
8th Of May

Donghae had just left us. A few more days to our dance competition. All three of us were really excited. Sungmin and I were still sitting in the dance studio. Apparently, Donghae wants my new 'boyfriend' to fetch me home. I miss Donghae suddenly.

"Wanna go home?"Sungmin asked.

I nodded and stood up to grab my bag. I must admit that the two of us are closer now. But we haven't held hands yet if you don't count the time where he dragged me to donate blood. We sat in the car and Sungmin didn't drive. He just kept staring.

"Sungmin, is something wrong?"I asked as I looked at him.

Sungmin, blinked and shook his head.

"Nope,"he replied with a smile.

"Are you sure? You seem spaced out,"I asked.

"Well, its silly,"he gave me a fake smile.

"Whats silly?"I asked.

"Well, I dreamt that your ex-boyfriend came back last night,"Sungmin told me.

"I see. But as you said, its all a dream,"I smiled.

"But its seems so realistic and you looked so comfortable with him,"Sungmin said as he looked at me.

I could tell he's upset. He's upset that Eunhyuk will really appear and I'll go back to him.

"Sungmin, its just a dream. And you promised that we're just trying out,"I quickly add in.

"I know. But I can't control my feelings for you, Haemin. I really like you. Plus that guy really looks like your ex,"Sungmin said.

"You know how he looks like?"I asked.

"Donghae showed me his picture. I asked to see it. Sorry,"he apologised.

"Oh,"I replied simply.

"That guy in my dream looks exactly like your ex. He has black hair, tall and skinny,"he told me.

I tried to recall how Eunhyuk looks like. Its been years since I saw his picture. Eunhyuk is definitely tall and skinny. I remember my arms wrapping round his waist easily. Eunhyuk definitely has black hair. How could I not remember all this? I've been with him for 16 years and not to mention 5 years of courtship.

"Sungmin, its just a dream. It won't happen, alright?"I smiled and pat him on the back.

"You never know, Haemin. Maybe he might come back,"Sungmin answered while he started the engine.

"Maybe but we'll take things as it comes, alright?"I smiled.

Sungmin smiled and he drove off.


It was the day of the dance competition. I was really hyped up. All three of us had been to trim our hair for the big day. We even bought new clothes. Donghae drove all of us to the venue and we reported to the person in charge. We were given a changing room and I went to change and do my make-up. We did warm ups in the room and we assembled outside. There altogether 25 teams. One of us will emerge us the champion. Will it be us? This I don't know. We sat down backstage and waited. We were group number 21. I hate the number. Its right at the back! Butterflies in my tummy and I really hate the feeling. I think I fell asleep. Cause the thing I knew was Donghae shaking me with all his might.

"HAEMIN! I can't believe you can actually sleep here!"he hissed when I opened my eyes and rubbed it.

"You wanna go wash your face? We're up next,"Sungmin smiled.

I nodded sleepily and stumbled to the bathroom. I pat water on my face and touched on my make-up. I rushed back just in time. We got in our standby position.

"Good afternoon. I'm Lee Donghae,"Donghae greeted the judges.

"I'm Lee Sungmin,"Sungmin smiled at them.

"I'm Kim Haemin,"I smiled.

The song started playing and we danced. The LA walk, human wave etc. We did it all with ease. After all, we've been trained to do this. After a short three minute, the song ended and we bowed. We ran backstage and cheered.


"I think three minutes is too short to showcase our talents,"Donghae shook his head.

When it comes to dancing, Donghae's very serious about it unlike every other thing in his life.

"I think we did alright,"Sungmin smiled.

Sungmin is ever so optimistic.

"BUT I MADE A MISTAKE!"I exclaimed.

"You did?"Donghae and Sungmin asked together.

I nodded.

"Its okay. I think no one will notice,"Sungmin smiled.

"How could you make a mistake? I thought I told you to practice? What if the judges saw and minue a point? Haemin, how could you be so clumsy?"Donghae fired questions at me.

I knew this would happen. Dancing is Donghae's life. He takes it very seriously. I don't blame him for being upset that I made a mistake after all Donghae only makes mistakes in the dancing studio and not on stage. Thats how good my best friend is at dancing.

"Don't worry, Donghae. We'll be fine,"Sungmin pat him on the back.

"We won't! Haemin sounds like all the judges saw her mistake! What if they did?! We'll die!"Donghae exaggerated.

"Sorry, Hae,"I hugged him from behind.

"Its okay. Whats done is done. No point crying over spilt milk. We shall just hope the other groups are worse than us,"Donghae said as he looked out at the other teams dancing.

"Don't be sad. It'll all be okay,"Sungmin smiled and squeezed my hand.

I smiled at him. He really is a nice guy. After all the teams were done with their dance, it was time to decide who was the winner. After the torturous one hour, the judges called all the contestants to be on stage. The three of us went on stage with other groups and waited. The emcee gave a long speech which caused us all to be even more nervous.

"We shall announce the winners now! Third place goes to...."the emcee dragged.

Please don't say fishy. No fishy. Don't say fishy. Fishy's our group name thanks to Donghae. Donghae thinks our group name is really cool. Its sounds absolutely stupid.

"PANCAKES!"the emcee announced.

The group of 5 went to collect their prize. Okay, their names sounds worse than ours.

"Second place goes to....."the emcee fragged.

Don't say fishy. Don't say fishy!!

"TECHNO HOUSE!"the emcee announced

The name sounds really cool. How can Fishy beat Techno House, you tell me. If we didn't get first place, Donghae'll be very upset. He's been looking forward to this competition forever!!

"First place goes to....."the emcee dragged.


"FISHY!"the emcee announced.

"OH MY GOD!!!"I screamed with all my might.

Donghae represented us to collect our prizes.

"We'll also like to take this opportunity to invite Lee Donghae from Fishy to be the judge for our monthy dance contest next month,"the emcee announced.

WOW! I can see Donghae's eyes light up. We won $1000!!! WHEEEEEE! We went to Donghae's to celebrate. After all, his parents are overseas. An empty house to party in! WHEEEE! We bought lots of alcohol and went to his house to party. We danced and drank the whole night. It was 2am when I finally dropped to the floor, feeling really tired. I tried to get up and I felt like vomitting. I ran to the toilet and puked. GROSSSS! I stumbled back to the living room and knocked into someone. I fell and accidentally pulled him with me. He fell right on top of me and our lips touched each other's. I felt very awake at the moment. I stared straight into a pair of really charming eyes that I could recognise anywhere. Lee Sungmin's eyes. He realised what happened and quickly stood up. I coughed and quickly stood up.

"Sorry,"Sungmin mumbled.

"I should be apologising. I wasn't looking. Sorry,"I muttered.


He had witnessed the whole thing. But I doubt he'll remember tomorrow.

"Kinda true,"I muttered.

Sungmin nodded awkwardly.

End of Chapter


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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D