
8th Of May


Tomorrow's my birthday. I'm not happy. I'm finally 21. Who am I supposed to spend my birthday with? Sungmin? Eunhyuk? Or ignore the two and celebrate it with Donghae? I'm so dead meat! I really like both of them. But who do I PREFER???? Thats the question thats been on my mind forever. I'm watching tv in my living room. Someone calls my phone.

"Hey babe! Tomorrow's your birthday! Let's go out and celebrate,"Donghae shouted into the phone.

"Up to you,"I replied.

"Why are you not happy?"he asked.

"I don't know what to do with Eunhyuk and Sungmin. I like both but I don't know who to go with,"I said into the phone.

"In my opinion, I prefer Eunhyuk for you since the two of you have gone a long way back,"Donghae told me.

"I feel that I've been unfair to Sungmin, you know that,"I told him.

"Well, you already said you two were trying out and he accepted the idea. There's no need for you to feel guilty then,"he answered.

"Quite true but I still feel bad,"I told him.

"You are forever like that. You wanna go out?"he suddenly asked.

"What?"I exclaimed.

"Do you wanna go out with me now? For a chit chat, I mean,"Donghae said.

"Oh! Okay,"I answered.

"Good! See ya. I'll come pick you up at 3pm,"he said.

Its two hours to 3. I sat on the sofa, watching tv. Tonight there's MKMF. Hmm, will Dong Bang Shin Ki win? I'm quite sure of it, you know. They'll win lots of awards. (They did. HAHA.) My phone rang again and I answered it.

"Hello?"this voice is kinda familiar.

I can't quite grasp.

"Hello? Who's this?"I asked.

"Kim Jaejoong. I thought you had my number?"he said.


"Oh hi! Well, this is the first time you called. I can't quite recognise your voice,"I admitted.

"Really? I thought my number 1 fan could recognise my voice anywhere,"he joked.

"Not when you call on my personal mobile. Its not everyday that Kim Jaejoong calls on his fan. Whats up?"I asked.

"I heard from Eunhyuk tomorrow's your birthday. We were wondering whether you'll like to go out with us to celebrate,"he told me.

"We??"I asked.

"We as in DBSK and Eunhyuk,"he answered.

"Oh, right! I don't know. I'll think about it,"I told him.

"Oh okay! Make sure you tell us by tonight cause we need to get ready our schedule,"he said.

"Sure! Thanks by the way!"I smiled though he couldn't see.

"No problem! Anything for my number 1 fan. See ya around,"he said.

"Bye!"I hung up.

I stared at the tv till it was 2.30pm. I went to my room to grab any clothes and changed. At 3pm, I walked out of my front door and waited for Donghae. He's late, I guess. Its okay. I shall wait. I paced up and down while waiting. Wonder where we'll be going. Its been a long time since he called to ask me out to chit chat. I missed him alot. He's been going with Sunye. They're dating currently. Thats the latest news I got of Donghae. He had called after the movie date they had and told me that he asked Sunye to be his girlfriend. He's happy. And she's lucky. I hope they last long. My phone rang and I answered.

"HHAEMIN?"Sunye shouted.

"Hello? Sunye?"I answered.


"Go where?"I asked.



"Well, Eunhyuk and Sungmin were on the way to the school dance studio when Sungmin's car hit a truck. They're seriously injured!"Sunye explained.

"Which hospital? I'll go over right now!"I told her.

"Seoul Central. Eunhyuk's in Ward 6A, bed 2 and Sungmin is in Ward 12A, bed 1. Donghae's on the way here,"Sunye continued.

"Oh okay! I'll be right there!"I said and hung up.

Eunhyuk?! Car accident!? This is the first time I've heard of him being in a car accident. What am I going to do now? Oh right! Go to the hospital. HOW? I've no car. OH! TAXI!!!! Where do I get a taxi??? Main road! SHUCKS! Its so far. What if something happened to Eunhyuk before I got there?! OH MY GOD! PLEASE WAIT FOR ME!!!!! Where's the nearest road to the main road?! Why must I stay all the way up this stupid hill?!! Oh my! I'm out of breath. Breathe in! Breathe out! Don't want to get an asthma attack now. MAIN ROAD! I'm here! Where's the taxi when I need it????! TAXI!!! IDIOT TAXI!!! HELLO?? I NEED A TAXIII!!!! THIS IS SO ANNOYING!!!! There's one! FLAG!!!

"Please get me to Seoul Central Hospital! QUICKLY!!!!"I shotued at the driver.

He nodded and drove. WHY IS HE DRIVING SO SLOWLY!!! It'll take hours to get there!!! Oh my god!!

"Will you drive faster?? My boyfriend's in serious trouble,"I shouted.

He nodded and drove faster. I relaxed a little and started praying for Eunhyuk. Please please please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't want to lose him again!!!

"I'm sorry, miss, but which way do you want to go by?"he asked.

"Any way. As long as its fast,"I snapped.

He nodded and continued driving. WILL HE DRIVE EVEN FASTER??!! I looked at the dashboard. WHAT!!! HE'S ONLY DRIVING BY 80!!!!

"Will you drive faster, please?!"I snapped.

"I'm sorry but this is the speed limit,"he said.

80's the speed limit!!! SINCE WHEN??!!! CALM DOWN, HAEMIN! Eunhyuk'll be fine. Eunhyuk'll be fine. Eunhyuk'll be fine. Eunhyuk'll be fine. Eunhyuk'll be fine. Nothing will happen to him. Nothing will happen to him. Nothing will happen to him. He'll be okay. He'll be okay. He'll be okay. Breathe in and out. I searched for my inhaler in my bag. Thank god I always bring it out.

"Miss, you're here,"the driver said.

"Thanks so much. Keep the change,"I said and passed him 20 bucks.

I opened the car door and rushed into the building. I ran to the lift lobby and pressed the up button. What is wrong with this lift? WHY IS IT TAKING SO LONG!!! I paced up and down, looking at the lift. The door of one opened and I rushed in. I pressed 6 and punched the door close. WHY IS IT SO SLOWWWWWWWWWWWWW! 1..........................................................2..........................................................3..........................................................4..........................................................5..........................................................
The door slowly creaked open and I ran to the A ward. BED 2!! BED 2!!! WHERE IS BED 2?? THIS HOSPITAL IS TOO BIG!!! I ran to the reception desk.

"Excuse me, where is bed 2??"I asked quickly.

"First door on the right,"the nurse pointed.

"Thanks,"I said quickly before running off.

I ran with all my might to the door and opened it. It banged the wall and I rushed in. I looked in and saw Eunhyuk lying on the bed.

"Eunhyuk,"I exclaimed as I ran to his side to grab his hand.

He opened his eyes to see me. He smiled.

"Are you okay?"I asked.

"Never been better,"Donghae said as he walked in.

"Huh?"I gave him a puzzled look.

Eunhyuk sat up on his bed.

"I wasn't even involved in the car accident. Neither was Sungmin,"Eunhyuk mumbled.

"WHAT!!!!"I exclaimed.

"It was part of my plan to see who you care for more,"Donghae said.


"Donghae suggested this plan of staging a car accident. And since both of us are involved, you'll have to choose to see one of us first. The one that you chose would be the one you love more,"Sungmin said as he walked in.

"I'm so sorry for lying to you,"Sunye looked down.

"I'm so sorry for doing all this but this is for the best,"Donghae said.

I looked at Sungmin.

"Is this what you want?"I asked softly.

"I guess this is it for us,"he smiled.

"I'm sorry,"I looked away.

My tears flowed out. I felt so guilty for doing all this to Sungmin.

"Don't worry. I don't blame you. We were only trying out, remember. This is the promise that I made with you,"Sungmin said as he sat down beside me.

"I'm so sorry for causing all this trouble,"Eunhyuk said as he started to cry.

"No worries! She'll be happier with you. Just treat her properly and invite me to your wedding,"Sungmin smiled.

"You're not upset?"Donghae asked.

He shook his head and smiled.

"The two of them are meant to be. I'm not going to stand in the way. Like I said, we were just trying out. And I knew she'll go back to him so I tried not to love her too much,"Sungmin smiled.

"You're too nice,"Sunye said.

"I'm sure you'll find someone better than me,"I told him.

Sungmin smiled.

"Happy reunion!"he exclaimed.

"YOU'RE SUCH AN IDIOT, YOU KNOW!"I screamed at Donghae.

"Woah! Chill! I was just trying to help out!"Donghae's eyes widened.


"I'm so sorry, babe! But all your troubles are gone now, right?"Donghae came to hug me.

"Don't hug me, idiot! What if Sunye misunderstands!"I pushed him away.

"She won't,"he hugged me tighter.

"I understand the friendship you two share,"Sunye smiled.

"Thats good! No more misunderstandings between my girlfriend and my babe,"Donghae winked.

We all laughed along.

End of Chapter

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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D