Playing Truant

8th Of May


I had talked to Donghae last night. All this is so confusing. I really hate my life. Donghae said he'll talk to the two guys for me. And they'll have to battle it out between themselves. "To see whether they have what it takes to win your heart" in Donghae's words. I woke up fairly early and went to shower. There were only two plates of breakfast on the table.

"Dad, why are there only 2?"I asked my father who was reading his newspaper.

"Cause your petty mother is angry with us for siding with your current boyfriend,"my father said angrily.

"WHAT?! Thats so childish,"I said.

"Here,"someone whispered.

I turned to look. Eunhyuk handed me a plate. He had scooped half of his breakfast for me, knowing I can't survive without breakfast.

"Quickly eat. Don't want your mother to see me doing all this,"Eunhyuk whispered.

I nodded and thanked him. I ate half of the breakfast I had and passed the rest to my father. He ate it secretly and passed the empty plate to me.

"Go wash it,"my father said.

"What! You were the last to eat, dad,"I argued softly.

"Go,"my father glared.

"I'll wash it. You go to school,"Eunhyuk offered and brought the plate to the kitchen.

"I'm going to school,"I stuck my tongue out at my father.

I ran out and a car was already waiting for me. Not Ryeowook's car. Sungmin's car.

"Hey,"I greeted as I hopped in.

"Morning. Had a nice sleep?"he asked.

"Not really,"I shook my head.

"Will you wait for me while I eat my breakfast?"he asked.

"Okay,"I nodded.

He drove to us to school and we went to the school cafeteria. He went to queue for a salad and we sat down.

"Sungmin, I'm sorry,"I said.

"Sorry about what?"he asked.

"I'm sorry for cheating on you,"I said.

"Cheating on me?"he asked again.

"Well, you know about me accepting Eunhyuk as well, right? I'm really sorry for being so soft hearted. This is so unfair for you,"I said.

"Oh. Its okay. We were just trying it out anyway,"he smiled.

"No. We were starting to get serious and I had went and say that to Eunhyuk. I'm so sorry for being so unfair towards you,"I apologised.

"Its okay. Really. If you weren't meant to be with me, whatever I do, won't make you stay with me,"he said.

"You're the most understanding guy I've ever seen,"I commented.

"Isn't that good? Girls like guys who are understanding, right?"Sungmin smiled.

"Are you trying to say you're very popular among girls?"I asked.

He nodded cutely and I laughed.

"Morning,"someone greeted.

We turned to find Donghae.

"Hey,"we said together.

"Mind if I sit here? I would've left you two alone if there were any empty tables,"Donghae said.

"Sit,"Sungmin smiled.

"Thanks,"Donghae said as he sat down.

"How's class nowadays?"I asked Donghae.

"Its okay though its boring at times,"Donghae nodded as he took out a lunchbox to eat.

"Did Sunye make that for you?"Sungmin asked cutely.

"What?!"Donghae asked as he coughed.

"Careful! Don't choke!"I said as I pat his back.

"Did Sunye make that for you?"Sungmin asked again.

Donghae looked at his food and nodded shyly.

"OH MY GOD! I didn't know she was so sweet,"I gushed.

"Are you two together yet?"Sungmin asked.

"Not yet. We're still friends,"Donghae answered shyly.

"Aww, quickly ask her!"I said excitedly.

"Have you all gone out?"Sungmin asked.

"Yupp. Just to eat dinner and watch a movie. Simple things unlike you two. Going to The Villa,"Donghae said.

"You told him?"Sungmin asked me.

"He asked me to. I can't possible not tell him, right?"I said.

Sungmin nodded.

"So, have you two kissed?"I asked with a smile.

"We're still friends, Haemin. Besides, you two haven't even kiss too!"Donghae argued.

"Donghae, don't make me kiss her in front of you,"Sungmin joked.

"LEE SUNGMIN!"I smacked him.

"You two are so comfortable with each other,"Donghae commented.

"She's more comfortable with you, if you realised,"Sungmin said.

"Are you jealous?"Donghae teased.

"Kind of,"Sungmin nodded innocently.

"Sungmin,"I laughed.

"How's class for the two of you?"Donghae asked.

"Boring,"I replied.

"Its okay. Just that she makes me feel pressurised,"Sungmin said.

"Why is that?"Donghae asked.

"Cause she would have memorised all her lines by heart when she comes to class and I'll be messing everything up,"Sungmin explained.

"HELLO! Isn't that what I'm supposed to say?"I looked at him.

"You're the superb actress that teacher always praise and I'm the one who keeps dragging you down. Its so stressful acting with her. I don't want to ever be in this position again,"Sungmin shuddered.

"If you didn't realise, Heechul is always scolding me,"I said.

"I don't know who to belive,"Donghae laughed.

"Me,"Sungmin and I said together.

We then glared at each other playfully.

"Okay okay!"Donghae laughed.

"Seriously, Haemin is the best actress in the class,"Sungmin said.

"Sungmin's the best actor is class too,"I said.

"No! Thats Heechul,"Sungmin smacked me.

"Okay! You don't have to smack me, you know,"I smacked him back.

"Haemin, are you excited?"Donghae asked.

"About?"I asked back.

"Korean Festival!!"Donghae announced excitedly.


"Korean festival?"Sungmin asked innocently.

"A few days where everything is about Korean stuff. There'll be a concert featuring Korean stars,"Donghae explained.


"Oh,"Sungmin nodded.

"Are you going?"Donghae asked.

"I'm going if I managed to get tickets. You know how hard it is to get it,"I sighed.

"Don't they sell it?"Sungmin asked.

"No. You have to win it. Somehow,"I answered sadly.

Its my only chance of meeting DBSK face to face this year.

"OH MY GOD! I'm going to be late. See ya!"Donghae waved and ran off.

"He's a fast runner,"Sungmin said.

"I know. But I'm faster,"I commented.

"Yeah, right,"Sungmin said sarcastically.

"I'm speaking the truth, Lee Sungmin,"I smacked him.

"Okay okay!"Sungmin said.

"Its time to go for class,"I stood up.

"Let's skip class,"Sungmin said.

"What?!"I asked.

"What?"he asked.

"Its not good to play truant, you know,"I scolded.

Sungmin laughed.

"Kim Haemin is telling me playing truant is not good,"he laughed.

"And whats wrong with that?"I asked.

"Cause Kim Haemin has played truant thousands of time with her two other partners in crime,"he smirked.

"How did you know?"I asked, horrified.

"If you skip class today, I'll tell you,"he smiled.

"No way!"I said.

"Fine! Then, I'll just have to report to Heechul about you playing truant and get the KIM musketeers sent to detention,"Sungmin said.

"How dare you blackmail me, Lee Sungmin,"I smacked him.

"Are you coming with me or not?"he asked with an eyebrow raised.

I sighed and said okay.

"I gotta call Ryeowook to tell him,"I said.

"While you're at it, remember to call Donghae to tell him we're not going for dance today,"Sungmin said.

"What! I want to go for dance,"I whined.

"Just once. Pleae,"Sungmin pleaded.

His puppy eyes are so hard to resist.

"Okay,"I sighed and called the two of them.

Sungmin then pulled me to his car and he drove us out of school.

"Where are we going?"I asked.

"Amusement park!"he announced.

"WHAT!?"I practically shouted.

"What?"he asked.

"I don't want to go!"I shouted.

"Why not? Its so fun!"Sungmin smiled.

"I'm scared of the rides,"I said.

"Well, we'll just have to play till your fear of rides vanish,"Sungmin nodded.

"Sungmin,"I begged.

"Trust me. Its fun going to the amusement park with me,"Sungmin smiled.

End of Chapter 

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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D