The Beginning

8th Of May

A few weeks passed and I was shopping at supermarket. I love shopping at supermarkets. I sound like an old woman, don't I? Well, anyway, I'm shopping at a supermarket cause Valentine's Day is just three days away. While our dance competition is just next week. I walked around and got a few cans of hair spray for Donghae and I. I walked and walked. Bought some chocolates, strawberrys and sweets. I took a bus to the stationary shop that I love. I bought a whole stack of pink paper and a pink pen. Then, I took a bus home. I began to dip the strawberries into the chocolate liquid and then freeze them in my refrigerator. And I started writing my Valentine's Day card to them.

To: My Dearest Hottie!

Hello my dear Donghae! I love you lots! Happy Valentine's Day! Hope you'll find someone special by next year's Valentine's Day! Love you! Kim Haemin!

To: My Annoying Darling!

Hi, Wookie! I love you lots! Happy Valentine's Day! Better stop being so annoying or you wouldn't find someone special to spend your V-Day with next year! Love you! Kim Haemin!

To: My Laughing Buddy!

Hi, Kibummie! I love you lots! Happy Valentine's Day! I know you're prolly spending this special day with Sohee so I hope you'll enjoy today. May you two stay together for as long as possible! Love you as a friend! Kim Haemin!

To: My Acting Partner

Hi, Danhobak! Happy Valentine's Day! Thanks so much for helping me overcome my fear for blood though you seemed to make it worse. But nonetheless, thanks for helping! Hope you'll find someone special by next year's Valentine's Day! Kim Haemin!

I sighed as I continued writing for the girls in my class. I would always love writing valentine's day cards. But one particular card seem to be missing. The one labelled my dearest honey, Eunhyuk is missing. I continued writing for Sunye, Sohee et cetra. I really miss him. But thinking of 8th of May, I really hate him. ITS SO CONTRADICTING AND ANNOYING!!!


VALENTINE'S DAY! I woke up at my usual time to go to school. But I was expecting an earlier shout for breakfast since its valentine's day. And it happened.

"HAEMIN! YOUR MAILS!"my mother shouted.

Knew it. Notice she said mails instead of mail? I wore my favourite hot pink tube dress and skinny jeans and went downstairs. I sat down for breakfast and my mother dumped the whole pile of envelopes in front of me. I flipped through to find Donghae's. He has a habit of sending a letter instead of passing to me personally. I opened it carefully and read it.

To: My Dearest Babe!

Love you babe! Be with Sungmin, alright? Happy Valentine's Day! I love you! 
Donghae. Loving you since I was 5 :)

I laughed and smiled at his letter. He's so sweet. Whoever's his girlfriend would be really lucky. I flipped through to search for more people I'm more familiar with, leaving those unfamiliar to tonight when I've more time to read their nonsensical letters. I found one.


RYEOWOOK HERE! Smile more! You look like an angel when you do that more often! Happy V-Day!

HAHAHA! I laughed at it. These guys are just so sweet. Kibum would pass me his letter later. I put the two envelopes in my bag and dumped the rest on the kitchen table. Ryeowook horned his can horn and I ran out, grabbing my bag of goodies on the way. I hopped in and passed them a bag of goodies each.

"HAPPY V-DAY!"I shouted with a smile.

"Happy V-day!"they shouted back.

"Did you receive my letter?"Ryeowook asked.

"Yupp! Thanks so much! I look like an angel today, don't I?"I joked.

"Definitely!"Ryeowook smiled.

"Here's yours!"Kibum turned to pass me a letter.

"Thanks, here's yours too! Ryeowook, I'll leave your letter in your goodie bag, alright?"I told them.

"Sure!"Ryeowook answered.

I read the letter from Kibum.

To: My Lovely Friend, Kim Haemin

Thanks for being my friend. Love being part of the Kim Musketeers! Love you, as a friend of course! Kibum!

Their letters are so sweet but of course I prefered Donghae's. HAHA! We arrived in school and Ryeowook handed me a big box of chocolates while Kibum gave me a small box of chocolates with a pair of earrings that I've been wanting to get.

"Thanks, Kibummie! I've been eyeing it for quite some time!"I gushed.

"No problem!"he smiled.

We made our way to class and this huge group of people ran towards us. They were shouting something that I couldn't make out.

"Any idea what they're shouting?"I asked Ryeowook.

"They're shouting your name, idiot!"Ryeowook answered.

I listened carefully and sure enough, all this people were shouting Haemin! Haemin! And then I realised that all this people were all guys. None of them were girls. Oh right! What is this?

"Let's get you out of here!"Kibum said as he pulled me.

I quickly grabbed Ryeowook along and we walked as fast as we could to our lecture hall. Standing at my lecture hall was a smug Donghae.

"Hey,"he greeted me.

"Don't tell me you have something to do with those people,"I told him.

"I don't,"Donghae smiled.

"Good! What was that all about?"my eyes widened as I spoke.

"Your fanclub was greeting you,"he smiled.

"MY WHAT?!"I exclaimed.

"Your fanclub. Sungmin set it up just for you,"Donghae smiled.

"Sungmin what?! Oh my god!"I smacked my forehead.

"Forget all about that, will you? Here's something to cheer you up!"Donghae said.

He got out a bouquet of roses from behind him and passed it to me.

"Wow! Thanks! Here's something for you,"I said as I gave him a goodie bag and his letter.

"Thanks so much,"he smiled.

He then leaned in to give me a quick peck on my lips.

"Love you babe!"he winked and ran off for class.

"Love you too! Bye!"I waved goodbye.

The group of people finally reached me and they were all shoving random items in my face. They were really irritating but all I could do was give them a fake smile and accept their presents. Though I did ignore their constant question of whether I could be their girlfriend. I hurried into class and Kim Heechul gave me sweets. I gave him a goodie bag and settled down in my seat. I sighed a sigh of relief and when I looked in front, I realise he was in front of me. I smacked his head.

"OUCH!"he turned around to face me.

"Why did you do that for?"I asked.

"I'm supposed to be asking you that question!"Sungmin retorted.

"Whats with the fanclub?"I asked.

"Oh that! Don't you like it? I found out that lots of guys in our school have a crush on you, Haemin,"he smiled.

"And you are happy about that when you yourself have a crush on me?"I gave him a weird expression.

"Well, I can't be compared to them,"he smirked.

"Why not?"I argued.

"Cause I'm a pretty boy unlike that hundred of guys out there,"he replied with a smile.

That made me laugh.

"You're so funny sometimes, Lee Sungmin,"I said as I bent down to get his goodie bag and letter.

"You're funny yourself, Kim Haemin,"he repeated.

"Here! Happy V-Day!"I smiled.

"Thanks! Here's yours,"he passed me a box.

NOT MORE CHOCOLATES!!! I prayed hard it was not chocolates again. But when I opened, it was this really nice bracelet.

"Need help in putting it on?"Sungmin asked.

I looked up at him and then back at the bracelet.

"Sungmin, its too expensive,"I told him.

"Its okay. Just take it,"he smiled.

"I can't!"I argued.

"Don't be silly,"he said as he grabbed the box.

He took out the bracelet and grabbed my hand to put it round my wrist.

"SUNGMIN!"I shouted.

This attracted his fanclub's attention and IT WAS A HUGE MISTAKE! My shout caused an uproar and all of them started whispering about Sungmin giving me a bracelet while Sungmin didn't even get anything for anyone. When he was done, he smiled at me. I looked down at my bracelet. It looked really nice but it was so expensive!! OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDD!

"Isn't she attached?"

"Donghae's her boyfriend, right?"

"I saw him kissing her earlier!"

"Why is she still flirting with our Sungmin?"

"She's such a flirt!"

"So annoying!"

"Can't she leave Sungmin alone?"

"Why does Sungmin see in her anyway?"

"She's really pretty actually,"

"Very skinny,"

"Perfect model,"

"Definitely, she dances too,"

"But isn't she attached?"

Those whispers were getting louder and louder and I was really annoyed.

"Since when did Donghae and I become a couple?"I exploded and glared at Sungmin's fanclub.

They immediately kept quiet.

"He's just a friend, alright? Stop saying we're a couple. I'm really sick of it,"I shouted at them.

I rolled my eyes and sat back down. Those people are really annoying the nerves out of me.

"Yupp! Donghae's just her friend. And I wanna announce to everyone that I'll be officially wooing Haemin from today onwards,"

WHAT?! I looked up at the speaker. I really couldn't hate him for saying that. After all, he's a pretty boy. BUT STILL! His action caused his stupid fanclub to whisper nonsensical stuff again.

"Sungmin! What do you think you're doing?"I pulled him down to my level and hissed.

"I like you alot, Haemin. Really I do,"he smiled.

"But you don't need to announce it, right?"I looked at him.

He simply shrugged his shoulders. OH MY GOD! I let go of him and settled down in my seat. THIS IS GETTING FROM BAD TO WORSE! I thought I'll enjoy V-Day for once. But NO! A fanclub was set up to ruin it early in the morning and now this! But I really can't blame Sungmin though. Its really HARD to be angry at such a cute guy. I shook my head. What am I doing?!!

End of Chapter 


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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D