New Classmate

8th Of May

The alarm clock rang and I hit the button lazily. I sat up in my bed and the first thing I saw was a photo of Eunhyuk and I. WHY IS IT EVERYWHERE?! I gotta clean the room as soon as possible. I went to my closet and grabbed whatever on's the rack of my dress compartment and I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans. I walked towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower. My eyes were closed as I walked and I bumped into someone. I opened my eyes and standing before me is the idiot.

"Don't you have your own bathroom? Why are you using the public bathroom?"I muttered as I walked past him.

He didn't answer but just went back to his room. After I was done, I went downstairs to have breakfast. When I reached the dining room, my mother had left a seat for me, right next to Eunhyuk. I groaned and sat beside him. I don't want to be late for school.

"Did you have a nice sleep? After all, its been three years since you stepped into your own bedroom,"my mother said.

She just had to rub it in.

"Do you have time this morning? I need to talk to you,"Eunhyuk said.

"No,"I snapped.

"Don't be rude, Haemin,"my mother scolded.

Ryeowook came and I grabbed my bag. I walked really quickly and hopped into the car.

"You look really angry this morning. What happened?"Kibum asked.

"My ex came back,"I said.

"Your what?!"Ryeowook asked.

"My ex boyfriend,"I repeated.

"You have a boyfriend last time?"Ryeowook asked again.

"Yes,"I said and I told them all about Eunhyuk.

"Woah! And he's back? That could spell trouble,"Kibum nodded his head.

"But why did you break up with him?"Ryeowook asked.

"I didn't exactly break up with him. He migrated without my knowledge. But I hate him. So it doesn't really affect Sungmin and I,"I replied.

"Why do you hate him?"the two of them asked together.

"Personal reasons. Sorry,"I said.

"Oh okay,"they nodded their head.

We reached school and we walked to our lecture hall. I sat down at my usual seat. Sungmin isn't here yet.

"Haemin! Donghae wants to talk to you,"someone shotued.

I stretched my head to see Donghae. He waved like a mad man and I got out of my seat to talk to him.

"Hi, babe!"he smiled.

"What do you want"I asked.

"Why do you sound so annoyed?"he asked.

"Donghae, Eunhyuk is back,"I said.

"WHAT?!"he sounded so horrified.

"He's back, Hae. He's staying at my house currently,"I told him.

"Are you sure?"he asked.

"How could I not be sure? I've seen him for two days already,"I answered.

"Why is he back?"Donghae asked.

"He said something about university. I wasn't listening,"I replied.

"Are you okay with him?"Donghae asked again.

"Obviously not! Not after what he did,"I fumed.

"Oh okay okay! Chill! So, you're not speaking to him?"he asked again.

"Of course not!"I looked at him.

"Does he know about Sungmin?"he asked.

I nodded my head.

"What did he say?"he asked.

"He said he missed me,"I looked up at him.

Fear was shown in my eyes.

"Don't worry. It'll be alright. I'm here for you. I may his best friend, but if he does anything to you, tell me, I'll beat him up,"Donghae said.

"Thanks!"I smiled.

"Prince Charming is here! Bye! Love you!"he said and waved goodbye to me.

Prince Charming? I turned around to see Sungmin.

"Hey. Are you okay? You look so upset? Is it cause of him?"he asked.

"Donghae?"I asked.

"Of course not. Donghae won't give you problems. I'm talking about your ex. Whats his name? Eunhyuk?"Sungmin did his cute face.

"Eunhyuk. Yupp, he is giving me problems. But don't worry about it. Let's go for class,"I said and pulled him into the hall.

We sat at our usual seats and chat.


I looked at Sungmin.

"New classmate?"Kibum mouthed to me.

"Don't look at me. I don't know anything,"I mouthed back.

"Did Heechul mention it to any of you?"Ryeowook mouthed.

Sungmin and I shook our heads.

"Weird,"Sungmin muttered.


WHAT!!! EUNHYUK????? I looked at Sungmin and then at Kibum and Ryeowook.

"Thats him,"I whispered to them.

"Your ex?"Ryeowook whispered.

I nodded.

"Woah!"Kibum answered.

Eunhyuk entered. His hair was like yesterday's. Brown and styled properly. He was wearing a normal shirt with jeans. He looked up and saw me. His jaw dropped. WHO IS HE KIDDING? HE MUST HAVE KNOWN I'M IN THIS SCHOOL. His acting is really good though. I smacked my forehead. DUH! Of course his acting is good. Otherwise, our teacher wouldn't invite him back to Korea all the way from America. I rolled my eyes.

"Any spare seats for him?"Heechul asked.

I used my eagle eyes to scan the room. No more seats!! YIPEEE! HE SHALL SIT ON THE FLOOR!

"You'll sit beside Haemin, then. She has a spare seat that she puts her bag on,"Heechul said.


"I OBJECT!"I shouted.

"Why?"Heechul asked.

"I hate him,"I answered.

Everyone gasped. Okay, all the girls gasped. They were already taken in by Eunhyuk's hotness. Bet he'll have a fanclub set up by tomorrow.

"So, you know him, Haemin?"Heechul asked.

I nodded.

"Well, good! Maybe if he sits besied you for long enough, you won't hate him so much,"Heechul said.

Eunhyuk walked and stood at the seat meant for him. I groaned and pulled my bag onto the floor.

"Idiot!"I muttered.

"I didn't expect you to be here,"Eunhyuk said.

"Save it, Lee Eunhyuk! I don't want to hear anything come out of your mouth ever again, you hear me?"I hissed.

I really hated him. I'll never forgive him! Our teacher came and motioned for Eunhyuk to go the front of the class and introduced him to us.

"And I heard he's on pretty good terms with Kim Haemin,"the teacher said as she looked at me.

"THATS RUBBISH!"I shouted.

"Whatever it is. I hope you'll take good care of him,"she said and she motioned for Eunhyuk to go back to his seat.

I rolled my eyes. Class was a torture with him around. It was Monday and everyone in school has after school activities. Ryeowook has choir, Kibum has boxing, Sunye has art class and lastly, Sungmin and I have dance.

"So, what activity have you join, Eunhyuk?"a girl behind us asked.

"Dance,"he answered.

"Isn't that Haemin's after school activity?"the girl asked as she looked at me.

Eunhyuk looked at me. I really can't blame Donghae for letting Eunhyuk into the dance group. After all, Eunhyuk is a superb dancer and Donghae has not enough reasons to reject him and besides they're best friends. Their friendship will sour if Donghae rejected Eunhyuk for me. I looked away.

"Let's go,"Sungmin smiled at me.

I smiled back and I reached out to hold his hand and we walked out. We went to have a light lunch and we went to the dance studio. When we walked in, Eunhyuk and Donghae were there.

"Min, I need to talk to you,"Donghae said and he pulled me out of the dance studio.

"Don't need to apologise for letting Eunhyuk in,"I said.

"I'm so sorry. But he's a really good dancer and besides, he's still my best friend,"he said softly.

"I understand. Just cause I hate him doesn't mean you have to end your friendship with him. He's your best friend, I really understand,"I smiled.

"Good good! Let's go back in,"Donghae smiled and pulled me back into the studio.

We started warming up and we danced. And Eunhyuk really lived up to his nickname of being the dance machine. Sungmin was really impressed unlike me since I've seen him dance.

"You're a really good dancer,"Sungmin complimented as we sat down to chat.

"Thanks,"Eunhyuk smiled.

"His nickname is Dance Machine,"Donghae added in.

And I was the one who gave him that nickname.

"Eunhyuk, do you know we won the B Dance Competition?"Donghae smiled.

"Really? Its quite predicted that you'll win anyway. With an awesome dancer like you in the team,"Eunhyuk complimented.

"I can't be compared to you, Hyukkie. You're the best dancer I've ever seen. By the way, care to join me at the National Dance Battle?'Donghae asked.

"Those people who dance need to be invited to do so,"Eunhyuk replied.

"I'll nominate you,"Donghae said.

"You can nominate someone?"I asked stupidly.

"Yupp! As long as the person who nominate is someone who's been invited to dance and thats me,"Donghae smiled.

"I don't think its a good idea. I won't get accepted, Donghae,"Eunhyuk said as he shook his head.

"Don't be silly! You'll get a letter by tomorrow if you've been approved. Trust me, you're a really good dancer,"Donghae smiled.

"Am not,"Eunhyuk argued.

"If you're not, then tell me who's the one who won the National Dance Battle when he's 13 all the way till he's 18?"Donghae asked.

"WOAH! You won all the dance battle?"Sungmin asked with huge eyes.

"Yupp! He did. So, of course he'll be approved,"Donghae smiled.

"I wanna go home,"I suddenly said.

I know I'm very mean. But I'm really tired.

"I'll drive you home, if its okay with Sungmin,"Eunhyuk looked at Sungmin.

Sungmin blinked and nodded his head. He then smiled at me. That guy can be really innocent at some times. We then left the dance studio. Donghae came towards me, whispered good luck to me, squeezed my hand and then walked off to his car.

"Bye!"Sungmin smiled as he walked off to his own car too.

I followed Eunhyuk to his car and hopped in.

"Haemin, can we at least be friends? It really hurts me that you don't even want to talk to me,"Eunhyuk said.

Why must he be so nice after I've been so mean towards him. I shrugged my shoulders. With that, he knew I'm saying anything. Which meant that I don't know whether I'll talk to him anot. It'll depend on my mood.

"I love you, Haemin. But don't worry. I won't break Sungmin and you up,"Eunhyuk said.

I turned to look out of the window. My tears flowed down my cheeks in that instant.

End of Chapter

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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D