
P.L.H vs SNSD *Application Closed* (/|-_-)/|


After the day of the concert, the girls relaxed for the last two weeks and saw the hunger games.  Now they have nerf wars with 6 people on team Cato and 7 people on team Peeta.



Young Sun

Soo Yun


Hye Ri

Eun Ji

Eun Mi



Hyun Mi






Soo Lin


It was a tie between the two teams having 6 wins each from the days before.  Chung- Hee called saying the boys were debuting tonight and they got excited.  So in “support” as Hye Ri would say, they would wear pajamas and put their heads in Pigtails.  Even though it was NOTHING to do with the boys debut.  The girls got excited and tweeted a lot.


“GIRLS WE GOT THE RESULTS ABOUT HOW MUCH MONEY WAS MADE AT THE CONCERT!” Allie yelled and the girls came out from upstairs.


They kept repeating how much, how much, how much.  Chung- Hee turned the paper towards them and it said over 3 billion. (Hey it’s a story so shh). The girls screamed and jumped up and down.  The next morning he was going to donate the money to Africa for families who have been affected by Kony.  They all tweeted about it again and then went to take a nap before they left for the boys debut. 


When the girls woke up from their nap to get ready for the boys debut concert. Chung- Hee walked in looking kind of depressed. “What wrong oppa?” Illumanite asked and he told her to gather all of the girls together.  They all came downstairs and saw how he looked kindof sad.


“ Sadly, not all of you can go see the boys debut tonight.” He said and the girls looked confused. “How come?” Kiomo asked looking concern. “Because Soo Lin, Allie, Illumanite, Eun Ji, and Hye Ri are going to London for an interview.” He said and the girls looked sad. 


“How long are we staying there?” Soo Lin asked. “For a couple of days, but don’t worry, after the rest of you see the boys debut, you will meet with the other five at the hotel. “ He said and the girls seemed to brighten up a bit. The five went to pack since they were to leave to get to the airport in 15 minutes.  The five hugged the rest of the girls and told the boys to give them luck!  The five got into the car with Chung- Hee and went straight to the airport. 


“So who are we going to first in London?” Allie asked wondering.  “Well we are just gonna walk around for tonight. Then the next morning you guys will do radio interviews and then go to Alan Carr: Chatty Man with One Direction.”


“ONE DIRECTION!” Soo Lin and Illumanite said while having a spasm in the car. “Yes, One Direction and then some performances.” He said and the girls got excited. They got to the plan and flew off to London tweeting saying they are going to Britian! The fans in London tweeted back right away being excited.


During the plane ride, Hyun Mi was sending pictures of the boys debut on stage to Chung- Hee.  The girls were watching One Direction videos and talking about how funny they are. Alan Carr tweeted saying that he was excited to see and meet the P.L.H girls tomorrow. Hours later the plane landed and a BUNCH of fans were outside waiting to see P.L.H. “Wow!” Illumanite said as she had her video camera out to film. 


They walked out and their fans were singing In The End. They signed autogrpahs and took pictures with some fans and went straight to the van that was going to bring them to the hotel. A lot of security guards were holding the fans back until the van drove off. The fans ran after the van and Illumanite got it on video. “Oh my goodness!” Hye Ri said while watching the fans chase after the van.  After a couple of minutes the fans stopped running and the ride was peaceful to the hotel. They unpacked and went to go look around Britian for fun.  A bunch of fans were following them around and trying to take pictures of them. 


Soo Lin was thirsty so she went to a nearby Starbucks that was sort of empty.  She waited after she ordered and someone bumped into her spilling their change onto the floor. “I’m sorry.” The voice said and Soo Lin bent down to help the person. “Its fine really” She said and they looked at each other realizing who they both were. “Your Soo Lin from P.L.H right?” He asked and she nodded. “Your Harry from 1D right?” She asked and he nodded.


“ So whats up?” He asked. “Just hanging around this gorgeous place! Your lucky to live here.” She said in amazement and he laughed. “Guess so.  I have to go, the boys are killing me with the texts. See you soon!” He said and walked off. Soo Lin smiled and went to go catch up with the rest.



Hey guys! Sorry the update and short and crappy.


As you can see. I am now a One Directioner. Probably not for long because I got over Josh Hutcherson in five days.  Im jumping person to person on everything!

But for now, I don’t wanna see any hateful comments of 1D or else your character will be threatned.


3 WEEKS OF SCHOOL LEFT FOR ME! Im counting down until Men In Black 3 comes out! Cuz it comes out after I graduate! So that might possibly when the next chapter might come out, or next weekend. 


Peace out Lovey-Doveys!

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cynniiee #1
Chapter 150: im here and there
im everywhere~
Chapter 149: punching the ENTIRE WORLD because today i decided to check up upon this story and was like ???? when i missed another chapter ugh.

i seriously need to clear my subscriptions OTL i keep missing everything :///

and when you mentioned world tour i was suddenly reminded of infinite's ah bbs ;AA; so much songs to perform < 3 and i bet the songs sound wonderful wth the girls singing them c; AHAHA FLAPPY BIRD. my high score is in the 40s. and them talking about their bfs o// wish i had friends like that but life was like NOPE. and they're so nice to their fans ;; and the outfits are all so pretty ;o; wish i had the body to wear them orz. soolin's outfits were all so lovely, i really liked the blue dress < 3 and her swag necklace in the following outfit ha ha ha. and soolin's green hair for army in love..../dies. yes to the dress. and the black dress is really nice as well <3 i like her pink leggings for Do It Like A Dude. and the purple dress afterwards < 3 that's a lot of outfits! o// but they're all really nice c: and so many idols that came to their meet and greet ;o; AND THE LOVEBIRDS.

and for the author's note; maybe you can start a new one? this is letting pretty long with scrolling and you can add in a new layout, etc. but up to you(:

Chapter 149: Love love love this chapter!
Love the clothes, love all the details. Love the cutesy moments at the end.
The tour is starting amazing!
You're doing a great job writing this all out for us to read author-nim!
PLH hwaiting!
cynniiee #4
Chapter 149: wow it was daebak
you did a great job!
i missed you its being a while
well like i always say
author-nim hwaiting
eunmi & kai hwaiting~
P.L.H hwaiting~~~
Oneofakind22 #5
Loved the chapter it was so long and visual as always. The girls put on a great show and outfits are amazing. Happy that all the boyfriends/husbands/fiance's were able to show up which made the girls happy. Can't wait for the rest of the tour Thank you for putting so much time and energy into this chapter:)
Chapter 149: Ohmygoodness this chapter is amazing and all the outfits are amazing as well! Thank you author-nim for writing such a long chapter, it's great. & for the sequel thing, which ever way is easier for you!
Chapter 148: //soolin. okay i am officially going to jump of a boat i swear i bookmarked this to reply to but what is this ;; sorry that you need to keep reminding me to comment, i swear this brain of me just isn't working.

anyway, first of all, the clothes you picked were all really nice, i wish i could wear them but after looking at my body orz. and soolin's nails are really nice...wish i had fingers like that but then again wishful thinking ;;

But Elsa would sleep, eat, or poop so Hyun Mi was fine (lol I guess)
OTL i swear babies are so lucky they don't need to do much (just for that period of time i guess) asdfghjkl. but glad hyunmi's fine ;; and the song lyrics are nice! never heard of the song before (or have i?? time to check) but the lyrics are written nicely c: and glad they got a standing standing ovation, when i did my play at school at the end i swear i felt so happy and motivated asdfghjkl it's these little things that make life easier and happier. and their fans are so sweet, i need friends like that ;; c8

"They honestly changed my friends life, she was close to be done with everything. But once I showed her these girls, they changed her view on life and now she is happier than she has ever been"
asdfghjk this is just so emotional and kpop did really make my friend become happiner in general, i guess, since she now needs to live for comebacks and live streams. o// and glad they're going so well in korea. and hopefully zelo and allie meet each other again soon;;

and again, sorry abut my lack of brain cells and forgetting to comment every now and then;;
Chapter 148: yay congrats to PLH for winning the awards & thank you for the update!
Chapter 148: omg congratz to PLH for winning the awards!

- Soo Yun