One Fine Night

Game Players, Love Players


(A/N: Back to the night when Tiffany and Jessica bumped in the club)





Our supposed to be fun night was cutted off because Jay got obsessed in finding that Krystal girl. Well apparently ‘Krystal’ is the reason why he’s doing photography and he’s very much crazy about her. Speaking of crazy, I can’t imagine how crazy my mind can get, looking at the mirror wearing Jessica’s tops.


“Stupid Jay! This is all your fault.” I want to take the shirt off but for some reason I’m so addicted to its scent. I can recognize my own perfume mixed with Jessica’s. It’s like hmmm she’s hugging……..


“Aaaah what’s up with you Hwang Miyoung!”


I took the shirt off and dumped it into my hamper. I’ll just return it to her next time. I slumped in my bed wanting to rest but my mind is in overdrive. All the times that I’ve encountered Jessica is replaying on my mind.






Fany’s POV


“You don’t understand. I’m sorry it has been an accident.” Jessica walked beside me, so close that I can feel her breath on my face. “I’m sorry that our first kiss is an accident. Never want it to be that way.” She whispered to my ear.


 What she did send shivers through my spine. I didn’t know what happened next. I just found myself outside the room sitting with Yuri and Yoona, Jessica whining over the karaoke being turned off.


“Guitar!!!” I heard her said. Jessica tuned it then cleared . “Ahem I want to dedicate this song to someone I really like.” Not again?! I hope this is not one of her ways to get me. Guess I’ll just have to ignore her.


‘Don't you know that I want to be more than just your friend
Holdin' hands is fine, but I've got better things on my mind
You know it could happen if you'd only see me in a different light
Maybe when we finally get together, you will see that I was right’


Ugh! Why does she have to sing one of my favorites. Before I knew it I was actually enjoying the song. Her voice is really something you can fall in love with. What am I saying? I looked at her and saw that she’s staring at me that way again. I don’t like the feeling her gaze is giving me so I avoided it.



‘Say you love me
You know that it could be nice
If you'd only say you love me
Don't treat me like I was ice, ooh, woo, woo’

‘Please love me
I'll be yours and you'll be mine
If you'd only say you love me, baby  
Things would really work out fine’



I turned my attention to something else because this is getting really awkward. Finally she finished the song. I excused myself to the bathroom to escape.




“This is crazy.  I shouldn’t have followed Yuri here.” I was done fixing myself when I heard a commotion outside. I opened the door and I was surprised to see Jessica and Sooyoung in a liplock.

'Oh my GOD!!!!'

Then the grossest thing happened, Sooyoung puked on her.


“Eeeeeeeewwwww…” I made my way to the living room panting.


'Omo! They kissed!'


End of flashback


*dugeun, dugeun, dugeun


“Ugghhh disgusting. I bet she’s still angry with her.” I turned to my side trying to find some sleep but the things on my study table caught my eyes. Those are the things that Jessica gave me every time she’ll meet me outside our classroom. Supposedly I’m throwing all of them away, but what can I do, they’re all pink!! Pink pens, pencils, stationery, pen/picture holder and pink pillow.







“Hi Tiffany!” for the nth time Jessica is waiting outside the door again. It is funny coz I have a very random schedule now that the semester is almost over. I wonder if Yuri gave her my personal schedule.


“Hi….” I didn’t bother to look at her. I know she’ll be following me anyway.


“Wait Tiff! I just want to give you this.” She held my hand and stopped me from walking.


“Jessica you gave me a lot already!” I said a bit irritated. She doesn’t seem to mind though.


“So? Here.” She handed me the pen/picture holder and I must say it’s damn cute. But I’m quite shocked when I looked at the other side. “I placed my picture beside yours so you can always think of me.” She winked.


‘OMG!’ I literally facepalmed myself out of embarrassment and annoyance.


“Thanks anyway.”


“Remember, if you want to hang out with me I’m available anytime. Please call me.” Good thing this time she did not insist on taking me out for a meal.


“Oh, except Fridays.” What could she probably be doing every Friday?


At home I placed it on my table together with the other things she gave me. Her picture is actually not bad but it is giving me the creeps so I hurriedly looked for my Totoro sticker and put it on top of her picture. There! Better.


End of flashback



“Seriously Tiffany Hwang you should sleep now!” I told myself shutting my eyes, falling to a deep slumber.






I went home happily after my moment with Tiffany. Blessings really come when you least expected it. Kekeke.


“Unnie! You’re spacing out again? Ppali, open the letter already.”


I looked at Yoona and for a while got confused of when she got here. I followed where she’s pointing then I saw the envelope with US mail stamps. It was from my father.


“Ah yeah.” I lazily opened it and read it a loud.


Dear Jessie honey,

      Blah blah blah….Hmmmmmm…Blah blah…ahmmm.


“What?!” I blurted out after reading the letter.


“What? Unnie let me see.” Yoona grabbed the letter from me and read it. “OMG!!!!!!”


“Krystal is coming next month!!!” We both said, Yoona, with pure delight and me, half-worried.





The next morning……


At Tiffany’s apartment.



Hmmm I think this is the best sleep I ever had. I don’t want to wake up yet. Hugging the pillow tighter makes it more addictingly comfortable.


“Hana, dul, set, say cheese!!!” I heard someone said followed by camera clicking and familiar giggling.


Wait, am I still dreaming? I opened my eyes and saw Yuri hovering over me, holding her phone.


“YAH! Are you taking my pictures?” I use the pillow to cover my eyes when a familiar scent greeted me.


“Did you sleep well Fany-ah~~? Puaahahaha!!!”


How did it happen? I looked at Yuri and saw her holding her tummy, laughing so hard.


“Ahhh KkabYul what are you doing here so early?”


“Early? You call 10:30am early? So that’s the effect of sleeping with Jessie, huh?” Yuri said grinning.


I rolled my eyes at her. Apparently Yuri saw Jessica’s shirt in my room and put it on one of my pillows.  


“You’re kidding me.” I threw her the pillow and grab my phone. It is really 10:30. I never woke up late. What’s wrong with me?


“Tsk tsk! The ever strict Tiffany Hwang is waking up late because of a shirt. Hmmm it really smells good though.” I saw Yuri cuddling the pillow and smelling it occasionally.


“Hajima!” I grabbed the pillow from her.


“Okaaaaaay! I understand.” Finally she stopped teasing me. “Jessica is just yours. Hahahahaha!!!”


“Aarrrghhhhh!!! How do you even know its Jessica’s?”


“Well I’m dating her bestfriend! And besides, your reaction gave it all.” She said totally winning this teasing game.


“Ohh are you? Good! You can return it to her after I wash it.” I can imagine how Jessica will react if she returns it. Yuri will be dead. Hehehe.



“Oh no….O_o”


Almost a hiatus for me..sorry for the long wait and a lame chapter.

Hope it is still at par. I'll clear some loopholes next chapter. Thanks for waiting guys!! <3<3


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ImYoona_JessicaJung #1
Chapter 52: YoonYul Please .
Chapter 52: I want JeTi moments more :(
Continue this pleaseee
umpks2004 #3
Chapter 52: hi...please continue this story....
troopers88 #4
Chapter 52: When you continue this story again >/////////<
Mannnnn really miss this story...
Miss yy moments... Sweet moments ...
Please gimme...gimme some..
Chapter 52: my..
just found this story.
YoonYul pleaseee
taengoo_love9 #8
Chapter 20: Oh darn I wanted yoontae T.T but as long as taeyeon gets all dramatic about it, I think it'll be fine :) I don't really like it when they just meet up, yoona tells taeyeon, tae's all cool about it, then they become I just like something dramatic. But this is ur fic. So it doesn't matter what I think really xD I still like yoonyul tho :p especially in hello baby xD
Chapter 52: update soon please... !! I'm starting to forget the story line because it's too long.. btw I will still wait till your next update... ^_^
Chapter 52: Hey long time no update...CHANGE IT! XDD
I'm still hanging in the air with JeTi, where's the love the love the love? <3<3<3
So Yuri finally understands she can't behave like before right? CHANGE IT! XD

Still waiting for MORE JeTi!