Amusement Park

8th Of May

I was trembling in my seat the whole time we were in the car. Stupid Sungmin! I'll make sure I get my revenge! This is the second time he tortured me.

"We're here!"Sungmin announced cheerfully.

I looked out of the window. The place is littered with a few cars. Duh! Its a weekday! I got out of the car and Sungmin came over. He held my hand and interlocked his fingers with mine. I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back and we went to purchase tickets. And again, we fought about who's supposed to pay for the tickets. I kept insisting that I should pay cause he paid for the bill for dinner at The Villa while he insisted that he should pay cause he's the guy. In the end, Sungmin won. But thats because he grabbed both my hands tightly so that I couldn't reach into my pocket to get my wallet. Stupid Sungmin!

"Let's go!"Sungmin smiled.

I stuck out my tongue at him.

"Come on! Don't be such a spoil sport! Its just a few dollars,"Sungmin said while he pinched my cheeks.

We then walked into the park. The park is huge! I've to admit, this if my first time coming here after its being renovated. I've been to timid to come here. And I think Sungmin realised that. He pulled me to play this teacup ride so I can "get the feel first" in his words. We lined up and we sat in this pink teacup.

"Pink,"he said.

"What?"I asked.

"Pink! My favourite colour,"Sungmin smiled.

"Really? I didn't know,"I replied.

"Thats cause you didn't ask,"Sungmin said.

"Why would I want to know your favourite colour?"I said.

"That way, you'll know me better,"Sungmin replied.

"Do you know my favourite colour?"I asked.

"White,"he replied.

"How did you know?! You must have asked Donghae,"I said.

He smiled cheekily. Then, his smile disappeared.

"The ride is starting, if you realised,"Sungmin smiled again.

I looked out of the teacup and realised we were starting to spin. Then, I got dizzy. And the next thing I did was to bury my head on the teacup seat so I won't see the outside.


Sungmin sighed and came and sit beside me and hugged me.

"Sungmin's here to protect Haemin. There's no need to be scared alright? Nothing's going to happen. This thing is just going to spin a few rounds and thats it,"Sungmin said softly to reassure me.

I nodded and squeezed my eye shut. After the spinning is done, the vendor opened the door for us and Sungmin hopped out. He turned back and held out his hand. I grabbed his hand and hopped out. We then held hands as we made our way to the next ride.

"Can we stop for awhile? I need to rest. That was too scary,"I said while shaking my head.

"Thats only a teacup, Haemin. Come on! Pirate ship next!"Sungmin smiled and pulled me along.

We lined up and settled down on the pirate ship. We sat right at the back cause Sungmin says its the most fun when you're sitting right at the back.

"Sungmin,"I turned to look at him.

He could tell I'm really scared.

"Don't worry. Super Sungmin is here to protect you,"he smild as he held my hand.

"Yeah, right. More like Stupid Sungmin,"I rolled my eyes.

"Hey!"he smacked me.

I smacked him back and the pirate ship started moving.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!"I screamed.

"Why are you even screaming? Its just starting,"Sungmin laughed.

"But I'm scared already! Oh my god! I'm getting sick!"I complained.

His arm went round my shoulders and gave my shoulder a squeeze. The ride continued and I kept screaming like a mad woman while Sungmin kept laughing at me. The ride finally stopped and he led me to a haunted house.

"Finally, something that I'm not scared of,"I smiled.

"You're not scared of this? I think this is the scariest of the all the rides,"Sungmin said with his big eyes.

"I love watching horror movies,"I smiled.

"I'm scared of watching them,"Sungmin shook his head.

"Good! Then, let's go in! See how Super Sungmin can protect me!"I teased and pulled him in.

The vendor with a torch led us in. We began walking and suddenly Sungmin screamed.

"WHAT?!"I turned.

"Someone grabbed my leg,"Sungmin said.

I started laughing and he smacked my head. We then continued to follow the vendor. Its so dark here that I can see my fingers if I stretch my arm. Then, I banged into something. I screamed. After Sungmin saw what it was, he screamed too. We quickly ran after the vendor.

"Oh my god! That was scary,"I laughed.

"How can a vampire just appear out of nowhere,"Sungmin said.

I could hear a slight tremble as he speak. He really is scared. I reached out and grab his hand. Now, its my turn to reassure him.

"Don't be scared, kay. I'm here,"I smiled at him.

He smiled back. We followed the vendor and we gasped. The vendor smiled eerily at us.

"Please go over. Another vendor will be waiting for you,"he said.

We looked across to see the vendor. In between is a small wobbly white bridge lit up by green lights. And scary bloody hands kept reaching out to grab at nothing. That means when we walk, they'll try to grab our legs. I shook my head and began walking.

"HAEMIN!"Sungmin shouted and grabbed me back.

"We'll walk together,"I said and held onto his hand.

We walked and we kept screaming. Okay, I kept screaming. This doesn't really affect Sungmin cause he can see the hands. We finally reached the end of the bridge and another vendor was waiting for us as said. We followed her and it was getting colder. Things suddenly jumped out of nowhere and we kept screaming. Finally, she showed us the exit.

"Oh! THANK GOD!"I laughed.

"That was scary,"Sungmin commented.

"I agree,"I said.

Sungmin then led me to the roller coaster.

"Sungmin, not this. I'm really scared,"I said.

"This is fun. Trust me,"he smiled.

We lined up and climbed onboard.

"Is this your first time?"he asked.

I shook my head. Of course not. Eunhyuk and I have been together for five years. We were bound to come here. Though it hasn't been renovated at the time.

"Its starting,"Sungmin smiled.

Sure enough, the ride has started. It began moving at a high speed and we kept twisting and turning. I felt sick to the stomach. The roller coaster picked up speed and went to the big circle thingy then I'm most afraid of. We e whole round and I screamed. I turned to look at Sungmin to see what he's doing. He's yawning. How annoying?! How can anyone find this boring. This is so scary! I smacked him.

"Why are you yawning? Don't you find this scary?"I asked.

Sungmin smiled and shook his head.


Before I can finish my sentence, the ride went over a trail of twisting and turning that made me so scared that I kept screaming while Sungmin kept laughing. After we were done, we sat down to rest.

"That was fun!"Sungmin smiled.

"But you were yawning,"I argued.

He shrugged his shoulders and pulled me to another ride. This time this thing just goes up and down in a fast speed and keeps turning. We lined up and sat together. I grabbed Sungmin's hand and the ride started. Up and down it goes with a speed that makes me hard to breathe. And it keeps turning that it makes me dizzy and scared. I screamed like there's no tomorrow and Sungmin laughed like a mad man. After we were done, Sungmin led me to another ride.

"Sungmin, I really need to rest,"I shook my head.

"But, this is a slow ride,"he smiled.

A ferris wheel. I looked up and found it look really pretty. We linked up and got a cabin to ourselves. We sat side by side and the ferris wheel began moving. We travelled up and up and up. We could see the whole of Seoul, actually not really.

"Is that my house?"I asked.

"I don't know. Can you see your father?"he asked.

We kept doing this for as long as possible.

"Sungmin! Thats our university!"I pointed at the big campus.

"And thats my car,"Sungmin pointed downwards to his car.

When we made it to the top, the view was really breath-taking. We could see Seoul stretch out before us.

"Haemin,"Sungmin called softly.

"Huh?"I turned to face him.

He looked at me straight in the eye and his hand touched my cheek gently. He then leaned in. I closed my eyes and waited. Then, I felt it. His lips touched mine. we stayed in this position for quite sometime and then, he broke away. I opened my eyes to find him smiling at me. I smiled back and leaned on his shoulder. We reached the bottom and we got out of the cabin.

"Let's play somemore and then go home!"Sungmin said.

I nodded and we took off. Finally, the sun had set and it was already dinner time.

"Let's grab dinner and go home!"Sungmin said.

My phone rang and I answered it.

"Sungmin, I'm so sorry. But my mum wants me back for dinner,"I said.

"Oh,"his pretty eyes had soften from all the excitement and I could tell he was sad.

"I'm sorry,"I said.

He just smiled and looked away.

"Sungmin, is there something you want to tell me?"I asked.

"No,"he smiled at me.

"Are you sure?"I asked.

"Yupp. Let's go home,"he smiled and held my hand.

We sat in the car and we went home in silence. When we reached my house, I turned to face.

"Sungmin, there's something bothering you. What's up?"I asked.

He sighed and looked at me.

"I'm afraid that you're going to leave me,"Sungmin said softly.

End of Chapter

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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D