
8th Of May

8th of May. Its the most significant date in my calender. Its not my birthday nor my parents. Its just special. Everyday before I go to school, I'll sit on my bed, thinking and rewinding that day and what happened three years ago. I can still remember vividly though. Today's the first day of school and I hate it. I'll always wonder whether the person ,who made 8th of May significant, would come back and erase those ugly memories for me. I would always have high hopes for that person to come back. I should be happy. After all, its a new year. A new beginning with three new year resolutions. My new year resolutions would change every year except for that particular resolution.

This year, I wished that I would graduate smoothly from university. After all, its my last year. Secondly, I wished for all my friends and families to remain healthy. Last but not least, I wished for him to come back.

I'm in my room, as usual. Okay, not my room. The guest room of my house. I've been using the guest room since 8th of May three years ago. My bedroom had too many memories that would remind me of 8th of May and those five years that came along with it. My heart aches whenever I think about it. Anyway, I'm in my room as usual. I'm just lying on my bed, rewinding 8th of May as usual when my mother called me from downstairs. It was time to eat breakfast. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

My parents were having breakfast. I settled down and grab a bread that my mum bought the day before. I was eating and drinking milk at the same time. I got up after breakfast to wear my pumps. I was wearing a white dress with skinny jeans. My favourite combination. A car outside honked its horn and I knew it was time to go to school. I said goodbye to my mum and dad and ran out. The car belonged to Kim Ryeowook. My best friend, along with Kim Kibum. They're not siblings. I got into the car.

"Late again. There's never a time, you'll be standing outside, waiting for us,"Ryeowook complained.

"Drive!"I ordered.

Kibum laughed as Ryeowook shook his head. He drove to school in ten minutes and we got off the car. We walked towards our lecture hall and went in. The people in class didn't need to lift up their heads to know its us. With Ryeowook's whining and Kibum's laughter, everyone would know we've arrived. We are the three famous KIM musketeers. Our surname all starts with Kim, by the way. We sat down at our usual seat and waited for class to start. The door swung open and from the squeals from the girls at the far left, we knew it was our school's Prince Charming who just entered. Lee Sungmin is our university's most popular guy. Sungmin is single. Thats the main reason why we have a fanclub built from scratch just for him.

He's not the only with a fanclub though. Our school's drama king, Kim Heechul has one too and not to mention, our school's best dancer, Lee Donghae. Anyway, back to Sungmin. He walked in and smiled at the girls. Don't get me wrong, he's not trying to flirt. He was just being nice. Sungmin walked and sat right in front of me. I knew he would do that. He wants the seat furthest away from the girls.


This voice belongs to Kim Heechul, of course. He loves making a grand entrance.

"Hi,Sungmin! Hi,Haemin! Hi,Kibum! Hi,Ryeowook!......"

The list goes on as he greets every single one of us.

Heechul finally settled down next to Sungmin and started talking to him. Sungmin,being the nice guy,responded nicely. I really admire him for having such patience. If I were him, I'll just bash Heechul into pieces.

Class started and ended. I shall not elaborate as class is boring! We're in an acting course. The first day of class often consists of us doing admin stuff. We were dismissed in six hours and we walked out of class.

"Are you going home?"Ryeowook asked me.

"Nope. I've dance,"I replied sighing.

"You?"Ryeowook asked Kibum.

"Nope. I've got a date,"he smiles sweetly.

"Sohee,"Ryeowook and I said together.

Kibum nodded and waved goodbye as his girlfriend appeared. Ryeowook then said goodbye to me and walked to his car sadly as there was no one accompanying him. I laughed to myself before turning to my left. I banged straight into someone. I looked up and my heart instantly melt as my eyes locked onto a pair of really charming eyes. I quickly snapped out of my trance.

"Sorry!"I quickly said while bowing.

"Its okay. Going for dance?"Sungmin asked.

I nodded.

"Let's go together,"he replied.

I forgot. He was also in my dance group. My dance group consists of Donghae who also happens to be the leader, Sungmin and I. There were only three of us as we only accept people who can actually dance which is lacking in our school. After all, people who came to our school wanted to study. We walked together to the dance studio. We stepped in and Donghae was already there. I changed and quickly started warming-up. We danced till it was 4pm and we sat down.

"How's class today?"Donghae asked me.

"Boring,"I replied while lying on my back.

"We did admin work today,"Sungmin told him.

"No wonder,"Donghae laughed.

"You going home?"I asked Donghae.

"Sorry, I gotta go get something from my lecturer later on,"Donghae smiled.

"Right. I gotta take the bus home then,"I sighed.

I hate taking the bus home but I have to, since I don't even have a driving license.

"I'll drive you home,"Sungmin offered.

I looked at him.

"Oh, thanks!"I replied and smiled.

"Thanks! I'll repay you by treating you lunch. You free tomorrow?"Donghae asked.

"Yupp,"Sungmin smiled.

"Good. I'll meet you at your lecture hall before lunch. Gotta go! See ya! I love you two!"Donghae shouted and ran off.

"Let's go then,"Sungmin said.

I nodded and grabbed my back. We walked side by side to his car and he drove me home.

"Thanks! See you on Wednesday!"I replied.

There isn't any class tomorrow. THANK GOD! Sungmin smiled and I got off the car. I waved at his car and walked into my house. Inside my 'room', I continued my daily routine of crying while thinking of 8th of May.

End of Chapter


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Congratulations :)
congratulations :D
congratulations! ^^
Chapter 44: Great Story It was AWESOME(:
Congratulations on the random feature! ((:
milkytwilight_ #6
this is very nice, bb ♡
congrats ^^
congratz! :D