
8th Of May

A few days had passed since our stupid conversation in the dance studio. But I had refused to take Donghae's advice of asking Sungmin out the following day. When he heard about it, Donghae was annoyed and even scolded me. So, I told him that I'll make it up to him by going out with Sungmin on two different days. He was quite pleased so he forgave me.

Anyway, that was yesterday. Today, I'm going out with Sungmin on our second friendly date. I was wearing black skinny jeans, a white hoodie jacket and a black tank top inside. Sungmin arrived in his car and he himself was also wearing jeans. He opened the passenger door for me as usual and I hopped in.

"Where are we goign?"I asked.

He had again refused to tell me where we were going.

"You'll see,"he replied with a smile.

He drove for a full twenty minutes. he then stopped in front of a building which I don't recognise.

"Where are we?"I asked as I looked out of the window.

"We're here for a blood donation,"he smiled.

I was horrified.

"WHAT?!"I exclaimed.

"Donghae told me you're scared of blood so I wanted to help you overcome your fear,"he told me.

"I don't want to overcome my fear! I want to go home!"I shouted.

Sungmin could clearly sense that my fear for blood was genuine.

"Don't worry, let's go!"he said.

He came over to my side and grabbed my hand and brought me into the building. Once we were in the lift, my stomach started churning and I was getting dizzy with my fear overwhelming me.

"I really want to go home, Sungmin,"I turned to beg him.

"I'll be beside you. Don't worry,"he smiled.

I tried to run away but Sungmin's grip was really tight. We sat, waiting for medical check-up. The nurse called my name and Sungmin pulled me into the examination room.

"I'm sorry, one person at a time,"the doctor said.

"I'm only accompanying her. She's really scared,"Sungmin told him.

The doctor looked at me then nodded. We did a few standard procedures.

"I'm asthmatic, can I still donate?"I asked the doctor.

"Certainly,"was his reply.

I quickly raced through my medical conditions.

"I'm underweight, can I still donate?"I asked.

"Certainly,"was his reply.

"I've braces, can I still donate?"I asked and opened my mouth for him to see.

"Certainly,"he replied again.

"I'm an alcoholic, can I still donate?"I asked.

"You are?"Sungmin asked.

"No,"I replied sheepishly.

Sungmin chuckled at my desperate measures to escape.

"We're done. You're healthy enough to donate blood. Please proceed,"the doctor said.

Sungmin thanked the doctor and then dragged me to the other room. I sat there as I began to break into cold sweat. The nurse and came and wiped my arm. I was so scared that I began crying even before the needle was inserted. I grabbed Sungmin's hand and continued crying. The nurse inserted the needle and I cried out in pain. As blood began to flow, I covered my eyes and started crying like a mad woman. This was worse than failing my exams and getting a beating from my parents. All this whole, Sungmin held onto my hand and kept saying words to comfort and reassure me. After I was done, Sungmin helped me out.

"I'm really curious. If you have blood phobia, what happens when you get your monthly period?"he asked.

"I'll cry?"I answered like its the obvious thing.

He laughed and nodded. I smacked him and he stopped. In the car, we chatted and I slowly forgot about the whole blood donation thing.

"You're home,"Sungmin said.

"Thanks for going out with me,"I smiled.

He smiled back.

"Wanna meet on Saturday?"I asked.

"Sure,"he smiled.

"But can I plan everything?"I asked again.

"No problem,"he smiled.

I smiled and alighted. I waved goodbye to him.

On Saturday, I stood outside my house in a normal shirt and jans and waited for him to arrive. He arrived and I gave him directions to this restaurant. We settled down and the waiter came.

"What would you two like to order?"he asked.

"I'm Haemin. I ordered a package,"I smiled.

The waiter nodded knowingly and walked to the kitchen.

"Is the food nice?"Sungmin asked.

"You'll see,"I replied, mimicking him.

The food came and we were really hungry. I smiled as he took a piece of meat. After he chewed, he had a really weird expression on his face and he nearly spit out what was in his mouth.

"What is this?"he asked with a face that said he didn't like the food.

"This restaurants cater to people who are on a diet. All of their food are cooked without sugar,"I smiled.

His eyes widened in shock.

"Donghae told me you have a sweet tooth and I guess this meal will do you good since you're always munching on sweet snacks,"I smiled.

He nodded as he continued eating though with a weird expression plastered on his face. The dessert came and he was disapointed when the chocolate cake that was served was totally tasteless. He frowned and stuck out his tongue.

"Its good for your health,"I reminded him.

He looked at me, nodded and continued eating. He seems to love sticking out his tongue. I insisted on paying the bill and we walked out of the restaurant together. He drove me home.

"Thanks for bringing me out today,"he smiled.

"I'm sorry for asking you to eat those horrible food,"I apologised.

"No problem. I'm always sweet food. I should really reduce the intake of sugar,"he turned to smile at me.

I smiled back.

"Haemin, you're a really sweet girl, you know that?"he smiled.

"Is that why you like me?"I joked.

We laughed.

"Seriously, you're really nice. Thats why I like you,"he told me.

That was the first time I heard him say he liked me.

"Thanks,"I replied.

"I know its not going to be easy winning our heart, after all that happened. But I'm going to try,"Sungmin smiled to himself.

"Even if we were to really start dating, you shouldn't hope too much that I'll stay in the relationship. After all, my heart's still with him,"I told him softly.

"I understand,"he smiled at me.

I smiled back and we continued chatting. He stopped the car and turned to face me when he reached my house.

"Thanks for going out with me,"he smiled.

I smiled.

"The two of us just love to smile, huh?"he said.

We laughed.

"Bye,"I waved.

"Bye,"he waved back.

I went home and immediately called Donghae.

"Hello?"Donghae answered.

"You sound tired. What are you doing?"I asked.

"Sleeping,"he said.

"At this hour?!"I exclaimed.

"Whats wrong with that?"he asked.

"You're weird,"I told him.

"Whatever. What do you want?"he asked.

"Do you want details of my date?"I asked with a smile.

"OF COURSE!"he shouted down the phone.

"Firstly, because of you, he brought me to a blood donation centre a few days ago,"I told him with an annoyed tone.

"Woah!"he said before he started laughing.

"You got me into big trouble, idiot! I started crying like a mad woman, you idiot!"I said angrily.

"Sorry, anything else?"he asked.

"Yupp. Remember you told me he had a sweet tooth?"I asked.

"Yupp,"Donghae answered.

"I brought him to Diet Heaven,"I told him.

"WHAT?! You tortured him like that?!"he exclaimed.

"I was helping him, you know. His intake of sugar is so high! I'm helping to reduce it,"I told him.

"Quite true. Since when have you been so caring, Haemin? You're never like that with me,"Donghae said.

"You're jealous?"I laughed.

"DUH!"he answered.

"Aww, don't be. I love you. You know that, right?"I laughed.

"Sheesh! So, are you two going to meet anytime soon?"Donghae asked.

"Not sure,"I answered.

"You can take the initiative this time round,"Donghae said.

"Okay,"I answered simply.

"Are you free tomorrow?"he asked.

"Why?"I asked.

"I want to have lunch with you, of course. Just cause you got yourself a boyfriend doesn't mean you can abandon me, you know,"he said.

"Stop being so jealous, will you? He's just a friend,"I laughed.

"I'm your best friend,"he replied childishly.

"Okay okay. I'll treat you to lunch tomorrow. Happy?"I asked.

"Yupp! Remember to tell me whether you have any date with Sungmin coming on, alright?"Donghae said.

"Okay,"I answered.

"Going back to sleep. Bye!"he said.

"Love you, hottie,"I called out.

"Love you too, babe!"he called back.

End of Chapter

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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D