asked while smiling at Donghae.

"Nope. Different course. But I know him through dance,"Donghae said.

"OH! FISHY!"Yoobin smiled.

"You really know alot about us. What's your relationship with Sunye?"I asked.

"She's my step-sister,"Yoobin smiled.

"WHAT?!"we all exclaimed.

"My dad remarried to her mother. And she gave birth to Sunye two years later. We're two years apart,"Yoobin explained.

"How amazing! Why didn't you tell me your step-sister's trainee at SM?"Donghae asked.

"Well, she just got in. I wanted to tell you on our next date,"Sunye explained.

"I shall believe you,"Donghae said.

We all laughed.

"How's life like being a trainee at SM?"Eunhyuk asked.

"Its good. Though, all the trainees will always be wondering when we'll be debuting,"Yoobin grinned.

"I agree. We talk about it every time we have a break from dance lessons,"Sungmin nodded his head.

"But I guess its part of the process of being a trainee. Any plans for your debuts yet?"I asked.

"Not for me,"Sungmin smiled.

"I might be debuting as a member of Wonder Girls,"Yoobin explained.

"OHH!"We all nodded except the two sisters.

"She'll be replacing HyunAh,"Sunye explained.

"I almost forgot you yourself is part of Wonder Girls,"Eunhyuk said.

"And Sohee!! Kibum's girlfriend,"I added.

"And Sunmi! My partner,"Sungmin added.

"Wow! Its really hard to imagine you all dancing together,"Eunhyuk added.

"Why don't you all come and watch us? Yoobin's debuting next week,"Sunye said.

"Thats fast!"I smiled.

"I'm just lucky. They needed a rapper,"Yoobin smiled.

"You're a rapper! Thats so cool!"I exclaimed.

"You may look like Haemin but you are the total opposite of her. She can't rap,"Eunhyuk laughed.

We all followed suit.

End of Chapter


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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D