Sungmin & I

8th Of May

I'm staring into space. Waiting for him. He's late. For the first time. Aren't I suppose to be the one whos's always late? In fact, I was late. For 20 minutes. But he was later. He still haven't arrive. It was past 40 minutes since our meeting time.

"Haemin!"he shouted.

I can recognise Lee Sungmin's voice.

"Sorry, I'm late,"he smiled.

"You can make it up to me by treating me,"I smiled back.

"Aren't you suppose to treat me to a movie?!"he asked.

"You can treat for popcorn,"I grinned.

"You are so impossible,"he said and put his arms round my shoulders.

"I need to have a serious talk with you after the movie, Sungmin,"I said seriously.

He paused and stared at me.

"Are you going to break up with me?"he asked with fear in his voice.

"Of course not! Don't worry! I need to confess to you about something,"I said.

"That you like Eunhyuk?"he asked with a smile.

"Don't joke about these things, will you? I'm going to tell you about something in the past,"I said.

"Oh, okay!"he nodded.

"Let's go! We're going to be late for the movie! There's not enough time for us to even eat lunch now!"I scolded him.

"Heh heh! Sorry! I thought you were going to be super late,"he said.

"Its okay. Its not everyday that you're late. I shall forgive you,"I smiled.

"You have to forgive me! After all, I'm only late ONCE unlike you,"Sungmin said.

"Whatever!"I pulled him into the cinema.

We found our seats and sat down.

"We're still early. The movie hasn't even started! Not even the commericials,"Sungmin complained while looking around.

"You wanna go get some popcorns now?"I asked.

"Okay. Be right back,"he said.

He stood up and walked out of the cinema. I sighed and looked straight forward.

"Haemin?"someone called my name.

I turned to find Sunye and Donghae.

"Oh, hi! You two are here too?"I smiled.

"Yeah,"Sunye smiled shyly.

"Hey,"Donghae greeted.

"Oh, you two are on a date, right?"I asked cheekily.

"HAEMIN!"Donghae hissed.

"Okay okay! Enjoy yourself!"I said.

"You here alone?"Donghae asked.

"Obviously not. Someone's bag is there,"Sunye pointed.

"Sungmin,"I said.

"Oh!"they nodded.

"Alright, we'll be off then. Bye!"Donghae waved.

I waved back and they walked away to a few rows down.

"I'm back,"Sungmin said and sat down on his seat.

He passed the popcorn to me while he drank the coke.

"Thanks. Did you see Donghae and Sunye on the way out?"I asked.

"Nope. They're here?"Sungmin asked while frantically searching for them.

"Down there,"I pointed at the two heads.

"Oh! DONGHAE!!!"Sungmin shouted.

"LEE SUNGMIN! QUIET!"I whispered.

Donghae and Sunye turned and smiled at Sungmin.

"Hey!"Donghae greeted softly.

Sungmin smiled brightly and Donghae turned back.

"Oh my goodness! That was so embarrassing!"I laughed.

"That wasn't so bad,"Sungmin said as he grabbed the popcorn back.

The commericials started and we kept quiet. The movie began and it was an action movie. As usual, I fell asleep.

"Haemin!"Sungmin shook me.

I opened my eyes and sat up straight.

"That was a really cool movie. How could you fall asleep?"Sungmin asked.

"She's always like that. Sunye fell asleep too,"Donghae said when he walked pass.

"Serious?"I asked Sunye.

Sunye smiled and noddded.

"Girls don't appreciate action movies like we do,"Donghae said to Sungmin.

"I kinda agree on that. Its been proven by Haemin here,"Sungmin replied.

I winked at Sunye and she winked back.

"Is that your way of communicating secretly?"Donghae asked Sunye.

"Kind of,"she replied.

"You'll never get it, Lee Donghae,"I told him.

"I don't want to either. Who knows who you two gossip about,"Donghae shook his head.

"You,"Sungmin answered.

"Yeah, right! They're more likely to gossip about you, pretty boy!"Donghae teased.

"Nah! There's nothing to gossip about me,"Sungmin smiled.

"You never know,"Sunye said.

And I laughed.

"We better get going. Don't want to disturb you two,"Donghae said and winked at me.

"More like we don't want to disturb you!"Sungmin replied.

"Bye!"Sunye waved.

We waved back and they walked out.

"Let's go too!"I said as I stood up.

Sungmin nodded and stood up. We walked out of the cinema and out of the mall.

"So whats is it you want to tell me?"Sungmin asked he held my hand.

"Well, you gotta be prepared to hear this. I think you'll hate me after knowing,"I said.

"I won't,"Sungmin said.

"You will. You really will hate me,"I told him.

"I promise you I won't hate you,"Sungmin said as he held out his pinky.

I hooked my pinky with his and we continued walking.

"So?"he prompted.

"Truthfully speaking, I was pregnant,"I said softly.

"You were what?!"Sungmin exclaimed and looked at me in shock.

"I was pregnant. At 18,"I repeated softly while looking at the floor.

"That child was Eunhyuk's?"he asked.

I don't know whether he's angry or not. I'm not looking at him. I dare not.

"Erm,"I nodded.

"Was that why you hated him?"he asked.

"Erm,"I nodded.

"And you aborted it?"he asked.

"Erm,"I nodded.

There was a pause.

"Why didn't you tell me?"he said softly.

I looked up. His face had soften.

"You look like someone who only like people who are innocent,"I explained.

"You are innocent,"Sungmin said.

"I'm not. I'm not a ,"I replied.

"Oh my goodness! I won't hate you just because of that! Nowadays, girls are quite open-minded. I'll never find anyone as innocent as you are,"Sungmin smiled.

"I know you don't hate me but what if I went back to Eunhyuk. Will you hate me?"I asked softly.

He opened his mouth and then closed it.

"What do you mean?"he asked.

"What if I were to be back together with Eunhyuk. Will you hate me?"I asked.

He looked away.

"I don't know. I guess not. I love you too much to hate you,"Sungmin said.

"Truthfully speaking, I think we're going to end up going our separate ways,"I told him.

"Honestly speaking, I can sense it,"Sungmin said.

"I'm sorry,"I said.

"I'm sorry for not getting to you first,"Sungmin replied.

End of Chapter


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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D