
8th Of May

When I opened the front door, the whole house was in a chaos. My parents were still fighting over dinner the other day. Eunhyuk saw me and quickly pulled me out of the house.

"Its dangerous in there. Let's wait till their bedtime before we go in,"Eunhyuk said as we walked.

"Erm,"I nodded my head.

We walked and walked and sat at the swing at the playground.

"Remember this place?"I asked while I smiled.

"How could I forget?"he smiled back.

This playground has the most memories of us from young. I had met Donghae at this playground. The next day, Donghae brought along Eunhyuk saying he's his best friend. From then onwards, we became best friends too. We were always playing here or at the lake during summer. When its winter, we'll have a snowball fight or go ice-skating at the lake. This is also the place where Eunhyuk had asked to me to be his girlfriend when we were 13.

"I missed our childhood days so much! Its less complicating,"I said.

"We only care about how many candies we have,"he laughed.

"Yupp! Stupid Donghae!"I laughed as I recalled my childhood days.

Donghae, the candy lover would always steal my candies. Eunhyuk, my hero would always fight with him to get my candies back. They'll wound up getting grounded and I had to be their messenger. Donghae would pass me a letter to give to Eunhyuk and vice versa.

"Remember your injury?"he asked.

"Of course! Its all your fault!"I smacked him.

Eunhyuk, the idiot had climbed onto the monkey bar. After Donghae of being a monkey, Eunhyuk dared him to climb on top of it. Donghae of course climbed. The two guys were on top having so much fun that I was jealous. They even asked me to climb too. But I was afraid. Then, Eunhyuk called me a scaredy-cat which made me annoyed. So, I started climbing. When I reached the top, I was so proud of myself that I began shouting and fooling around. I didn't realise how dangerous it was until I lost my balance and fell.

"Who would play on top of a monkey bar? Donghae and I were sitting still,"Eunhyuk argued.

"Well, it was still your fault! If you hadn't asked me to climb, I wouldn't have had to go to the hospital to stitch up my chin!"I retorted.

"Do you remember what happened to Donghae?"he asked while smiling.

I started laughing. The classic moment. We were playing catching and being the fast runner that I am, Donghae couldn't catch me. As I was standing at the bottom of the slide, Donghae climbed up and wanted to slide down. But I don't know what happened, his legs went over the edge and he slid down with half of his body dangling outside. His pants tore apart.

"Then, do you remember what happened to you?"I asked.

"I only remember how popular I was,"he grinned.

Eunhyuk, being the pretty boy amongst us, was the playground prince charming. All the girls around the estate would come over and offer him candies. And being the selfish one, he would never ever share it with Donghae and I. We had to fight for it.

"I wasn't talking about that, idiot!"I smacked him again.

"Of course I remember!"he said.

Being the prince charming has its disadvantages too! There was a girl who was so crazy about him that she kept saying that she'll marry Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk of course laughed when he heard that. The girl was so angry that he dragged Eunhyuk all the way to the lake and pushed him into it. When we were young, Eunhyuk was really skinny and weak. The girl was pretty tough unlike me. And the worst thing was, Eunhyuk couldn't swim. Donghae had to use a tree branch to pull him.

"Wonderful memories!"he smiled.

"Yupp!"I replied.

"Do you remember the day we got together?"he asked.

Of course I could. We were 13 years old, lying down on the sand and looking up at the stars. He had grabbed my hand and said he love me. He even took out a very pretty hair clip that he bought for me. For a 13 year old, I find it really romantic.

"Do you remember how Donghae would always cry when we were in high school?"I asked.

Eunhyuk laughed. Donghae, although a pretty boy himself, wasn't that popular like Eunhyuk. Whenever he got rejected by girls, he would come over and cry like there's no tomorrow. Donghae, unlike other pretty boys, is a really sincere guy. He would always have a crush on a particular girl for months before confessing. But one fine day, he really got himself a girlfriend. Of course, we were happy for him. The girl eventually became part of our clique. But the girl was jealous of the friendship I had with Donghae and forbade Donghae to see me or be friends with me. This made Donghae really angry and broke up with the girlfriend. I felt really bad.

"The girlfriend was really too much!"Eunhyuk shook his head.

"But they were so sweet together. And they had to break up just cause of me,"I sighed.

"Oh! Do you remember the day the three of us escaped from home?"he grinned.

We hated school and homework so much that we made a pact to escape. We were 15. On the night at midnight, I had climbed out of my window and slide down the water pipe. I then met Eunhyuk and Donghae at the playground and we took off. We were missing for only one day cause Donghae's parents found us when we were eating McDonald's for lunch.

"I told you we shouldn't be there!"Eunhyuk said.

"Can't help it that I had a craving, right?!"I argued.

"You and your cravings always get us into trouble,"Eunhyuk said.

Yupp, we were in detention the next day for playing truant in school and we were grounded for a week. That was the first time I played truant and subsequently, I always played truant whenever I felt like it. And I would always drag Eunhyuk or Donghae along with me. Although the two guys don't really like to play truant after what happened.

"Such wonderful memories, isn't it?"he said.

"I remember Donghae's tenth birthday,"I smiled.

That was really awesome. Donghae had managed to persuade his parents to hold the birthday party at this particular playground. Three pairs of parents became best friends immediately. We had cakes, food and presents! We found the party too boring and wandered off ourselves. Donghae decided to go rafting in the water. We took this wooden thing and sat on it. We took off and it floated. We were chatting like there's no tomorrow and then, we fell asleep. We awoke to our parents screaming and found we were halfway across the lake. And the wooden plank had stopped moving. We couldn't swim that far and our parents couldn't reach us. They had to call the polce to come get us and then we were grounded for a day.

"If it weren't for you, Donghae and I wouldn't have slept,"Eunhyuk said.

"Hello?! I was tired! Besides, no one asked to sleep!"I argued.

"Then, do you remember the puppy?"he asked.

We had found a puppy here when we were eight. I couldn't keep any pets cause my father is allergic to animals' fur. Eunhyuk couldn't keep cause he already has a rabbit. Donghae couldn't keep cause his parents wouldn't allow. We decided to keep it at the playground and we would take turns to bring food out for him. The puppy loved us. But one day, Eunhyuk decided to bring it home cause it was too dangerous outside for a puppy. Eunhyuk brought it home and got hell from his mother. But eventually, they kept it. The dog was sick from the start and died a month later.

"I miss it so much,"Eunhyuk said as he looked up at the stars.

I reached out and squeezed his hand. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Do you remember our tests results?"I asked.

"Definitely,"he smiled.

Whenever we got back our exams or tests results, we would come over here. Donghae the smart would always score the highest while Eunhyuk scored the lowest. Eunhyuk also cares about dancing. We would always think of a way to help Eunhyuk hide his papers. We even left one of his papers at the playground and let it fly off. But I don't know how but it landed right on the front porch of Eunhyuk's house. His mother saw it even before he reached home and he got a scolding when he did. My parents were happy with my average Bs and a few As that came along with it and Donghae's parents were exceptionally happy with all his As. Eunhyuk's parents would always ask our parents what they did to make us study. Eunhyuk's results were always in the range of Cs or even Fs.

"You're smart. But you were too lazy,"I said.

"Can't be bothered, you mean,"he said.

We've had so many wonderful memories here. I missed those days.

"Did Donghae move house?"he asked.

I shook my head. Donghae's house is near mine. Just down the street after we reached the playground. Eunhyuk's house is one thats furthest away. You'll have to walk till you're out of sight of Donghae's house and keep turning.

"I can see Donghae jumping around like a monkey,"Eunhyuk laughed.

If you squint your eyes hard enough or have perfect eyesight like me, you can actually see Donghae from the playground in his own personal dance studio, dancing like a mad man.

"Look over there,"I pointed.

We all looked and we can perfectly see Eunhyuk's old house. Okay, only the balcony. That's the only thing you can see of his house from here.

"I miss my house,"he smiled.

"I don't,"I said and stood up to walk away.

It was where he had made me pregnant. I don't really have fond memories of his house.

"Haemin, I'm so sorry. Can we just stay over here and look at the stars? Its not even ten,"Eunhyuk said.

My parents would still be fighting. And I had missed being beside Eunhyuk. I sighed and walked back.

End of Chapter

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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D