
8th Of May



I sat on my bed. Staring into space. Without me knowing, my hand had moved to where the Hyuk necklace is and started playing with it. Something I liked to do whenever I'm wearing it. I've been wearing it for 8 years till Sungmin and I started datng and I took it out. What am I going to do now? Who am I supposed to choose? I sighed and went downstairs for breakfast. My mother has finally spoken to me after yesterday's wedding. I think its cause I failed to explain to my relatives I have a new boyfriend.

"Haemin! Eunhyuk! Come! I prepared for your favourite big Sunday breakfast!"my mum said.

I turned around to see Eunhyuk at the top of the stairs behind me. I smiled and he smiled back. We went and sat down at our respective places.

"Mum, its not even a Sunday,"I told her.

"Its okay. As long as you two like it, I can cook it everyday,"my mother smiled.

I nodded and turned back to face my dad whom I caught rolling his eyes. I ate my breakfast quietly and went out when Ryeowook honked his car horn. I hopped in.

"Hi, cousin!"I winked at Ryeowook.

"Hi, cousin!"he greeted me back.

"Cousins?"Kibum asked.

Ryeowook explained to Kibum.

"Thats so cool!"Kibum exclaimed.

"But it was so freaky yesterday,"Ryeowook said.

"I agree! I was so freaked out by the fact we'll be related by marriage!"I laughed.

"So who did you go with to the wedding?"Kibum asked.

"Eunhyuk,"Ryeowook and I said together.

"Guess he's the only option left,"Kibum smiled.

"I can't possible bring Sunye and say I'm crooked, right? My parents'll kill me!"I said.

"But there's one person who really is crooked and who really likes you, Haemin,"Kibum nodded towards the school.

The girl in fanclub is standing at the entrance. She saw Ryeowook's car and followed the car as we parked.

"What is she going to do now?"Ryeowook asked.

"Wait!"Kibum said.

"Huh?"Ryeowook said.

"Ryeowook, go hold her off! I'm going to call Sungmin,"Kibum said.

Kibum whipped out his phone to call Sungmin to rescue me. Ryeowook got off the car and began talking to the girl though we could all see he's really shy about it. Finally, Sungmin arrived. His cute face appeared at my window and my heart sank. I may have to break this poor guy's heart. What am I going to do? Do I like him more or Eunhyuk? AHHH! SHEESH! Shall not think about this now! Sungmin opened the door and looked in.

"You okay?"he asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?"I asked and hopped out.

"Cause crooked girl's on the loose. We've gotta find a way to get to be straight again. This is too freaky,"Sungmin said.

"Like I don't know. I'm the victim here,"I said.

"Haemin!"the girl called out.

I turned and she gave me chocolates. I looked at the chocolates in my hand and lifted my head to face her.

"You know, I'm already attached. And as you can see, I'm straight. I hope you'll give up,"I said coldly.

The girl who was clearly shocked stared straight at me.

"Thanks for chocolates. But I don't really like chocolates. So, I'm giving it to Ryeowook here who'll appreciate it better than I will,"I smiled and passed it to Ryeowook.

I then walked off. Sungmin and Kibum were stunned.

"Oh, by the way, Ryeowook there likes you. Hope you'll get together soon,"I turned around and winked at Ryeowook.

I heard footsteps running towards me.

"What was that?! You didn't need me after all,"Sungmin smiled.

"I didn't say I need someone to rescue me, did I?"I said sarcastically.

"Why didn't you say so?"Kibum asked.

"You didn't even give me a chance to. Anyway, its all over. YIPEE! Let's go!"I smiled.

I walked into class and Eunhyuk was already at his seat.

"Woah! You're early. You went out of the house later than I did,"I said.

"Thats cause I don't have someone who's in love with me stopping me early in the morning,"he smiled.

"Oh, right. You saw?"I smiled back.

"Everyone in school knows if you really want to know,"Eunhyuk said.

"WHAT?!"I exclaimed.

"Haemin, you're the most popular girl in school. And the only one with a fanclub. How could anyone not know whats the latest news on you?"Eunhyuk smiled.

"I hate this whole fanclub thingo,"I rolled my eyes as I settled back in my seat.

"Are you free tonight?"Eunhyuk asked.

"Why?"I asked.

Eunhyuk reached into his bag and pulled out something. He handed it to me. I looked down at my hand and saw a pair of tickets to the Korean Festival Concert! My eyes widened.

"OH MY GOD! This is the best thing you can ever give me!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!"I said while smiling.

"You can go with Sungmin, if you want. There's 2 of it,"Eunhyuk said awkwardly.

I paused. What?! He wants me to go with Sungmin. Then, I realised.

"Could you repeat what you say?"I asked.

He repeated again and from his tone, I could hear jealousy. No one can interpret Eunhyuk better than I do. Not even Lee Donghae.

"Lee Eunhyuk, if you want me to go with you, just say so,"I said firmly.

He looked up at me.

"Just cause we've been separated for three years doesn't mean I can't read you like I used to,"I said before looking away.

He then kept quiet.

"I'll be ready by 7.30pm,"I told him.

"Thanks,"he mumbled.

I nodded my head. Class started and ended. I pulled Sungmin to cafeteria.

"Sungmin, I need to tell you something,"I said.

"What?"he asked as he looked at what he want to eat.

"I'm going to go out with Eunhyuk tonight. Is it okay with you?"I asked.

He turned and looked at me.

"You see, he bought a pair of tickets for the Korean Festival Concert. And since he's the one who bought it, its not polite of me to go with anyone else, is it?"I said.

He then nodded and kept quiet.

"Sungmin, are you angry?"I asked while tugging his sleeve.

"Nope. Just jeslous,"he said.

"Sungmin, I'm so sorry! I'll make it up to you,"I said.

"You will? How?"he asked with a smile.

"Erm, I don't know. You choose,"I replied.

"I've been wanting to watch this movie for quite some time,"Sungmin said.

"I'll pay. Let's go tomorrow,"I said.

"Deal!"Sungmin smiled.

Seriously, I don't know who to choose now. My love for Sungmin has deepened and so has my love for Eunhyukkie. This is really killing me. I might as well commit suicide. We went for dance and the Lee Best Friends were already there warming-up.

"Min, will you come here?"Donghae said and pointed at an empty space beside him.

I nodded and sat near him. He then whispered to me about the date he had with Sunye that afternoon.

"OH MY GOD! You serious?"I asked happily.

Donghae nodded and smiled.

"You two should start dating. You look more like a couple than I do with Haemin,"Sungmin joked.

"Thats cause you're jealous!"Donghae stuck out his tongue.

"Donghae's just my beloved,"I nodded my head.

"Just your beloved. What about me?"Sungmin asked.

"You are my darling!"I smiled.

"Eunhyuk?"Donghae asked.

I looked at him and he looked at me.

"My dearest honey. Thats what I used to call him so we'll just stick to it,"I said.

"You're three-timing, you know that?"Eunhyuk said.

"I know. But I can't help it. You three are just too good-looking,"I smiled.

Sungmin sighed and smiled.

"Let's start dancing!"Donghae said and we all stood up.

We danced and danced and danced. After our dance session, we sat down to chat.

"Have fun tonight! I heard DBSK is going to be there,"Sungmin smiled.

"JAEJOONG!"I squealed.

"You like DBSK?"Eunhyuk looked at me.

I nodded eagerly.

"Why didn't you say so? Junsu's my friend,"Eunhyuk smiled.


"WOAH! When did you know Xiah Junsu?"Donghae asked.

"I was one of their dancers for a concert in Japan. That was when Junsu and I got closer,"Eunhyuk said.

"Thats so cool! Can I meet Jaejoong too?"I asked.

"I'm not sure whether they'll be free after the concert. But I'll try and ask,"Eunhyuk said.

"THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! This will be happiest day of my life if I really met them in person!"I gushed.

End of Chapter


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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D