It's My Birthday!

8th Of May

My phone rang. It awoke me from my sleep.

"Hello?"I answered grouchily.

"How can the birthday girl still be sleeping ten in the morning?! WAKEY WAKEY!"Sungmin shouted into the phone.

"Why are you even calling me so early in the morning?"I asked.

"Well, its your 21st birthday! You should be happy. You're finally an adult! WHOOPEEDOO!!"Sungmin exclaimed.

"I'm not happy. I hate birthdays,"I told him.

"Aww, must be a horrible experience! Its okay! Sungmin is here to make sure you have a special birthday today though I'm not spending it with you. I'm going to do it by shouting....HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY, KIM HAEMIN!"he shouted.

"HAHAHA, thanks!"I laughed.

"No problem! I'll celebrate with you on another day, okay?"he asked.

"Okay!"I said.

"Alright! Wake up! And enjoy your day! Bye!"Sungmin said.

"Bye!"I said before he hung up.

He made my day. I sat up in bed and stretched. My phone rang again.

"Hello, Min Sunye is here to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!"Sunye shouted.

"Hello! Thanks!!!!"I exclaimed.

"Welcome! I'll pass you your present tomorrow when there's school, alright? Enjoy your day!"Sunye exclaimed.

"Okay! Thanks so much!"I said with a smile though she couldn't see.

"No problem! Gotta go! Enjoy yourself today!"Sunye said.

"Thanks! Bye!"I said.

Sunye hung up the phone and I went to brush my teeth and shower. I went downstairs for breakfast and my parents were already.

"Happy birthday, dear,"my mum smiled awkwardly.

"Happy birthday,"my dad did the same.

Since young, I've never really had a decent birthday party. One of my parents were always missing. That was why I hate birthdays. And they know it and are guilty about it.

"Thanks,"I smiled.

"Happy birthday, Min,"Eunhyuk said as he sat down opposite me.

"Thank you,"I smiled at him.

"Where are you going today?"my mum asked, looking at my dress.

"Going out to celebrate with him,"I nudge my head in the direction of Eunhyuk.

"Oh, anyone else?"my dad asked.

"Nope,"I answered.

Can't possibly tell him I'm also celebrating with DBSK, can I?

"Oh, good!"my parents smiled.

After breakfast, Eunhyuk drove me to DBSK's apartment.

"Here,"Eunhyuk passed me a box.

"For me?"I asked.

"Of course,"he smiled.

"Thanks so much,"I said as I opened the box.

Inside was a scrapbook. I flipped it open. One the first page, he wrote a message.


I turned the page to find a picture of Donghae, Eunhyuk and I when we were 5. Under the pictures, he had written a comment. [The happiest day of my life. I met you.]

Next was a picture of us when we were 6. It was a picture of me graduating from kindergarten. Donghae and Eunhyuk were there to witness it. [The smile on your face brightened up my day. Its the sweetest I've ever seen.]

I turned the page. It was a picture of the three of us when we were 7. Donghae had lost one his front tooth and we took a picture of it for memory's sake. [The day our best friend lost his front tooth. Ours dropped too and turned out white and nice except for yours. Thats why you need braces now. But I still like your geeky smile.]

Next was a picture of us when we were 8. We were at the playground. We were holding candies in our hands. [Candies are sweet. But I think your smile is sweeter than candy. I love you since then.]

A picture of when we were 9. Eunhyuk had started to wear glasses. [I look geeky. But I know you still love me just like I love you.]

A picture of when we were 10. It was taken at my school's ballet concert. I was one of the girls selected to dance. I was in my costume with Donghae and Eunhyuk smiling with beside me. [You were amazing that night. I can still remember you spinning and twirling gracefully.]

We were 11. We were at the playground and smiling. Nothing special. [This may not be a special photo but I think that every photo with you in it is special.]

We were 12 and we graduated from elementary school. Eunhyuk's eyes in it were red from all the crying. He had been so relieved that he didn't get very low grades that he started tearing. My arms were around him, reassuring him. [Thanks for being there when I needed you. Rest assured, I'll do the same for you.]

We were 13. Eunhyuk discovered contact lenses. He grew hotter and we started dating. It was a picture taken on our first date. We were just smiling. [A picture that I treasure alot. Our first date. I'm ever so grateful that you agreed to be my girlfriend. Thank you so much.]

We were 14. On Valentine's day. With our HyukMin necklace round our necks. [HyukMin appears in this scrapbook. Its my prized possession and I know I'll burst into tears if its missing. I love it as much as I love you.]

We were 15. We were more mature looking. We were doing this small little heartshape with our hands. [May our fingers be forever interwined. I love you.]

We were 16. This picture was taken on our graduation night. With Donghae with us. I was wearing a white dress and the two of them in suits. [Happy graduation! You look lovely in your white dress. But I think you'll look better on your wedding day. Hope I'll be beside you that day.]

We were 17. Our first year in College. This picture was of the two of us at prom night. I was wearing a white tube dress with a black belt. Eunhyuk was in a suit as usual. The two of us were smiling at the camera. I had my teeth hidden as they’re crooked. I only got my braces when I was 20. [Our first prom night. I loved how your eyes twinkle under the stars at the fountain. I missed you.]

A picture when we were 18. The year Eunhyuk left. This picture was taken on Valentine’s Day. I was wearing a yellow dress while Eunhyuk was wearing his favourite shirt and black jeans. We were wearing HyukMin. [Our last Valentine’s Day together before I left. May we enjoy V-day together every year from now on. I love you.]

A picture when Eunhyuk was 19. He was alone in his house in America. This picture was in black and white and it’s the kind of artistic photo that photographers like to take. He was staring out the window, his hand was the Min necklace he wore. [I missed you so much, Min. I wished you were there with me.]

A picture of when he was 20. Another artistic photo. He was facing left with his head tilted downwards. He was closing his eyes, tears were streaming down and he was touching the Min necklace. [I really did miss you.]

A picture of us together this year on his birthday. We were smiling at the camera with Donghae inside too. [A picture of us finally grown up. You look cute with your braces. Don’t worry about it. May the three of us stay together forever! Last not but not least, I love you! :)]

“Thanks so much!!”I exclaimed.

“No problem!”Eunhyuk smiled.

We reached their apartment and we got off the car. Eunhyuk led me to a lift and pressed a button.

"I'm sorry that we have to celebrate it indoors but its incovenient to celebrate outside with celebrities,"Eunhyuk said.

"Oh, its okay! I don't mind,"I smiled.

Eunhyuk smiled back and the lift door opened. He led me to a white door and pressed the bell.

"Who's that?"I could hear Changmin from inside.

"Eunhyuk,"Eunhyuk told him.

In an instant, the door swung open and Changmin was standing there and smiling.

"WELCOME!!"he shouted and pulled us in.

We walked in to find Yoochun getting out a wine. Yunho was busy in the kitchen with Junsu. Jaejoong was missing.

"Hey! Where's Jaejoong?"Eunhyuk asked.

"Out shopping. He needs to get more snacks for us,"Junsu told him.

"Make yourself comfortable. We're busy,"Yunho shouted from the kitchen.

"Its not the first time I'm here,"Eunhyuk said.

"But its Haemin's first time. Try to make her feel comfortable, Changmin. I'm busy,"Yoochun said.

"You're only busy with the wine!"Changmin argued.

"Unlike you! Watching tv!"Yoochun shouted back.

"OKAY OKAY!!! Just make sure she feels at home, alright!"Yunho shouted.

"Its okay. I'm fine by myself,"I smiled.

"Don't worry about her,"Eunhyuk said.

The door clicked open and Jaejoong stepped in.

"Oh hi! Happy birthday!"Jaejoong smiled.

"I forgot its her birthday! I was too busy! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"Yunho turned to smile.

"Happy 21st birthday!"Junsu shouted with a smile.

"Happy birthday!"Yoochun smiled.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"Changmin shouted.

"Thank you so much for celebrating it with me,"I bowed my head a little.

"Its okay! Its not everyday that my number 1 fan turns 21,"Jaejoong smiled and sat down with all the snacks.

We then continued watching a cartoon that Changmin insisted we watch. When the clock struck 3pm, Yunho and Junsu came in with all the food.

"We don't really know how to cook so please bare with us,"Junsu smiled.

"Its okay! At least you can cook. I can't even cook,"I told them.

We ate the food and Jaejoong disappeared.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!"Jaejoong sang at a loud volume.

The rest then followed his lead and continued to sing for me. I blew out the candles and cut the cake.

"Thank you so much!"I smiled.

"No problem! We're free today anyway!"Junsu smiled.

"Here! From the five of us,"Changmin held out a present.

"Sorry, we had to share. But there wasn't time for all of us to buy separately,"Yoochun said.

"Nah, its okay! I'm already very happy with you all celebrating my birthday,"I said as I took the gift from Changmin.

"Don't open yet! Open it at home!"Junsu shouted.

"Oh okay!"I smiled.

"So, we're done with the food. What do we do?"Changmin asked.

"LET'S PARTY!!!!"Yunho shouted.

End of Chapter

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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D