
8th Of May

I awoke to a scream in my house. I rushed out and bumped into Eunhyuk.

"Sorry! Sorry!"Eunhyuk quickly apologised as he helped me up.

I shook my head and quickly run down with him tailing behind me. I reached the living room with my pajamas and found my mother and father looking at the newspapers.

"What's going on?"I asked.

"READ!"my mother threw the newspaper at me.

I read with Eunhyuk's looking over my shoulder.

"Someone killed himself,"I looked up.

"NOT THAT! Entertainment section!"my mother exclaimed.

I turned to find Eunhyuk's name staring back at me.


"WHAT?!"Eunhyuk shouted and grabbed the newspaper from me.

I then went on tip toes to read the news.

[Lee Eunhyuk, famous dancer of Dong Bang Shin Ki and SNSD has been rumoured to have a crush on Sunny of SNSD. Sunny has admitted to a school transfer and is now currently in the same school as Eunhyuk. Sunny's manager has also admitted that there's something going between the singer and the dancer. More news will be coming.]

“THIS IS RUBBISH!”Eunhyuk shouted in anger.

This is the first time I’ve seen Eunhyuk so angry before. He immediately took out his phone to call up SNSD’s manager.

“What’s with the newspapers, huh?”he asked when the manager picked up the phone.

“Eunhyuk, calm down!”I shook his arm.

“That’s right. We’ll make sure that this matter is resolved,”my mother nodded her head.

“How are you going to do that?”I asked.

“Knowing our status in this society, we’ll think of something,”my mother replied while calling some people up.

“Don’t worry about it,”I pat Eunhyuk on the back after he was done with the phone call.

My phone rang and I answered it.

“Hello?”I answered.

“Kim Haemin,”someone spoke in the phone.

“Who are you?”I asked.

“Sunny, who else?”she replied.

“WHAT DO YOU WANT?!”I shouted.

Eunhyuk straight away turn and looked at me.

“What do you think I want? Eunhyuk, of course!”she answered.

“Do you know how ridiculous, this is getting?”I asked firmly.

“Do you think I care?”she asked.

“Who’s that?”Eunhyuk asked.

“Sunny,”I answered.

He grabbed the phone.

“SUNNY! LET ME TELL YOU ONCE AND FOR ALL. LEAVE US ALONE, WILL YOU?!”Eunhyuk shouted and then hung up.

“Don’t worry, kids. I’ve got it all settled. My friends at the newspapers will type an apology letter for the headlines tomorrow,”my mother smiled.

“Thanks,”Eunhyuk bowed.

“Anything for my daughter’s prince charming,”she smiled at him.

“You guys have got to watch this,”my dad interrupted us by pointing at the tv.

We watched. Sunny was on tv and talking about her new love.

“Eunhyuk and I just hope that she doesn’t do anything drastic to break us up,”Sunny said.

“Sunny had such a tough time looking for such a nice boyfriend,”Tiffany continued.

“May I know what’s her name?”the interviewer asked.

“I don’t think we should reveal it,”Sunny smiled fakely.

“Kim Haemin,”Tiffany answered.

“Tiffany!”Sunny smacked her lightly.

“People should know who she is so she’ll stop breaking you two up. Seoul Univeristy. Acting course. Kim Haemin,”Tiffany said.

My mother switched off the tv at the moment.

“I’m going to break the necks of the two girls!”my father said angrily.

“I’m going to sue them!”my mother said as she picked up the phone to get our lawyer.

“This getting out of hand,”I said.

“It’s okay. We’ve got DBSK. They’ll help us,”Eunhyuk answered as he took out his phone to call Junsu.

I looked at Eunhyuk's face. He seem so stressed out.

“Hello? Junsu? I need your help,”Eunhyuk said wearily.

I massaged his shoulders to help ease the burden.

“You heard about it? It’s all fake. Can you help us?”he asked.

He turned and smiled at me.

“You would?! Oh! Thank you! Thank you!”Eunhyuk broke into a smile.

“Can I talk to him?”I asked.

“Sure! Haemin wants to talk to you,”Eunhyuk passed his phone to me.

“Junsu?”I answered.

“Hey! You’re feeling alright, right?”Junsu asked.

“Yupp! Thanks so much for helping me,”I thanked him.

“Anything for Eunhyuk’s girlfriend. Anyway, we can’t just let you suffer like this. Sunny was the third party, anyway,”Junsu explained.

“But she’s your junior,”I said.

“She needs to know that love can’t be forced. Young girls these days,”Junsu sighed.

I laughed.

“Anyway, I gotta go! I need to talk to the managers about this matter. Bye!”Junsu said.

“Thanks so much! Bye!”I hung up.

“All this would be okay by tomorrow! Just don’t go out today,”Eunhyuk said.

“Why not?”I asked.

“It’s not safe. You never know what fangirls can 
do,”Eunhyuk answered.

“Oh!”I nodded my head.

“And this matter is really bad for your reputation. Especially when your parents have such high status in Korea,”Eunhyuk said as we sat down on the couch.

“This girl is too much! Our lawyer has agreed to take on the case,”my mother smiled.

“That’s good! Make sure she does a public apology! No one gets away with ruining the Kim’s reputation!”my father said.

“I really appreciate all of you for helping me like this. But I think it’s a little too much,”I said.

“HAEMIN! This girl has practically told the whole of South Korea that you’re ruining her supposed relationship with Eunhyuk! And she’s a singer. Isn’t that bad enough?!”my mother asked with a shocked expression.

“Your future as an actress will go down the drain, if you realised,”my father said.

“Eunhyuk’s career as a dancer too,”my mother refers to his part-time job.

“It’s quite a big thing, isn’t it?”I asked.

“OF COURSE! What will our relatives think if they saw that? What will our clients think?”my father asked.

“OH! It kinda ruins everything I have,”I answered.

“That’s why, by suing her and taking actions isn’t too much!”my mother said aggressively.

“She’s practically targeting your whole family,”Eunhyuk summed it up.

I nodded my head in silence.

The whole day, news on the entertainment industry was linked to the incident about me apparently trying to break Sunny and Eunhyuk up. DBSK even appeared during one point and told everyone that it was Sunny who made this all up.

"Eunhyuk's attached but not to Sunny. Haemin's his girlfriend. Sunny got rejected and used this as a way to get back at Haemin. I hope you all will believe us,"Jaejoong said.

"With a fanclub of 800,000 people, of course they'll believe them,"my father said to himself.

End of Chapter

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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D