Hyukmin is Back!

8th Of May

I'm lying on Eunhyuk's shoulder. I missed being beside him. I sighed.

"What's wrong?"he asked.

"Nothing. I missed being beside you like this,"I looked up to smile at him.

Eunhyuk laughed.

"How dare you laugh at me!"I sit up to smack him.

"I'm sorry! I missed you alot too,"he pulled me back.

"All this events were really giving me a headache. Thank god it's over,"I smiled.

"Uh huh. My parents will start to nag at me to marry you,"Eunhyuk sighed.

"What's wrong? You don't want to?"I asked while sitting up.

"Of course I'll want to marry you. But it's too early,"Eunhyuk said.

"Oh!"I answered simply.

From young to now, I've always hoped to marry early. I even dreamt of being marrying at the age of 21. Which is my age now! I looked at Eunhyuk. I didn't expect to not want to marry early.

"I'm sorry. I know you've been wanting to marry when you're young,"Eunhyuk said with a smile.


I recalled. I've never told him. Or did I tell him in my drunken state some point in my life.

"Donghae told me,"Eunhyuk replied.

"Stupid Donghae. He tells you everything!!!"I exclaimed.

"He's my best friend,"he explained.

"He's mine too. I thought he'll keep it a secret,"I pouted.

Eunhyuk hugged me.

"Shhh! Let's keep quiet and enjoy our life as it is now,"he said while closing his eyes.

I kept quiet. And suddenly, Eunhyuk moved. I sat up and faced him. He used his fingers to hold on to my chin and moved his face nearer to me.

"What are you trying to do, Lee Hyukjae?"I asked him in an annoyed tone.

"Please don't try to imitate my mother while I'm trying to kiss you,"Eunhyuk murmured as his lips were inches away.

His lips then landed on mine. I closed my eyes. I missed him so much. I hugged him and I could feel his arms round me. I pulled away after awhile and smiled. He smiled back.

"I love you,"he said while giving me a peck on my lips.

"Love you too,"I replied while giving him a smile.

"Its been a long time since I kissed you, huh?"Eunhyuk smiled as he held onto my hand.

"Definitely. Three years. You didn't even kiss me when we were together,"I complained.

"So, you missed kissing me more than you missed my love for you?"he teased.

"Shut up!"I picked up my pillow and threw it at him.

"Haemin! Are you sure its okay that we don't get married so early?"Eunhyuk suddenly asked.

"Who says I'm getting married with you? I may marry.... DONGHAE? You never know,"I smiled cheekily.

"Imagine yourself calling him Honey,"Eunhyuk laughed.

"HAHAHA! Or! I might marry.....Heechul!"I laughed.

"Right! You two will end up swearing at each other,"Eunhyuk laughed.

"I might marry JAEJOONG!"I winked.

"You think too much. Just cause he's got a crush on you doesn't mean you two'll get married,"Eunhyuk threw back the pillow.

"I might marry.....Sunye!"my eyes widened.

"You're crooked?!"Eunhyuk's eyes widened too.

"You never know,"I smiled wickedly.

"Yeah, right! You'll never be! You like me too much,"Eunhyuk laughed and pulled me towards him.

I landed on him and he hugged me tightly.

"I might marry SUNGMIN!"I laughed.

"He's got Yoobin!!"he smacked me.

"Then, I'll never get married,"I said.

"Why not?"he asked.

"I promised myself I'll never get married after 21,"I told him.

"WHAT?! What kind of promise, is that?!"Eunhyuk asked.

"Don't know. A promise that I made while waiting for you. And you came back before I turned 21!"I smiled.

"Haemin! Are you sure about getting married so early? I don't even have a stable career,"Eunhyuk said.

"I don't mind,"I grinned.

"Haemin! I don't think we should,"Eunhyuk said as he looked down at me.

"Its okay then,"I said.

"Are you sure?"he asked.

"Sure!"I answered.

He kept quiet. I leaned on him. Breathed in deeply. It feels different to be hugging him. I've hugged lots of people. My parents. Donghae. Sunye. Sungmin. But I feel right at home in Eunhyuk's embrace. You could say I'm lucky to have met my true love so early in my life. We may be young when we started dating. But our love was way more mature than other couples. I thank god that I didn't have to go through much other than those three years in order to have Eunhyuk with me. I love him deeply.

"Haemin, what are you thinking about?"he asked.

"About us,"I explained to him what I was thinking about.

He nodded.

"Haemin, I know I've let you down for those three years that you have to go through without me. And I feel bad for making you abort Sooyoung. Though I don't know what the future holds for us, I'm only certain about my love for you. Will you marry me?"Eunhyuk asked as he stared straight in my eyes.

"Wh...? I thought you wanted to wait?"I asked.

"I rather not risk, Haemin,"he smiled.

I kept quiet. Should I?

End of Chapter

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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D